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Sonic Wiki Zone
Sonic Wiki Zone

Big Dragonfly[1] is an enemy that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. It is a mass-produced variant of the Dragonfly Badniks created by Dr. Eggman.


Based on dragonflies, Big Dragonflies have orange and dark gray armor with five green wings attached on both sides. On their underbellies, the Big Dragonflies have five plates which fire puprle laser beams. They also have two cyan eyes with purple sclera, two wide yet sharp fangs in their mouths, and four smaller purple eyes on the front of their face.


Big Dragonflies appear as enemies in the Wii U version and PC version of Sonic Lost World. During the events of the games, the Big Dragonflies and Dr. Eggman's other Badniks got hijacked by the Deadly Six.

In gameplay, Big Dragonflies are only featured in Silent Forest Zone 1, where they usually float in stationary positions in pairs or larger groups. When Sonic approaches them, they will float towards him in linear patterns while shooting laser beams down on the ground.

When confronted by the Big Dragonflies, the player must avoid their lasers while either running around or grinding on Grind Rails. Because these Badniks fly out of the reach of attacks, Sonic cannot usually defeat the Big Dragonflies in regular ways without getting damaged by their lasers.

Powers and abilities[]

Thanks to their wings, the Big Dragonflies are capable of flight. They are able to emit pink energy beams from their bodies.


  • Like many new enemies in Sonic Lost World, the Big Dragonfly's name has not been listen in any official source. Instead, it is referred to as "Big Dragonfly" in the game's source code.


  1. In the games files this enemy is simply named "enm_big_dragonfly"

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