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This is the transcript of the Sonic Boom episode, "Chez Amy".
[Scene: Meh Burger, day.]
- Amy: One Meh Cheese Regal, hold the ordinary onions. So-so sauce on the side.
- Dave: Here.
- Amy: This is a "Something's Fishy Sandwich".
- Dave: So?
- Amy: It's not what I ordered. [Dave blinks twice showing no interest] And the head is still on it. [Dave blinks twice again still showing no interest making Amy angry] And it's still alive!
- [The fish tries to get out]
- Dave: Fine! [Dave grabs her tray and looks as if he will fix it, but simply turns around leaving no changes on the burger just to make her go away] Here! [Amy growls and leaves. Dave picks up the burger] You want it to go?
[Scene change: Village Center, day]
- [Sonic and his friends are playing soccer]
- Sonic: [to himself] Me! I'm open! [to himself again] Sonic, pass it to here! [to himself again] Coming to you, Sonic!
- [After Sonic kicks the ball Amy hammers it]
- Knuckles: [gets hit with the ball] Duh, goal?
- Sonic: Hey, your Meh Burger looks weird.
- Amy: [mockingly, insulting tone] It's not a stupid Meh Burger. I made this myself.
- Sonic: So it's a me Burger. An Amy [laughs] Burger! [Amy does not laugh] See, I-I-I took the original name and did a clever twist on it, using your name?
- Amy: [sarcastic] Yeah, clever.
- Tails: I thought it was clever, Sonic.
- Sonic: Don't patronize me.
- Knuckles: Speaking of patronizing, let's go be customers at Meh Burger.
- Amy: Meh Burger is horrible! The people of this Unnamed village deserve better. I'm gonna open a restaurant with good service, a pleasant, inviting atmosphere—
- Sticks: And a moat? And laser turrets!?
- Amy: Probably not.
- Sonic: Amy, you don't know anything about running a restaurant.
- Knuckles: If I let not knowing anything stop me from doing something, I'd never do everything.
- Amy: I'm really gonna do it. I'm opening a restaurant! Are you guys with me?
- Tails: Yeah.
- Sonic: I guess.
- Knuckles: What are we doing?
- Sticks: Don't blame me when it's overrun with invaders!
[Scene change: Chez Amy, day.]
- Amy: Present spatulas! [looks at Tails'] Good. [looks at Sonic's] Very nice. [looks at Sticks' boomerang] Sticks, that's not a spatula. Lose it. [Sticks throws her boomerang and glass shattering is heard and looks at Knuckles' hat] Knuckles! Your hat is on backwards!
- [Knuckles turns his hat and himself around]
- Knuckles: Where'd everyone go?
- [Tails turns Knuckles around]
- Amy: I'm about to teach Dave the Intern a lesson he'll never forget!
- Knuckles: Every teacher I ever had said that, and they were all wrong. I forgot every lesson... and how to feed myself. [puts a carrot in his ear] Oh, false alarm. I do remember.
- Amy: Welcome to Chez Amy, where our motto is: "At least we know what you ordered!"
- [When the customers at Meh Burger hear this, they go to Chez Amy and step on Amy (including Team Sonic) and she screams and is shown lying on the ground]
[Scene change: Meh Burger, day.]
- Dave: You win this round! But just you [punches the burger, splattering ketchup on himself] wait!
[Scene change: Chez Amy, day.]
- [Sonic is taking orders of people]
- Amy: See? People want good service. Dave the Intern can't compete with that.
- Dave: [on speaker] Ahoy! The new Meh Burger drive-thru express is now open!
- Mike: That voice from the sky is right. Why are we wasting our time here when we could be using a drive-thru?
- Amy: Because none of you have cars.
- [The people of the Unnamed Village groan in agreement. They then cheer and go to Meh Burger]
- Tails: Don't worry Amy, it's just a stupid gimmick. It'll pass.
- Amy: Yes it will. Especially when I have my own stupid gimmick! [whistles] I'm excited to announce that starting today, every customer will receive... uh... a Chez Amy... [picks up a stone] Magic fun lump!
- Old Monkey: Magic fun lumps?!
- Lady Goat: I'm going to collect all four!
- [The villagers get excited again and stomp on Amy again]
[Scene change: Meh Burger, day.]
- Soar: Day two of the Battle of the Buns, and already Meh Burger finds itself in a real pickle. Can it, ketchup? Will Chez Amy meat the challenge? Lettuce wait and see. [laughs] Hello, Pulitzer.
[Scene change: Chez Amy, day.]
- Amy: How're you folks doing? Magic fun lump for the kids?
- Child Monkey: They're fun to throw!
- [Child Monkey throws the rock at Knuckles and he drops the Amy Sauce onto his head]
- Amy: Guys! Chez Amy is all about service. Friendly, smiling, happy service! [angry] Now get your lazy butts in gear!
- [Team Sonic works, but Amy is still angry]
- Amy: Knuckles! Quit eating the Amy sauce!
- [Knuckles didn't hear her words and Amy confidently looks at her rival]
[Scene change: Meh Burger, day.]
- Dave: You haven't won yet! I shall have my revenge! [shoots a Meh Burger at Lady Walrus]
- Lady Walrus: Mmm, that Meh Burger was delicious!
- [Everyone goes to Meh Burger.]
- Mike: Burger me!
- Old Monkey: Make mine pre-chewed!
- Lady Goat: Shoot it in my mouth!
- [Dave shoots the Meh Burgers in the villagers' mouths and Amy gets angry.]
[Scene change: Chez Amy, day.]
- Amy: [showing Team Sonic her plans] Now, I've designed a food delivery system that bypasses the mouth, and inserts the food directly into the customers' stomachs.
- Sonic: Ugh. Okay Amy, you've totally lost sight of why you're doing this.
- Amy: [gets furious] I'm doing this to destroy Dave the Intern, and unerring instincts for what the public wants! I don't care what they want... I know what they need! Good service with a warm, friendly smile! Now tell them to get in here!
- Sticks: [exacerbated] This is nuts.
- [Sonic thinks that they need to leave. Amy tries to show them her plans, but her friends leave.]
[Scene change: Meh Burger, day.]
- Dr. Eggman: I'd like a Meh Burger.
- [Dave gets a Meh Burger, but drops it on the floor. He picks it up.]
- Dave: Here.
- Dr Eggman: That's disgusting! Gimme a new one.
- Dave: Sorry, I'm on break.
- [Dave plays with a paddle ball. Eggman growls.]
[Scene Change: Chez Amy, day.]
- [Amy is sitting at her table sulking and looking at a sandwich. Eggman, with a frown on his face, enters the building.]
- Amy: [Annoyed] Eggman? What do you want?
- Dr. Eggman: Revenge, domination, destruction! But first, a sandwich of some sort.
- Amy: Why don't you just go to stupid Meh Burger like everyone else?
- Dr. Eggman: I did! But that simpering jackanapes who works behind the counter was too busy to serve me, and my blood sugar was too low to concoct an evil plan to destroy him.
- [Eggman picks up the sandwich from Amy's plate and takes a bite.]
- Dr. Eggman: Oh. Th-that's good. And the service was so fast! Giving me your plate was a tad unhygienic. But still, I'm impressed.
[Scene Change: Seaside Island, Beach, day.]
- [The rest of Team Sonic are playing soccer. Sonic dribbles past Sticks, Tails and Knuckles before kicking the ball past two coconuts placed as goalposts.]
- Sonic: [Breathes out] Anyone else hungry?
- Knuckles: [Off-screen] Nah, I'm full.
- [The camera points to Knuckles who is shown with two carrots stuck in his ears.]
- Sonic: [Walks towards Knuckles] How about we go to Amy's restaurant for lunch?
- Knuckles: Huh?
- [Sonic pulls the carrots out of Knuckles' ears.]
- Sonic: Let's have lunch at Chez Amy.
- Sticks: We'll never get past the moat.
- Knuckles: And if we do, she'll make us work and yell at us.
- Sonic: OK, [Drops his arms] we won't go.
- Tails: I think going to Amy's restaurant is a great idea!
- Sonic: [Shakes his head] Don't patronize me.
[Scene Change: Meh Burger, day.]
- [The camera shows the customers having lunch at Meh Burger.]
[Scene Change: Chez Amy, day.]
- [Amy is covering her ears while Eggman eats the last of his food.]
- Dr. Eggman: That was delicious. Why isn't this place packed?
- Amy: [Annoyed] Clearly, I don't know how to bring in the customers.
- Dr. Eggman: Well, I do. Make me your partner, and I'll fill the place! And together, we'll bring Meh Burger to its knees. [Quietly] Even though it's a building.
- [Amy thinks for a moment. She then agrees with Eggman's idea and shakes his hand.]
[Scene Change: Chez Amy, day.]
- [The villagers are having food. Amy walks with a tray. Orbot and Cubot, wearing chef's hats, are preparing food. Amy walks over and picks up the robot's tray, and then turns to Eggman.]
- Amy: I don't know how you did it, but you totally turn things around.
- Dr. Eggman: It was simple. I blew up Meh Burger last night.
- Amy: [Gets annoyed and drops her tray] You what?!
- Dr. Eggman: Look, I'm a villain. I have a pretty limited playbook. [Camera points to the dropped food.] That's coming out of your paycheck.
[Scene Change: Chez Amy, day.]
- [Eggman looks out from the doorway.]
- Dr. Eggman: Ooh, look! [Points to Dave] It's that fellow from Meh Burger.
- [Dave is miserably walking beside a well.]
- Dr. Eggman: He seems sad.
- [Dave kicks a stone.]
- Dr. Eggman: Now's your chance to rub salt in his wounds. Go! Go and taunt your vanquished foe! Grind your heel into the carcass of your defeated enemy! Humiliate him, and brush away the fragments of his shattered confidence!
- [Amy and Dave walk over to Eggman.]
- Amy: I felt bad for him, so I gave him a job.
- [Amy and Dave walk past Eggman into the building.]
- Dr. Eggman: Okay, you've got a lot to learn about foe vanquishing and salt wound rubbing.
- Amy: [Talks to Dave] Here as Chez Amy we offer service with a smile.
- Dave: A what now?
- Amy: That thing you do with your mouth, where it turns up at the ends?
- [Dave is still sulking. After a pause, he shows a slight smile on his face.]
- Amy: Remember, the customer always comes first. So [Angrily] make sure you give them exactly what they want.
- [Eggman walks in. Amy walks off.]
- Dave: Can I go on break now?
- Dr. Eggman: First, get me an Amy Royale.
- Dave: I'm on my break.
- [Eggman growls.]
[Scene Change: Chez Amy, day.]
- [Customers are having their meals at Chez Amy. Eggman is waiting at his table. Dave serves Eggman a salad and a soup.]
- Dr. Eggman: Can I get-
- Dave: [Interrupts] We're out.
- [Eggman grunts in anger and tries his food.]
- Dr. Eggman: [Holds a bowl of soup and his fork] The soup is cold, and the salad is hot. How is that even possible?! [Bangs on his table]
- [Dave is mopping up beside Eggman's feet.]
- Dr. Eggman: Do you have to do that here?! Okay, I'll move. [Gets up]
- Dave: [Interrupts] You can't! Don't you see the cones?
- [Eggman growls again. Dave continues to mop up.]
- Dr. Eggman: Fine, I'll stay. Get me a sandwich.
- [Dave stops mopping and walks off. Eggman stands up and walks, but slips on the wet floor and falls on his back.]
- Dr. Eggman: Someone, help me up!
- Dave: [Off-screen] I'm on my break!
- [Eggman growls louder. Orbot and Cubot laugh at Eggman. As soon as Eggman spots them, they duck down. Eggman stands back up on his feet and looks at Dave, playing with his paddle ball.]
- Dr. Eggman: [Angrily] That's it! Prepare to be eliminated!
- [Eggman pressis a button on his wrist controller. Chez Amy shakes and rumbles, scaring the customers. Walrus Camera Man, Walrus Male and Mike the Ox are seen running out of the building behind Amy.]
- Amy: What's going on?!
- Dr. Eggman: The annihilation of that upstart by my army of robots.
- [A Motobug breaks in through the door of the building and approaches Amy.]
- Amy: But this is half your restaurant!
- [Amy brings out her Hammer and smacks the Motobug.]
- Dr. Eggman: Like I said, I don't have a lot of plays in the playbook. But, if it makes you feel better, I'll just destroy your half.
- [Amy blinks and frowns. Eggman runs away while dramatic music plays and more Badniks arrive at the building. A Motobug and a Bee Bot fire lasers at the building, causing explosions. Orbot and Cubot look at each other and throw their plates down on the floor, smashing them. Amy whacks a Motobug and a Crab Bot with her hammer. She misses a Bee Bot however, as it flies around inside the building. She runs out of the front door, only to discover to her horror that a swarm of Eggman's Badniks are loitering outside her building. She calls Sonic on her Communicator.]
- Amy: Sonic! I need some help at the restaurant!
[Scene Change: Beach, day.]
- [Sonic and Knuckles are seen relaxing on sunbeds.]
- Sonic: [Annoyed] Amy, we don't want to work for you.
- [A double screen shows up.]
- Amy: Eggman's robots are attacking, and I-
- Sonic: [Excited] Well I'm happy to help with that! [Runs off]
[Scene Change: Chez Amy, day.]
- [Sonic arrives at the scene and slides into a Motobug. He spin attacks into another Motobug and a Crab Bot just as Amy hammers a Bee Bot from mid-air. As Orbot and Cubot retreat, Amy hammers two Motobugs before Sonic catches a third Motobug approaching Amy. Tails' Plane arrives at the scene, with Knuckles and Sticks falling off onto the ground to engage in combat. Sticks throws her boomerang at a Bee Bot, destroying it. Knuckles punches three more Badniks. The camera points to Tails' Plane. Tails activates a button that deploys a series of melons. The melons fall on the Badniks, breaking them. The rest of Team Sonic fight off the remaining Badniks. Tails parks his plane on the ground while Amy hammers another Motobug and another Crab Bot. Amy, Knuckles and Sonic walk over to the wrecked remains of Chez Amy where Dave is still inside.]
- Dave: So, do I still get my break?
[Scene Change: Meh Burger, day.]
- Amy: From now on, I'm going to leave the food service to the professionals. And do the kicking butt with my friends!
- [Dave serves the tray of Meh Burgers to Team Sonic.]
- Dave: As a thank you for rebuilding Meh Burger, this is on the house.
- [Everyone grabs a Meh Burger. Amy looks up in disgust when she discovers a living fish inside her burger.]
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Sonic the Hedgehog (TV series) | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 |
Sonic Underground | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 |
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Sonic Boom | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 | 61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 | 71 | 72 | 73 | 74 | 75 | 76 | 77 | 78 | 79 | 80 | 81 | 82 | 83 | 84 | 85 | 86 | 87 | 88 | 89 | 90 | 91 | 92 | 93 | 94 | 95 | 96 | 97 | 98 | 99 | 100 | 101 | 102 | 103 | 104 |
Sonic Prime | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 |
Sonic the Hedgehog (film series) | Sonic the Hedgehog | Sonic the Hedgehog 2 | Sonic Drone Home | A Very Sonic Christmas |
Sonic Colors: Rise of the Wisps | Part 1 | Part 2 |
TailsTube | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
Knuckles (TV series) | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Sonic X Shadow Generations: Dark Beginnings | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Other | Sonic the Hedgehog: The Movie | OK K.O.: Let's Meet Sonic | Sonic Frontiers Prologue: Divergence |