Eddy is a character that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series and its spin-offs published by IDW Publishing. It is a Scrapnik, an amalgamation of Badnik parts and it once served the Eggman Empire. It now resides on Scrapnik Island.
Eddy is a combination of various Badniks. having the head of an Egg Pawn, the claws of a Motobug, the lower half of a Spina, and the feet of a Crabmeat.
After being discarded by Dr. Eggman, Eddy grouped up with its other fellow discarded Eggman robots and began a new civilization on the doctor's abandoned Death Egg with them. As a group, they collectively called themselves the "Scrapniks" and named their new home "Scrapnik Island".
Scrapnik Island[]
Eddy is a robot of free will and has quite a friendly personality, even with the fact that it is mute.