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Sonic Wiki Zone
Sonic Wiki Zone

Dark Omochao is an attack used by the Dark Chao Walker in Sonic Adventure 2: Battle. When using this technique, the Dark Chao Walker fires a projectile at its opponent. It is the equivalent of Tails' Propeller Punch and Dr. Eggman's Punch.


When performing Dark Omochao, the Dark Chao Walker releases a duplicate of Omochao (the difference being that it is red and black in color) from its front and fires it at an opponent.

The Dark Omochao can only be performed in the games' two-player mode when playing as the Dark Chao Walker. In gameplay, Dark Omochao can deal significant damage to an opponent. To use in gameplay, the player has to press the Action Button when an enemy is in front of the Dark Chao Walker.

See also[]

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