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Archie Comics Logo
This character exists primarily or exclusively within the Pre-Super Genesis Wave continuity.
Information in this article may not be canonical to the storyline of the games or any other Sonic continuity.

My name is Doctor J. Kintobor, I'm the ruler of Kintopolis, the city you just saved...

— Dr. J. Kintobor, Sonic Super Special #12

Doctor J. Kintobor is a character that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series and its spin-offs published by Archie Comics. He is the counterpart of Dr. Ivo Robotnik from an alternate Zone, and the ruler of Kintopolis.


Dr. J. Kintobor's appearance is the nearly the same as that of Dr. Eggman from Mobius Prime. He is rotund in figure, with a bald, dome-shaped head and no visible neck. He also has a pointed nose and a bushy mahogany moustache. He is as well somewhat tall and burly, and has long, almost disproportionately thin arms and legs.

For attire, Kintobor wears tinted pince-nez glasses and gray goggles as headwear. He also wears a elegant, white coat sporting two square metal buttons on both sides of the chest in gold. These buttons have red straps that run across the coat's sides to identical buttons on the back. The coat also has red, zipper-like linings down the back, arms, and front, yellow cuffs, and two extensions on the front that have large red buttons. In addition, Kintobor also wears white, cuffless gloves on his hands and a pair of black pants with matching boots seemingly attached to them bearing circular plates on the both sides of the ankles and three square ones riding up the shin.[1]



In an attempt to harness the Chaotomic energy of the Chaos Emerald, Kintobor performed experiments on Knothole Island. However, the experiment resulted in unexpected radioactive fallout, which mutated the local wildlife (the alternate Mobius's versions of mobians) into giant, kaiju-like monsters. In hopes of stopping this threat, Kintobor developed a roboticization virus that would turn the creatures into immobile robots. Dr. Kintobor succeeded with his Mobius' version of Charles Hedgehog. Over time however, the creatures began developing an immunity to the virus, resulting in the cyborg Rabbot-Zilla.[1]

Zone Wars: Giant Robotno[]

Archie Sonic - Dr. J

Dr. J. Kintobor thanking Sonic for his actions, from Sonic Super Special #12.

Miraculously, Sonic the Hedgehog, who had been brought by Zonic the Zone Cop, defeated Rabbot-Zilla during one of her rampages. Afterwards, Kintobor modified the Giant Robotno battle machine to run on Sonic's speed, allowing the hedgehog to use it to retrieve a Chaos Emerald that Kintobor needed to power his other machines. He also expressed great remorse at the news of what his counterpart in Sonic's universe, Dr. Robotnik, had done. After Sonic successfully obtained the Chaos Emerald, Kintobor used it to build the protector of Kintopolis after Sonic's image. However, before he could ask Sonic what his name was, the hedgehog was taken back to the Prime Zone by Zonic.[1]




  • Dr. Kintobor's surname is Robotnik backwards.
  • Despite technically being an alternate counterpart of Dr. Ivo Robotnik, Dr. J. Kintobor's design resembles that of Dr. Eggman following his shift into a second robotic body.

See also[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Sonic Super Special #12, "Zone Wars: Giant Robotno"

External links[]
