Froggy is a character that appears in the Sonic Prime television series. He is a non-anthropomorphic frog, the New Yoke City counterpart to Froggy and the pet frog of Denizen 1998 who was created when Sonic shattered the Paradox Prism.
Froggy is a doppelganger of his main universe counterpart. As such, he is a non-anthropomorphic green frog with a round body and four limbs. His limbs are rather thin, and each one has webbed feet with two toes each. He also has a white underbelly, orange stripes around his body, and red spots on his cheeks. He also has medium-large eyes with pale yellow sclera and wide black pupils.
For attire, he wears only a tan military cap.
TV series[]
Froggy and Denizen 1998 lived a peaceful life in Green Hill until it was invaded and destroyed by Eggforcers. The remains were paved over by the Chaos Council, transforming the forest into a totalitarian cityscape under their rule.
Season one[]
Froggy was standing on Denizen 1998's head when Sonic the Hedgehog initially mistook Denizen 1998 for Big the Cat. After Sonic inadvertently alerted patrolling Eggforcers, Denizen 1998 quickly fled. Soon after, a Security Drone interrogated Denizen 1998 about the incident before the city was struck by a sudden power outage. While fishing, he spotted Rebel Rouge and Renegade Knucks being thrown out of the city's capital and carried them to safety, joining the Resistance in their fight against the Chaos Council. Froggy was with Denizen 1998 at all these moments.
Season two[]
When Denizen 1998 works with Rebel, Knucks and Sonic into infiltrating the Council's main base, Froggy accompanies him all along.
Season three[]
When the shatterspaces start to collapse and Nine rotates the city, Froggy and Denizen 1998 are seen hanging for dear life. Prim arrives in time to save them. Froggy stays with Denizen at all times. He joins the heroes in the fight against Nine, and bids Sonic and Shadow farewell after the battle when they return to their own world.
- The Kraken's crew
- Black Rose
- Batten Rouge
- Sails Tails
- Knuckles the Dread
- Rusty Rose
- Catfish
- Froggy (No Place counterpart)
- Resistance
- Denizen 1998 (best friend)
- Rebel Rouge
- Renegade Knucks
- Squad Commander Red
- Scavengers
- Thorn Rose
- Birdie
- Prim Rouge
- Hangry Cat
- Mangey Tails
- Gnarly Knuckles
- Froggy (Boscage Maze counterpart)
- Shadow the Hedgehog
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- Nine
- Alpha Grim Sonic
- Alpha Grim Amy
- Alpha Grim Rouge
- Alpha Grim Birdie
- Alpha Grim Knuckles
- Chaos Council
- Eggforcers
- Grim Big
- Grim Troopers
- Security Drone