Froggy is a character that appears in the Sonic Prime television series. He is a non-anthropomorphic frog, the No Place counterpart to Froggy, and Catfish's pet and best friend who was created when Sonic shattered the Paradox Prism.
Froggy is a doppelganger of his main universe counterpart. As such, he is a non-anthropomorphic green frog with a round body and four limbs. His limbs are rather thin, and each one has webbed feet with two toes each. He also has a white underbelly, orange stripes around his body, and red dots on his cheeks. He also has medium-large eyes with pale yellow sclera and wide black pupils.
For stereotypical pirate attire, he wears only a black eye-patch.
Sometime before the Paradox Prism incident, Froggy became Catfish's pet frog and along with him, joined Knuckles the Dread and his crew aboard the Angel's Voyage.
Season one[]
Catfish and Froggy were sleeping when Sonic arrived at the Angel Voyage, due to having too many coconuts the other night. On the ship, they and the rest of the crew have parties for multiple days. Froggy seems to enjoy playing music just like his owner Catfish.
Season two[]
Froggy is seen spending time with Catfish, as always. When Dread tells his crew that Sonic betrayed them, Froggy gets angry. Catfish manages to shoot a laser near Sonic upon encountering him later on. The hedgehog is surprised and disappointed that Catfish is also against him. Froggy goes mad and takes control of the cannon. He starts shooting lots of lasers at Sonic.
Season three[]
When the Shatterspaces start to decay, Froggy is stuck in No Place alongside Catfish, Batten and Sails. Sonic and the Roses assist for help and tell everyone to jump to their ship. Froggy easily does it, but waits for a scared Catfish to do so too. Catfish overcomes his fear and jumps, being reunited with his frog friend. Froggy is seen with Catfish at all times going forward, even being present in the war against Nine in The Grim.
- The Kraken's crew
- Batten Rouge
- Black Rose
- Catfish (best friend)
- Knuckles the Dread
- Rusty Rose
- Sails Tails
- Resistance
- Rebel Rouge
- Renegade Knucks
- Froggy (New Yoke City counterpart)
- Denizen 1998
- Squad Commander Red
- Scavengers
- Thorn Rose
- Birdie
- Prim Rouge
- Mangey Tails
- Gnarly Knuckles
- Hangry Cat
- Froggy (Boscage Maze counterpart)
- Shadow the Hedgehog
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- Nine
- Alpha Grim Sonic
- Alpha Grim Amy
- Alpha Grim Rouge
- Alpha Grim Birdie
- Alpha Grim Knuckles
- Chaos Council
- Grim Big
- Grim Troopers