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Sonic Wiki Zone
Sonic Wiki Zone
Archie Comics Logo
This object exists primarily or exclusively within the Post-Super Genesis Wave continuity.
Information in this article may not be canonical to the storyline of the games or any other Sonic continuity.

The Egg Hawk is an object that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series and its spin-offs published by Archie Comics. It is a hawk-like mech that was created by Dr. Eggman.


The Egg Hawk is an gyrocopter-themed heavily based on a hawk, as the name states. It is mostly red with a yellow beak, neck, rotor on its wings, and claws. It has gray squares on its wings, and an Egg Mobile is located on its head. Guns are located on several places on its body. There are also two machine guns mounted in the talons, and another machine gun is mounted in its mouth.



In the past, the Egg Hawk was used by Neo Metal Sonic (under the disguise of Dr. Eggman) to fight Teams Sonic, Rose, Dark, and Chaotix at Seaside Hill. However, he was defeated in all of these attempts.[1] At some point, the Egg Hawk was sold to Breezie the Hedgehog, who had it hung from a ceiling in Casino Park for display purposes.[2]

See also[]


  1. Sonic Heroes
  2. Sonic the Hedgehog #268, "Champions Part One: The Gang's All Here"

External links[]
