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Sonic Wiki Zone
Sonic Wiki Zone
This object exists primarily or exclusively within the Sonic the Comic continuity.
Information in this article may not be canonical to the storyline of the games or any other Sonic continuity.

The Box of Nightmares[1] is an object that appears in the Sonic the Comic series published by Fleetway Editions. It is a magical weapon utilized by Lightmare which can cast frightening illusions of her enemies’ worst nightmares.



The Box of Nightmares is a small, gold box with a single key hole in it and long golden chains attached to it.[1]

Features and traits[]

When the box is unlocked and opened, it can cause people to suffer very realistic hallucinations, forcing them to confront their worst fear, or any other nightmare the wielder of the box can imagine. For example, Lightmare made Charmy hallucinate he was being attacked by a giant, floating hand with a giant can of bug spray, made Sonic think he was blind, and made Mighty the Armadillo hallucinate that he was trapped in a cage. These hallucinations last as long as the Box is kept open.


Heroes & Villains[]

Lightmare used the Box of Nightmares when Sonic the Hedgehog and the Chaotix Crew confronted Lord Sidewinder and his gang. The box made Charmy Bee hallucinate a giant can of bug spray, but he was still able to fight Lightmare.[1]

The Ultimate Nightmare[]

Later on, Lightmare and her comrades launched a surprise attack on the Chaotix using the Box of Nightmares. However, Sonic, remaining unaffected, would knock the box out of Lightmare's hands and close it, ending the Chaotix's nightmares.[2]


Lightmare showed up later when Sonic and the Chaotix attempted to deal with the Black Asteroid. Due to Sonic attacking her, she used the Box of Nightmares to cast a nightmare of blindness on Sonic and one of imprisonment on Mighty the Armadillo. When Lightmare tried to use the box on Espio the Chameleon, however, Espio snatched the box from her hands, whereupon Lightmare revealed that she just wanted to talk to them.[3]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Sonic the Comic #86, "Heroes & Villains, Part 3"
  2. Sonic the Comic #88, "The Ultimate Nightmare"
  3. Sonic the Comic #98, "Doomsday, Part 2"

External links[]
