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Sonic Wiki Zone
Sonic Wiki Zone

The Bone Batabata[1] is an enemy seen in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. It is a mass-produced variant of the Chopper created by Dr. Eggman.


Based on a Badnik which resembles a real-life piranha, the Bone Batabata is a skeletal fish with black eyes.


The Bone Batabatas appear in Zone 4 of Sky Road, where they leap out of the sand to attack Sonic. They can only avoided, since attempting to attack them will cause Sonic to lose his Rings.

Powers and abilities[]

Just like their living counterparts, the Bone Batabatas are excellent swimmers who can jump out of sand like water and also possess powerful jaws that can deliver deadly bites.


  1. In the games files this enemy is simply named "enm_Batabatabone

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