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Sonic Wiki Zone
Sonic Wiki Zone
Archie Comics Logo
This location exists primarily or exclusively within the Pre-Super Genesis Wave continuity.
Information in this article may not be canonical to the storyline of the games or any other Sonic continuity.

Bluto[1] is a location that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series and its spin-offs published by Archie Comics. It is a planet from an alternate Zone which served as a refuge for mobians following the War of the World.


Bluto resembles a small rocky planet with a dark surface. It is the furthest planet from its respective sun, and thus receives much less light than others.[1]



Following the War of the World, Sally Acorn and several other mobians escaped to Bluto, and, over may years, repopulated it. Due to light being so rare on Bluto, the inhabitants of the planet eventually developed the ability to control it with their minds. However, the Shark would eventually lead a feeding frenzy on Bluto, killing all the inhabitants of the planet except Saleta. Saleta herself was eventually found by Hawkhawk, and left Bluto to join his Freedom Fighters of the Galaxy.[1][2]


  • Bluto's name is a pun on the dwarf planet Pluto. The fact that its home reality had diverged from the Prime Zone, where Mobius and Earth were the same planet, implies that Bluto and Pluto are also the same planet.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Sonic the Hedgehog #103, "Freedom Fighters of the Galaxy Part One"
  2. Sonic the Hedgehog #104, "Freedom Fighters of the Galaxy Part Two"

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