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Sonic Wiki Zone
Sonic Wiki Zone

The Emblem[1][2][3] (エンブレム[4] Enburemu?) is an object that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. It is a giant emblem that can be collected to unlock extras.


The Emblems resemble a giant Ring with wings on the sides, much like the winged rings seen on the title screens of the early Sonic games for the Sega Mega Drive. In Sonic Adventure, Sonic Adventure 2, and their respective ports, Sonic's head is seen in the Ring. In Sonic Heroes on the other hand, the Emblems have the Speed, Fly and Power Type symbols on the Ring.

In gameplay, Emblems are collectibles that the player can obtain in order to gauge their progress in their respective games. In addition, collecting Emblems also unlock various unlockable contents in their respective games, such as minigames, playable characters, extra levels or achievements/trophies. However, each of these features a different amount of Emblems to be collected.

Game appearances[]

Sonic Adventure[]

Sonic Adventure DX Emblem

An Emblem in Station Square, from Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut.

In Sonic Adventure and its enhanced port Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut, Emblems are optional items that can be collected. There are a total of one-hundred thirty Emblems in the game. In gameplay, they can be obtained through the following methods:

  • Each Action Stage has three Emblems: one awarded by simply completing it, and two others obtained by completing certain tasks. A total of ninety-six Emblems can be collected in Action Stages.
  • By finding them in the Adventure Fields. Twelve Emblems can be found there.
  • Through Sub Games. With the exception of Icecap and Boss, every Sub Game has two Emblems to collect: one by beating a default high score, and the other by beating the player's own high score. A total of ten Emblems can be collected here.
  • By finishing first in the Jewel Races in the Chao Race. Five Emblems can be collected in total, one per race.
  • By watching each of the credits all the way through. Seven Emblems can be obtained.

The player can see the Emblems they have collected at the "Emblem Results" menu in the Trial mode. While Emblems serve no real purpose in the Dreamcast version of the game, collecting all 130 Emblems in Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut allows the player to use Metal Sonic in Sonic's Action Stages and Sub Games in the Trial mode. Also, in Sonic Adventure DX, collecting Emblems unlocks Sega Game Gear games that can be played in the "Mini Game Collection" menu. The Emblem requirements for unlocking said games are as follows:

Number of Emblems Game unlocked
20 Sonic the Hedgehog
40 Sonic Drift
60 Sonic Chaos
80 Sonic Spinball
100 Sonic Labyrinth
110 Sonic the Hedgehog 2
120 Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine
130 Tails' Skypatrol

Sonic Shuffle[]

In Sonic Shuffle, Emblems are handed out to players at the end of a board as prizes for certain accomplishments, with the player having the most emblems and Rings being declared the winner. They are awarded for the following achievements:

  • Collecting Precioustones (one is awarded for each Precioustone collected)
  • Having the most Rings at the end of the board
  • Winning the Stage Clear mini game at the end of the board
  • Fulfilling the board's quest
  • Winning the most duels (Versus Mode only)

Sonic Adventure 2[]

Sonic Adventure 2 100th emblem

An emblem, from Sonic Adventure 2.

In Sonic Adventure 2 and its enhanced port Sonic Adventure 2: Battle, Emblems are items collected through regular gameplay. There are 180 Emblems in the game. They can be obtained through these methods:

  • Each stage has five Emblems: one for completing it and four from completing the respective stage's missions, one Emblem per mission. A total of 155 Emblems are obtained from stages. A-ranking all of one character's missions or A-ranking all of Cannon's Core's missions will also reward you an Emblem. Seven Emblems in total can be earned through this method.
  • By playing the mini games. Fifteen Emblems can be obtained here: three in the Kart Racing mini-game, three in the Boss Attack mode, four from Chao Karate, and five from Chao Race.
  • By finishing a side of the story. Three Emblems in total are obtained from this method.

The player can see the Emblems they have collected by going to Emblem Results in Extras on the main menu. Emblems can unlock items in the Black Market, such as Chao eggs, Chao accessories and fruit. Collecting all 180 Emblems will also unlock the secret Green Hill stage.

Sonic Heroes[]

In Sonic Heroes, Emblems are collected through regular gameplay. There are a total of 120 Emblems in this game. Unlike its previous appearances, the Emblems have the Speed, Fly, and Power Type logos on the front. Emblems are obtained by completing the stage and doing the Extra Mission, which is as follows for the teams:

  • Team Sonic: Reach the goal within the time limit.
  • Team Dark: Defeat 100 enemies.
  • Team Rose: Collect 200 Rings.
  • Team Chaotix: Collect or destroy all of a specific item within in a stage (usually without being detected by Eggman's robots), destroy a specific type or all enemies, or complete a stealth mission within the time limit.

With every twenty Emblems collected, the player unlocks a mode in the Multiplayer portion of the game. The requirements to unlock these are as follows:

Number of Emblems 2P Mode unlocked
20 Battle
40 Special Stage
60 Ring Race
80 Bobsled Race
100 Quick Race
120 Expert Race

Additionally, if the player has collected all 120 Emblems and have gotten all A Ranks, they will unlock the Super Hard Mode, in which they play as Team Sonic through a much more difficult version of all fourteen stages.


  • In the Tiny Chao Garden, the player's Chao can sometimes say that they found an Emblem and tossed it.




  1. Sonic Adventure (Dreamcast) United States instruction booklet, pg. 10.
  2. Sonic Adventure 2 (Dreamcast) United States instruction booklet, pg. 18.
  3. Sonic Heroes (Nintendo GameCube) United States instruction booklet, pg. 29.
  4. Sonic Adventure (Dreamcast) Japanese instruction booklet, pg. 12.

Main article · Scripts (Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Big, Gamma, Super Sonic) · Story Screens (Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Big, Gamma) · Credits · Glitches · Beta elements · Gallery · Pre-releases (Limited Edition, DX Demo Version) · Re-releases (DX, 2010)

Main article | Script | Staff | Gallery

Main article · Scripts (Hero, Dark, Last) · Staff · Manuals · Glitches · Beta elements · Gallery · Pre-releases (The Trial, Preview, TRIAL Version) · Re-releases (Battle, 2012)
