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Sonic Wiki Zone
Sonic Wiki Zone
Sonic Wiki Zone
This character exists primarily or exclusively within the Sonic the Comic continuity.
Information in this article may not be canonical to the storyline of the games or any other Sonic continuity.

The Crawl is a character that appears in the Sonic the Comic series published by Fleetway Editions. It is a Badnik variant created by Dr. Ivo Robotnik.


Crawl STC 1

The Crawl. Art by Roberto Corona.

The Crawls have a rotund torso with a vent on their belly and a neckless red head with insectoid mandibles and two large eyes. Possessing short limbs, they have a crab-like pincer on one arm while the other wields a red Bumper shield with a dark center and yellow star in it. The details in their coloration often varies.


Enter the Cybernik[]

A single Crawl was once sent along with other Badniks to attack the Emerald Hill Zone, but was quickly destroyed by Shortfuse the Cybernik before it did any damage.[1]

The Great Escape![]

Later, Sonic the Hedgehog disguised himself as a Crawl in order to successfully access a Badnik Processing Plant along with the other Freedom Fighters.[2][3]

The Seven Badniks[]

Another time, a Crawl faced Sonic and Tails in the Hill Top Zone, but ended up in a lava pool.[4]


See also[]


  1. Sonic the Comic #46, "Enter the Cybernik, Part 2"
  2. Sonic the Comic #55, "The Great Escape!, Part 1"
  3. Sonic the Comic #56, "The Great Escape!, Part 2"
  4. Sonic the Comic #59, "The Seven Badniks, Part 1"