Froggy is a character that appears in the Sonic Prime television series. He is a non-anthropomorphic frog and the Boscage Maze counterpart to Froggy who was created when Sonic shattered the Paradox Prism.
Froggy is a doppelganger of his main universe counterpart. As such, he is a non-anthropomorphic green frog with a round body and four limbs. His limbs are rather thin, and each one has webbed feet with two toes each. He also has a white underbelly, orange stripes around his body, and red dots on his cheeks. He also has medium-large eyes with pale yellow sclera and wide black pupils.
For attire, he wears only a brown mushroom hat.
Unlike his mainstream counterpart and his other counterparts from the Shatterverse, he wasn't the frog pet of Boscage Maze's Big the Cat, at least, not at the beginning.
Season one[]
When the Scavengers are looking for food with Sonic, Gnarly, Mangey and Hangry find a strawberry and the three start to fight for it, until Froggy eats the berry and leaves.
Later, after Thorn Rose makes amends with the Scavengers, Froggy appears and jumps to Hangry, he picks him up and starts to cry with happiness.
Season two[]
Froggy is seen on top of Hangry's head while all the Scavengers discuss the Council's attack.
Season three[]
Froggy stays with Hangry at all times, even following him to the big battle against Nine in the Grim. When Sonic suggests they all pretend to be defeated, Froggy obeys. He acts dead in a very exaggerated fashion.
- Scavengers
- Shadow the Hedgehog
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- The Kraken's crew
- Knuckles the Dread
- Batten Rouge
- Black Rose
- Sails Tails
- Froggy (No Place counterpart)
- Resistance
- Rebel Rouge
- Renegade Knucks
- Denizen 1998
- Froggy (New Yoke City counterpart)
- Nine
- Alpha Grim Sonic
- Alpha Grim Amy
- Alpha Grim Rouge
- Alpha Grim Birdie
- Alpha Grim Knuckles
- Chaos Council
- Grim Big
- Grim Troopers