The Beebot is an enemy that was set to appear in the Sonic the Hedgehog series.
In Sonic X-treme, the Beebots appear in the Jade Gully Zone and Death Egg Zone. They usually move from left to right and back and forth faster than the other Badniks in the game.
Beebot in Jade Gully Zone
Beebot in Death Egg Zone
Characters | Sonic | Tails | Knuckles | Tiara | Gazebo | Mips | Dr. Robotnik | Fang | Metal Sonic | |
Zones | Castle of Light | Jade Gully Zone | Red Sands Zone | Metal Blade Zone | Crystal Frost Zone | Galaxy Fortress Zone | Death Egg Zone | Blue Ocean Zone | |
Enemies | Ball Drone | Beebot | Bomber | Bonehead | Boy | Buzzsaw | Cappy | C-Grinder | Cog | Crab | Dingo | Dynobot | Feep | Fishee | Flamedome | Flame Spinner | Floppy | Gyro | Jetarang | Litebug | Loball | Octopod | Orca | Pin Tut | Piranha | Purplebot | Ribbot | RiskStar | Sjax | Snooter | Skuzzy | T-Rex | Tridrill | Trunkbot | |
Bosses | Darkpool Gorilla | Emerald Cat | Flame Falcon | Football | Guardian Sphinx Boss | Jade Gold Boss | Mecha Mite | Octopod | |
Other | Chaos Emerald | Debug Mode | Master Emerald | Ring | Rings of Order | Sonic Orb | SonicBoom | Spin Slash | |
V·T·E | Category |