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Sonic Wiki Zone
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Sonic Wiki Zone
This species exists primarily or exclusively within the Sonic the Comic continuity.
Information in this article may not be canonical to the storyline of the games or any other Sonic continuity.

Echidnas are creatures that appear in the Sonic the Comic series published by Fleetway Editions. It is a race of mobians, and most likely the oldest known species on Mobius, having lived on the planet for at least 8,000 years. Having established themselves as the first rulers of Mobius millennia ago, they and their empire would up fighting the Drakon Empire in the Great War, a conflict that led to the disappearance of most of the echidna race.

In the present day, only two known living echidnas still exist on Mobius: Knuckles the Echidna, the guardian of the Floating Island and its Chaos Emeralds, and Dr. Zachary, a villainous misanthrope.




Knuckles, an example of an echidna, from Sonic the Comic #44. Art by Richard Elson.

Echidnas are mobians with humanoid physiques and long spine-like quills that looks like dreadlocks hanging from around their heads. They are also shown to get no more than little over a metre tall when it comes to average height. Other features they all share include peach-skinned muzzles with black noses, wide eyes and tri-crooked tails. In addition, they have fur in different red hues, such as regular red, pink, and orange-peach. However, their fur can also turn completely white from aging, as seen in the case of Dr. Zachary.

Characteristics and culture[]

8,000 years ago, the echidnas of the Echidna Empire wore certain attires and body decorations. The men of the Knuckles Clan sported white, intricate tattoos all over their bodies, especially on their heads, torsos and arms. When it came to attire, the men mostly wore five-fingered gloves, robes in different colours, capes, and sandals with wrapping around them. In addition, some of the men wore necklaces. The male chieftains would wear gloves, sandals and bracelets like the the men as well, but with additional accessories, such as ornaments with feathers and more vibrantly coloured bracelets.

Little is known about the common dress code for female echidnas. If Tikal can be used as a representative for the female echidnas, it can be assumed that female echidnas wore many ornaments and clothes rich with details. Gold necklaces, pendants and other ornaments were a common part of Tikal's attire. Other pieces of attire Tikal wore included a tank top, a patterned skirt and white bandages wrapped tightly around her lower legs, like male echidnas. She also wore blue bracelets, sandals, and five-fingered gloves.

The echidnas seemed to favor Kohenyus as food, prompting them to hunt them, and ultimately cause their extinction.[1]

Powers and abilities[]



Some 8000 years ago, the echidnas were the rulers of a powerful nation known as the Echidna Empire and the first rulers of ancient Mobius.[2] Establishing a technologically advanced civilization based in Megopolis City,[2] the echidnas would hunt Kohenyu for food. However, they ended up dooming the Kohenyus to extinction due to improper hunting tactics.[1]

When the Drakon Empire arrived on Mobius, they took over the echidnas' sacred Emerald Mines to find Emeralds to contain an artificial energy source called chaos energy. Using the echidnas' sacred emeralds, the Chaos Emeralds were created. To keep the Drakons from siphoning the chaos energy into thousands of Emeralds to conquer the galaxy, Pochacamac, leader of the Echidna Empire, led his men against the Drakon and recaptured the Chaos Emeralds, sparking a conflict with the Drakons.[2][3]

Two days after stealing the Chaos Emeralds, Pochacmac and Tikal transported Sonic the Hedgehog, a sworn enemy of the Drakon in the future, to their time to help them fight the Drakons. As the pair arrived in the middle of some echidnas' hunt for a Kohenyu, a Drakon Prosecutor showed up. The echidnas, including Knuckles, fought back against the Prosecutor, but it was only when Sonic stepped up that the Prosecutor was defeated and imprisoned. Afterwards, the echidnas brought Sonic to Megopolis City.[2][4]

While they brought Sonic up to speed, Megopolis City was attacked by the Drakons. Meanwhile, Pochacamac tried to negotiate a peaceful resolution with their Drakon prisoner.[2][4] While the echidnas and Drakons fought inside the city, an accident caused the echidnas' Drakon prisoner to be dowsed in the Chaos Emeralds' energies, turning him into Chaos.[4] Chaos nearly killed Sonic, but Pochacamac was able to send Sonic back to his time while weakening Chaos enough for Knuckles to take care of it. Though the echidnas ultimately drove the Drakons out of Megaopolis City, Pochacamac knew the echidnas had started a war that would determine the fate of their race.[3]

Following the Great War, the Drakons left Mobius without the Chaos Emeralds, but the echidnas had all disappeared and nobody knows what happened to them.[5][6] What the echidnas would leave behind would be the Floating Island - with the echidna capital of Megopolis City, a few Zones such as Sandopolis Zone, the ancient portals to the Special Zone and the Emerald Chamber, where the Chaos Emeralds reside.[5][7][8] The echidnas' main relics are the Chaos Emeralds, the ancient Guardian Robots, and the ancient computer systems that control the Floating Island.[5]


So far, only two known echidnas have remained on Mobius in modern times. One of them is Knuckles the Echidna, one of the ancient echidnas who through means unknown lives in the present as the Guardian of the Chaos Emeralds and has no memory of his past or his lost people, and now awaits their return.[6][9][10] The other is Dr. Zachary, an evil misanthrope who wants to destroy Mobius.[5][6][11][12]

List of known echidnas[]

See also[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Sonic the Comic #70, "The Graveyard, Part 2"
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Sonic the Comic #180, "Prisoner of War!"
  3. 3.0 3.1 Sonic the Comic #182, "War of the Worlds!"
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Sonic the Comic #181, "The Origin of Chaos!"
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Sonic the Comic #65, "The Homecoming, Part 1"
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Sonic the Comic #66, "The Homecoming, Part 2"
  7. Sonic the Comic #47, "Mystery of the Sandopolis Zone, Part 1"
  8. Sonic the Comic #59, "The Revenge of Trogg, Part 1"
  9. Sonic the Summer Special (1994), "Guardian of the Chaos Emeralds"
  10. Sonic the Comic #36, "Power of the Chaos Emeralds, Part 2"
  11. Sonic the Comic #67, "The Homecoming, Part 3"
  12. Sonic the Comic #68, "The Homecoming, Part 4"

External links[]
