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Cosmic Crisis (transcript)
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This is the transcript of the Sonic X episode, "Cosmic Crisis".

[As the Master Emerald pulsates with energy, a letter can be seen on Chris' desk.]
Chris: Dear Mom and Dad and everybody... I'm sorry to leave without saying goodbye. I knew if I said anything, you'd try and stop me from traveling to Sonic's world.
[Chris is standing in front of his powered-up portal.]
Chris: It's very important to me, so I hope you'll understand. Don't worry. I'll be fine. And... I'll be back. I'll miss you all. Mom and Dad, Grandpa, Danny, Frances and Helen. I love you. --Chris P.S.: I'll tell Sonic and the others you said hello.
[The portal consumes Chris, then vanishes. Everyone gathered around the Master Emerald watch as a figure appears within the Emerald.]
Knuckles and Sonic: Hey, that's Chris!
Chris: [To himself] It... worked! I... did it! I actually did it!
[He sees Sonic]
Chris: Sonic!
[Suddenly Chris falls to the ground. He catches himself, but sees in horror that his lab coat is now too big for him. To his horror, he realizes he is now back in his twelve-year-old body.]

[The opening theme plays.]

[Scene: Angel Island]

Chris: What's going on? What's with my clothes? Did I shrink or something?
[As the Master Emerald's glow dies down, Chris looks over the sleeves of his lab coat, which is now too big for him.]
Tails: Great to see ya, Chris!
Chris: [Stands up] Tails, it's you!
[Cream and Amy also approach.]
Cream: We really missed you!
Amy: It's about time you showed up!
[She playfully nudges Chris.]
Chris: Hey, Amy!
Knuckles: It's good to see ya!
[Everyone except Sonic and Cosmo are excitedly surrounding Chris and all talking at once.]
Chris: Hey, one at a time.
Cosmo: [To Sonic] Sonic, who is that boy?
Sonic: He's my friend.
[Chris overhears, and is overwhelmed in gratitude that Sonic still remembers him.]
Chris: Hi, Sonic.
Sonic: How ya doin', pal?
[Chris carefully approaches Sonic, trying not to trip on his giant clothes.]
Chris: Sonic, I can't believe I'm really here. It's been a long time coming.
Sonic: I knew you'd get here sooner or later, buddy.
Chris: You haven't changed a bit. Come to think of it...
[Chris looks over at Sonic's friends.]
Chris: ...none of you have.
Sonic: Doesn't look like you changed much, either, 'cept for the baggy clothes. Is that some new style or somethin'?
[Chris holds up his oversized sleeves.]
Chris: No! I-I don't know what's going on!
[Sonic collapses.]
Chris: Sonic!
[Chris bends down over Sonic as the others gather round them.]
Amy: Sonic, what's wrong?
[Cosmo covers her mouth in shock.]
Cream: What happened?
Knuckles: Say something!
Amy: Why isn't he waking up?
[Tails feels Sonic's forehead.]
Tails: He's okay. I think he's just exhausted.
Knuckles: Yeah, I guess he still has to recover from that battle.
Chris: Sonic got injured in a battle?

[Scene Change: Cream's house]

[Vanilla is putting Sonic to bed.]
Vanilla: You rest now, Sonic.
[Chris is in the bathroom, looking over his new body. Later on, everyone gathers in the living room, where Cosmo is recalling the events of earlier that day.]
Cosmo: Your friend Sonic was fighting against a Metarex.
Amy: A Metarex?
Cosmo: I don't know how many there are, but they've been attacking planets all over the galaxy.
[Several shots are shown of many Seedrians running from the Metarex, whom have destroyed many civilizations.]
Cosmo: Their goal is to unify all the planets under one absolute rule.
Knuckles: Let me guess... their rule.
[A shot is shown of several Metarex Fighters in space.]
Cosmo: That's right. They've already extinguished so many planets.
Amy: What do you mean, "extinguished"?
[A shot is shown of a Metarex stealing a Planet Egg.]
Cosmo: The Metarex don't just conquer planets. They take the Planet Eggs.
Knuckles: What?
Cosmo: The Planet Eggs are like the hearts of planets.
[A shot is shown of many planets dying as a result of having their Planet Eggs stolen.]
Cosmo: Without them, planets lose their power to nurture and sustain life. They become just cold, barren rocks drifting through space.
[The shots end.]
Cosmo: And now that they've taken your Planet Egg, your world will soon wither away, just like the others have.
Amy: Our planet will die?
Cosmo: [Nods] That's right.
Knuckles: Excuse my asking, but how do we know you're not on their side?
Cosmo: Because I'm not! The Metarex are vicious, and they'll wipe out anything that gets in their way. I am not with them; you have to believe me!
Knuckles: I wish I could.
Chris: At least let's hear her out.
Cosmo: I came her so that what happened to me might not happen to all of you. My planet is gone. Everyone I loved -- my family, my friends, are...
[Tears surround her eyes, and she buries her face in her hands.]
Cosmo: Everything... everything is gone!
[Later, Chris shuts the door to Sonic's room. He turns to Tails and Amy, who have also left the room.]
Chris: She's calmed down a little. I think she'll be okay.
Amy: I can't believe that Knuckles was giving that poor thing such a hard time.
Tails: I can't believe you built a teleporting machine in only six months!
Chris: [Shocked] Only six months?! [Blushes] No wonder you all look exactly as I remember you.
Tails: [To Amy] Chris is acting kinda funny, Amy.
Amy: [To Tails] Don't forget: he's human.
Chris: Back home, it's been six years since I saw you! But I guess I still have a lot to learn about teleportation...
Tails: If it's been six years, how come you still look the same?
Chris: [Shrugs] I'm just as confused as you are, Tails.
Amy: [Giggles] We'll figure it out.
[Amy opens the door to Sonic's room, only to find that the bed is empty.]
Amy: Sonic's gone!
Tails: Oh no!
[Chris runs to the window, followed by Amy and Tails. Amy looks at Sonic's empty bed.]
Chris: He must have gone out the window!
Amy: He doesn't even say goodbye!
Tails: That's Sonic for ya. No matter what, he just takes off. He can't even stay still when he's passed out.
Chris: I'm just glad he's OK.

[Scene Change: Outside]

[Sonic runs through the Mobian countryside and scales a tall mountain. He looks down at the area where yesterday's battle occurred.]
Sonic: That's weird... There's no wind.

[Scene Change: Angel Island]

[Knuckles is looking at the Master Emerald.]
Knuckles: Something's not right. I don't trust that Cosmo.
Rouge: [Off-screen] So, is it true, Knuckles?
[Knuckles turns around to see Rouge float down.]
Knuckles: Is what true, Rouge?
Rouge: A little birdie told me that all seven Chaos Emeralds are gone.
Knuckles: [Raises eyebrows] It's true. Sonic thought it'd be a good idea to scatter them into space.
[He turns round, and does not see Rouge fly away.]
Knuckles: And not only that, but Chris teleported here from his world somehow. Things are crazy here! A Metarex attacks, then Cosmo--
[Only then does he realize Rouge is gone.]
Rouge: See you around, Knuckie!
Knuckles: Hey! Rouge! Come back here! You've got a lot of nerve flying off while I'm still talking!
[Rouge is already flying off the island.]
Knuckles: Rouge!

[Scene Change: Cream's house]

[Vanilla holds up a shirt in front of Chris. It perfectly resembles the shirt he wore as a boy.]
Vanilla: These should fit a little better. They're like your old clothes, aren't they?
Chris: They sure are. Thanks. [Rubs behind head; to himself] Man, this is embarrassing...

[Scene Change: Outside Cream's house]

[While Cream is playing with Cheese, Cosmo is admiring the sky.]
Cosmo: Such a pretty place...
Cream: I'm glad you like it! Our planet's great. Maybe you can learn to love it here.
Cosmo: Maybe...
Cheese: Chao-chao-chao!
Cosmo: [To herself] She doesn't understand.
[Tails and Amy can be seen bringing tea to Chris and Vanilla as Chris puts on his new shirt.]
Cosmo: [To herself] Without the planet Egg... her planet cannot survive. [Out loud] You know, Cream, if we don't get the Planet Egg back...
Cream: [Off-screen] We will.
[Cosmo turns to see Cream looking at her.]
Cream: We've got Sonic on our side. He'll make everything okay.
Cheese: Chao chao!
Cosmo: But Cream, Sonic isn't strong without the Chaos Emeralds.
[Sonic immediately shows up.]
Sonic: Well, then I guess we'll go have to find 'em.
Cosmo: [Blinks] I wish you had them now.
Sonic: Maybe there was something I could have done instead of sending the Chaos Emeralds away. But it seemed like a good idea at the time.
[There is a flashback to last night, when Super Sonic scattered the Chaos Emeralds.]
Super Sonic: Chaos Control!
[Sonic uses Chaos Control to scatter the Chaos Emeralds across the galaxy. This causes him to relinquish his Super ability and plummet to Mobius as the flashback ends.]
Sonic: At least he didn't get the Emeralds.
[The door opens, and Tails, Amy, and Chris walk outside.]
Tails: You must have been pretty wiped out after fighting that thing.
Sonic: I was. When I transformed into Super Sonic and I thought it would be a cinch, but boy, was I wrong!
Cosmo: Sonic, listen. The Metarex are extremely powerful. They've traveled through space and taken every Egg from every planet they've encountered.
Sonic: There's nothin' to worry about as long as Sonic's on the scene, Cosmo! We'll get all the Planet Eggs back! I promise!
Amy: A dangerous quest in outer space! Could anything be more romantic?
Cream: [Stands up] Cheese and I wouldn't miss an adventure like this!
Tails: You can count me in, Sonic!
Chris: I want to go too! I've been waiting six years to have another adventure with you!
Sonic: Great, then it's settled! We're going into outer space!
[He points to the sky.]

[Scene Change: Tails' Workshop]

[The group move down the stairs into Tails' workshop.]
Chris: Tails, to go into space, won't we need a spaceship?
[Tails presses a button, turning on the overhead lights.]
Tails: Ta-daa!
[The light reveals a huge spaceship built by Tails. Sonic gives an impressed whistle.]
Cream and Amy: It's so big!
Tails: It's a multi-purpose fully mobile flying fortress! I call it the Blue Typhoon, and with a few quick adjustments, we can even fly into space! Only...
Chris: Only what?
Tails: I was planning on using the Chaos Emeralds as the power source. Now what are we gonna use?
[Chris points to something above him.]
Chris: I know what we can use!

[Scene Change: Angel Island]

[Knuckles is searching for Rouge]
Knuckles: I shouldn't have told that batty Rouge anything.
[He sees a mountain and lake in front of him and is shocked.]
Knuckles: Oh no!
[He turns around to see that the Master Emerald is gone.]
Knuckles: The Master Emerald's gone!

[Scene Change: Tails' Workshop]

[Chris is seated in a chair, carefully loading the Master Emerald into position. Tails supervises from the cockpit of the Blue Typhoon.]
Tails: The readings look good, Chris.
Chris: The Master Emerald oughta give us enough power to go interstellar!
[The group turns to see an angry Knuckles run in.]
Knuckles: What's the idea?!
Sonic: We're gonna borrow your Master Emerald for a little while.
Knuckles: No way! It goes back where it was!
Amy: But we need it to go into outer space.
Knuckles: [Incredulous] Outer space?
Cosmo: We have to find the seven Chaos Emeralds so we have enough power to defeat Metarex.
Cream: We're going to travel across the galaxy, battle Metarex and save planets! Doesn't it sound like the best adventure ever?
Knuckles: It sounds just peachy. [to Sonic] Now gimme back that Emerald, Sonic, or I'll come up there and take it!
[Cream shakes in fury]
Cream: Listen to you! You should be ashamed!
Cosmo: The fate of the entire galaxy is at stake!
[Knuckles cowers back as Amy approaches him holding her hammer.]
Amy: But if you won't listen to reason... maybe I could knock some reason into you. It'd be a pleasure.
[Her eye twinkles dangerously.]
Knuckles: H-Hey, let's calm down...
[Amy inches forward again. Then the three girls begin aggravating the poor echidna.]
Knuckles: [Panicking] Sonic, please help me!
Sonic: I'd like to, but I don't get involved in fights I can't win. You're on your own.
[A montage begins of the group working on the Typhoon. Chris, Tails, and Amy inspect the engine. Then, Tails shows the Typhoon's blueprints to Sonic.]
Tails: ...See, if I take these wires, and attach them to the transformer which connects the Master Emerald...
[Sonic nods. Knuckles is seen carrying many supplies. Sonic runs by with an equal amount of parts.]

[Scene Change: The Blue Typhoon - Cockpit.]

[Tails and Chris are looking over the controls.]
Tails: Chris, I'm sorry our planet got invaded right when you came to visit us.
Chris: [Shakes head] Are you kidding? Don't be! I haven't been this excited in years. And now that I'm older, I can finally be of some use to you guys! [Beams]
[He types on a keyboard.]
Chris: So is the initial take off sequence ready? Prepare to activate the Master Emerald!
Tails: [Beams] This reminds me of our times back in Station Square.
Chris: We should load this ship with lots of cool gadgets. That way, when I tell Grandpa about it, he'll get really jealous!
Tails: Sounds good to me!

[Scene Change: The space above Mobius]

[The Metarex that fought against Sonic in the previous episode broadcasts a message to a new Metarex known as Metarex Spike, who is approaching Mobius.]
???: [Over radio] Do not let them leave the planet. Stop the development of the spacecraft and destroy them.
[Metarex Spike enters the atmosphere.]

[Scene Change: Green Hill]

[Amy, Cream, and Cheese are carefully bringing food supplies towards the Typhoon.]
Amy: This should be the last of the supplies we have to haul from home. Of course, now we have to load everything onto the ship.
Cream: I can hardly believe it. Pretty soon we'll be taking off and speeding through--
[They turn to see Cosmo sitting alone on a tree stump.]
Cream: Hi, Cosmo.
[Cosmo looks up as Cream places her bags down.]
Cream: Would you mind carrying these downhill, please?
[Cosmo looks startled, but stands up anyway.]
Cosmo: Oh, OK.
[She struggles to pick up the bags.]
Cream: Are you sure you can handle it?
Cosmo: I got it.
[She hurriedly picks up the supplies, but find them too heavy. Their weight causes her to stumble, drop them, and roll down the hill. Cream covers her mouth.]
Cream: She doesn't have it!
[The food is spilled all over the ground.]
Cosmo: I'm okay...
Cream: Cosmo!
[Amy and Cream rush over to her.]
Amy: Are you alright?
Cosmo: [Sits up] I think so...
[The sun is blotted out for the briefest moment. Knowing what is happening, Cosmo's lips quiver in absolute fright. An object flies over them, and an explosion can be seen in the distance.]
Cosmo: A Metarex...
[Metarex Spike picks itself up, having survived the rough landing.]
Metarex Spike: Following Directive Number 1: Destroy the enemy spacecraft.
[Metarex Spike attempts to blast Tails' workshop with its hands, but misses.]
Metarex Spike: Adjust firing error. 296 tangent 8.
[Metarex Spike tilts its hands slightly to the right, and is about to fire again, but Sonic buzzes right past it and bounces off of its head, distracting it. Knuckles leaps into the fray and tackles Metarex Spike into the ground. Even though Metarex Spike is embedded in the ground, it is not defenseless. A golden sword materializes in its exposed hand, and Metarex Spike uses it to slice a nearby tree.]
Knuckles: I don't think we're gonna stop that thing this way!
Sonic: You're right, but we gotta try!
[Metarex Spike stands up and points its sword at the duo.]
Metarex Spike: It is futile for you to oppose us. You are never going to leave this planet alive.

[Scene Change: The Blue Typhoon - Bridge]

[It is revealed that the Typhoon is now out in the open. Tails and Chris watch the fight.]
Chris: There's no time. What's our status?
[Tails rushes to his seat and types on a keyboard, bringing up some diagrams.]
Tails: I still have a few adjustments to make, but we can work on those in the air, so I guess we're ready.
Chris: Let's go.
[They both nod.]

[Scene Change: Green Hill]

[Amy is speaking to Tails via wrist communicator.]
Amy: [On communicator] You're ready? We're leaving now?
Tails: [Over communicator] Soon, but we have to activate the Master Emerald first, so we need Knuckles. [Rubs behind head] Would you mind finding him for me?
[Amy closes her communicator.]
Amy: The time's almost here! Cream, go find Knuckles and tell him that Tails needs him on the ship. Cosmo, you come with me and help me get the supplies aboard.
Cosmo: [Worried] What's going on?
Amy: [Grim] Tails is almost ready to power up his new ship, and he needs Knuckles to activate the Master Emerald.
[Cosmo and Cream are surprised.]

[Scene Change]

[Sonic dodges Metarex Spike's hand as it pounds the ground, then slices a tree in half.]
Sonic: Hey! Up here!
[Sonic dodges Metarex Spike's hand as it pounds the ground, then slices a tree in half.]
Knuckles: Huh? Hey, I think I finally stopped him.
[Suddenly metal objects protrude from the fifteen holes in its chest.]
Sonic: I don't think so!
[The metal objects are spike missiles that are launched at Sonic and Knuckles. The two heroes leap atop the missiles, directing them away from themselves. Sonic looks back in horror that the missiles are headed straight towards the Blue Typhoon.]

[Scene Change: The Blue Typhoon - Bridge]

[Tails presses a few buttons that warm up the engines.]
Tails: Radar system activated!
[He looks to his right and screams as the fifteen missiles are speeding towards the bridge.]

[Scene Change: Green Hill]

[Sonic immediately blazes through the missiles, saving Tails.]
Sonic: It stinks to get blasted out of the sky before we left the ground!
[One of the stray missiles explodes behind Sonic. He looks up to see Metarex Spike approaching. It fires its finger lasers and razes the forest near the Typhoon. Fortunately, Knuckles is there to run circles around Metarex Spike, causing it to fall into a sinkhole.]
Knuckles: Happy landing, pal!
Cream: [Off-screen] Knuckles!
[Knuckles looks up to see Cream flying at a distance.]
Cream: Tails needs you on the ship! He plans to beat the Metarex!
Knuckles: I just did!
[Suddenly Metarex Spike starts to stand up. It takes a swipe at Knuckles, who dodges. Sonic stomps it back into the hole, but it stands up again.]
Sonic: Go on, Knuckles. I got this guy!

[Scene Change: Tails' Workshop]

[Amy and Cosmo put down the food just outside the cargo bay of the Typhoon.]
Amy: You know, Cosmo, you might want to carry more than one at a time.
Cosmo: Right.
[Cosmo tries to load the pack on her back into the Typhoon, but its heavy weight causes her to fall.]
Amy: [Waves hand; Amused] Why don't you just take it easy.

[Scene Change: The Blue Typhoon - Bridge]

[Tails looks at the holo-monitor, then presses two buttons.]
Tails: The main engine's ready.
[He presses another button.]
Tails: Connecting to the Master Emerald! You copy?

[Scene Change: The Blue Typhoon - Control room]

[One of the readings on the dash in front of Chris rises.]
Chris: Main engine now connected to the Master Emerald.
[The engines begin to warm up.]

[Scene Change: The Blue Typhoon - Engine room]

[Knuckles stands behind the Master Emerald as it glows brightly.]
Knuckles: The seven Chaos Emeralds are the servers. Our hearts intensify their power. The controller serves to unify the chaos!
[Knuckles extends his hands higher.]
Knuckles: We need your great power to find the Chaos Emerald!

[Scene Change: The Blue Typhoon - Control room]

Chris: Ignition!
[The engine roars to life, and the turbines spin.]
Chris: OK. The engine's fired up!

[Scene Change: Cream's house]

[Vanilla is knitting. Cream opens the door.]
Cream: Mother?
[Vanilla looks up as Cream approaches.]
Cream: Mother, would it be all right if I go out into space with everybody?
Vanilla: You mean on that nice spaceship that Tails built? Sure, sweetie. Just don't touch any buttons.
Cream: Thanks, Mother!
[They hug.]
Vanilla: Cream...
Cream: [To Herself] Goodbye, Mother... Goodbye.

[Scene Change: Green Hill]

[Sonic lands several hits on Metarex Spike, but the giant Metarex warrior lands unscathed in front of him.]
Tails: [Off-screen] Hurry it up, guys...
[Sonic turns to see that it was Tails' voice coming from behind him in the Typhoon.]
Sonic: Huh?
[The ground rumbles as the Typhoon prepares to launch.]

[Scene Change: The Blue Typhoon - Bridge]

Tails: The acceleration thruster's almost charged!
[Several meters increase.]
Tails: Take off time.

[Scene Change: Green Hill]

[The ground collapses as the Blue Typhoon begins to rise.]
Metarex Spike: You are doomed.
[Metarex Spike fires fifteen more missiles from its chest.]
Sonic: Great.
[He spins after the missiles, destroys them all, and lands on the hull of the craft before smugly rubbing under his nose.]
Sonic: It's been fun, but we have to be runnin' along now!

[Scene Change: The Blue Typhoon - Engine room]

Knuckles: Master Emerald, we need you! Release the power of Chaps to us!

[Scene Change: The Blue Typhoon - Control room]

Chris: We're almost there. 80... 90... 95... The chamber's energy supply is at full capacity.

[Scene Change: Outside]

[Sonic watches as Metarex Spike flies towards them.]
Tails: [Over Loudspeaker] Sonic, we're gonna use the main cannon! Stand by!
[The ship's runway folds back, and a giant cannon emerges.]

[Scene Change: The Blue Typhoon - Engine room]

[The ship's energy is diverted to the cannon, called the Sonic Driver.]
Tails: [Over intercom] Transferring power from the energy chamber to the main cannon! Cannon pressurization sequence now in progress.
[Sonic runs inside the cannon.]
Tails: [Over intercom] Sequence complete. Sonic, do your thing!
[Sonic stops running and lands on the platform where he is to spin.]
Sonic: Here goes!
[He begins spinning, charging the cannon in the process.]

[Scene Change: The Blue Typhoon - Cargo hold]

[Cream and Cosmo are worn out from their work. Amy adds the last of the food to the massive pile and sits down herself.]
Amy: Last one.
Tails: [Over intercom] Attention, everyone! Brace yourselves!

[Scene Change: The Blue Typhoon - Bridge]

[Metarex Spike lands in front of the Typhoon. It is within range.]
Tails: Target Metarex dead ahead!
[The targeting computer locks on to Metarex Spike just as it launches fifteen more missiles.]
Chris, Knuckles and Tails: Sonic Power Cannon, fire!
[The Sonic Driver charges a massive amount of energy, then launches Sonic as a ball towards Metarex Spike. He decimates the missiles, then spins through Metarex Spike, leaving a burning hole in its chest. Metarex Spike explodes. Sonic continues to helplessly spin as the Blue Typhoon takes off.]
Chris: Hang on, Sonic.
[Chris flies towards Sonic in a support craft as the hedgehog continues to fall. Sonic opens his eyes.]
Sonic: Hi, Chris!
[Chris opens his canopy and prepares to catch Sonic.]
Chris: I got yaaa!
[Chris manages to take Sonic's hand, and flies back to the Typhoon.]
Chris: Mission accomplished!
Tails: An excellent catch, guys! Now get ready!
[The Sonic Driver is stored back inside the ship, and the ship's power is transferred back to main engine. Additionally, two extra wings are projected.]
Tails: Retracting main cannon! Rerouting energy to the main engine! Forward wings deployed! All right, Blue Typhoon... here we go.
[The Blue Typhoon activates its main engine, and it takes off, headed for space. Chris' spaceship flies alongside it.]
Amy: [Stands up] Let's go up to the bridge!
[Amy runs out of the Cargo holding room, followed by Cream, Cheese, and Cosmo. Amy appears on the bridge, and Sonic smiles at her. Cream and Cosmo are next. The former looks down.]
Amy: Hey.
Cream: What a beautiful view! I've always wanted to know what our planet looks like from this high up.
[Sonic looks up at Amy and scratches the back of his head, until he realizes there is something in his quills. He takes the object out and holds it up.]
Sonic: I wonder what this is?

[Scene Change: Inside Eggman's base, sunset]

Tails: [Over radio] You wonder what what is?
Sonic: [Over radio] This thing on my head.
Decoe: I'm afraid I have bad news, Doctor. Sonic seems to have discovered your electronic bug.
Dr. Eggman: [Laughs] I planted it on him before he woke up. Clever, aren't I? Now, fire up the engines and follow that spaceship.
Bocoe: Roger!
[Bocoe pulls a lever.]
Bocoe: Engine... fired up!
[An engine ignites.]
Bokkun: Don't let them get away! Full speed ahead!

[Scene Change: Outside]

Dr. Eggman: [Inside] Hey, I give the orders around here!
Bokkun: [Inside] Sorry, Doctor.
[Rouge flies after the Crimson Egg, which is flying after the Blue Typhoon, which in turn is flying out into open space. The episode ends and the credits roll.]
