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The E-2000s' basic form is a red humanoid/avian robot armed with a powerful energy cannon and a shield. They can also transform into a plane-like shape.
In gameplay, if an E-2000 is attacked, it will hold up its shield so that it cannot be damaged. If the player uses the Tornado Jump against it, it will be temporarily disoriented but cannot be damaged in this state. After a while, it will fire a laser, though this leaves it vulnerable to a counterattack. Another way to get an opening is to use the Thunder Shoot and attack the E-2000 while it is stunned; it is recommended to attack with level 0 or 1, since higher levels mainly deal damage and rarely stun the enemy.
While built to serve as work drones, E-2000s possess a degree of sentience and personality traits. These traits include showing fear and stress moments before being destroyed.[4]
IDW Publishing[]
During their escape from the Eggperial City, Sonic, Tails, and Belle would be pursued by a horde of Badniks, among which was an E-2000. Sonic would later face an E-2000 in combat (possibly the same one from before), and would trick it into blasting several large Motobugs before destroying it himself.[5]
This section requires an expansion.
Powers and abilities[]
As part of the E-Series, the E-2000s are very advanced robots that were designed to advance weaponry.[6] They are armed with a laser cannon on their right arm which allows them to fire a powerful laser shot. They also have a shield on their left hand that lets them block almost any attack.