- For the episode of Sonic Mania Adventures, see From: A. Rose.

The story's logo.
From the Diary of Amy Rose[1][2] was a pair of short stories published on the now-defunct Archie Comics Sonic the Hedgehog and Sonic Universe blogs, written by Ian Flynn. As with all Archie Sonic blog short stories, both parts are mostly composed of text, but occasionally include reused panels from the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series to relate to the subject. Both stories are presented in-universe as entries from Amy Rose's diary.
The first part takes place sometime between Sonic the Hedgehog #217 and Sonic Universe #21, and details Amy's account of the events of the former issue. It was published on 1 November 2010.
Despite being published afterwards, the second part chronologically takes place before the first, and details events of the Iron Dominion Takeover from Amy's point of view. It takes place sometime between issues #209 and #210 of the main series, and was published on 29 November 2010.
Part one[]
- Okay, so, today wasn't maybe one of my finer moments.
- Nicole picked up an old-style radio transmission asking for help.
- I hadn't heard that kind of signal since the old Knothole days, so I knew it had to be somebody from outside our usual range.
- Then I took a look at a map of the Southern Baronies ('cause you need an idea of where you're going to use a Warp Ring) and hopped over to see what I could do to help.
- I didn't check in with anyone else 'cause . . . well, I'm a Freedom Fighter now, right? I helped keep things under control during the occupation.
- So I figured I could handle it.
- It turns out Snively was in some kind of mech-thing about to raid a chao garden on this REALLY nice estate.
- I teamed up with this adorable little bunny named Cream and we took it down!
- Straight into that estate.
- Which was Cream's house.
- Oh man I still feel stupid.
- I was so embarrassed that I even let Snively get away, so I feel stupider still. ARGH!
- Anyway, Cream and her mom are chilling at my place until Nicole can make a house for them. They took it REALLY well, especially Cream. She's really-really mature for someone her age. Kinda makes me think of Tails.
Part two[]
- Okay, diary. Y'know how I wrote a long time ago how I wondered what it would be like to live like Sonic and the others did early in the war? Yeah. I wonder no more.
- Things happened too quickly to keep up. First Nicole glitches out, then the Legion and Yagyu jerks are all over the place, and then I'm beating the Iron King in the face with my hammer. (Didn't make him any less ugly - HA!)
- But, to be honest, I'm a little shaken. Nicole built us this bunker (oh, she's better now) and so far it's just a cube in the earth. It's dark, it's cold, and the enemy is everywhere above us.
- Worst of all, I know there's people up there who need us, but we can't do anything. Half the team is missing - Nicole said something about a mission abroad? - and the rest of us are overwhelmed. I'm so tired my hand is shaking while I write this, but I'm so worried about everyone up top I can't sleep. So, yeah, diary time.
- How did the others grow up like this? I mean, Sonic is awesome so of course he can handle it. But now I can see why Antoine was afraid all the time, or why Sally snapped on Sonic. This is rough.
- But I'm a Freedom Fighter, and it's my duty to protect everyone. So I'll leave it at that. I've got to recharge and then make up for lost time in the morning.
- Bye for now (and hopefully just "for now,")
- Amy Rose
- ↑ Articles 3 - Archie Sonic Blogs Revived. Google Sites. Archived from the original on 16 October 2020. Retrieved on 6 May 2022.
- ↑ Ian Flynn (1 November 2010). Sonic Universe. Archived from the original on 05 February 2010.