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This character exists primarily or exclusively within the Pre-Super Genesis Wave continuity.
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Although this article is based on official information, the actual name of the article's subject is pure conjecture, meaning the name is made by the community members instead of the original creators.

Doppelganger Tails is a character that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series and its spin-offs published by Archie Comics. He is a duplicate of Tails created by Mammoth Mogul.


Doppelganger Tails is an exact one-to-one copy of the real Tails, so similar in appearance that no one, not even Sonic or the Doppelganger Tails himself is able to tell.


When Athair showed up at Knothole High School and teleported Tails away on a quest, Mammoth Mogul, unbeknownst to Athair, switched the real Tails with a duplicate during the teleportation process. Mammoth Mogul did this as a means of siphoning power from Tails to sustain himself in his weakened state after being freed by Eggman from the Master Emerald that he was trapped in, which Eggman did as a means of powering up Chaos.[1][2]

Doppelganger Tails would then arrive with Athair, and he would be the one to battle Chaos Knuckles, and during the aftermath of the battle, Merlin and Athair would discover that this Tails was a fake, but chose to keep this secret between themselves for the time being.[3]

Tails would remain in Mammoth Mogul’s hands for many months to come. In the meanwhile, Doppelganger Tails would go on to live the life of Tails as if nothing had happened, including helping out the Knothole Freedom Fighters like the real Tails would. This included battling the children of Uma Arachnis when they tried to take the Sword of Acorns, stopping the nuclear attack from Station Square that was aimed at Robotropolis, and dealing with the revived, original Dr. Robotnik.[4][5][6]

Eventually, the Doppelganger Tails started seeing the same nightmare over and over again every night, that of a rainy day where he was being beckoned to enter a cave. The Doppelganger Tails told Sonic of his nightmares, and the two went back to sleep. During the same night, Sonic then woke up again and saw the Doppelganger Tails using the Tornado to fly somewhere, to which Sonic chose to follow him. The Doppelganger Tails then came to a cave, and when Sonic caught up with him, the Doppelganger Tails told Sonic he has no idea how he found this cave, but that he somehow knew that it was the one from his dream.[7]

The two friends entered the cave, only to come across the real Tails in his Turbo Tails form, trapped in an energy bubble. It was then that Mammoth Mogul revealed himself to the two, and explained his reasoning as to why he created Doppelganger Tails and why he kidnapped the original Tails.

Sonic and Doppelganger Tails then fought Mammoth Mogul, weakening his hold on the real Tails, eventually causing him to drop out of the energy bubble, which also caused Mammoth Mogul to disappear. The Doppelganger Tails soon began to disappear as well, telling Sonic that he would never forget him right before he did so.


Doppelganger Tails had the exact same personality as the real Tails, to the extent that no one in his life, not even Sonic, could pick up on this.

Powers and abilities[]

Doppelganger Tails had the exact same abilities as Tails, including being able to fly with his tails, knowing how to pilot a plane, and being a skilled mechanic. The Doppelganger Tails was even able to utilize the same Turbo Tails transformation that the original could use, using it to battle against Chaos Knuckles.





  1. Sonic the Hedgehog #79, "The Chaos Factor"
  2. Sonic the Hedgehog #148, "Tails Destiny’s Child"
  3. Sonic the Hedgehog #97, "To The Brink"
  4. Sonic the Hedgehog #108, "Robotnik x 2 = Trouble"
  5. Sonic the Hedgehog #110 - "Station Square Attacks!"
  6. Sonic the Hedgehog #111, "Kids of the Spider Woman"
  7. Sonic the Hedgehog #114, "Twice Told Tails"