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Battle in the Boscage (transcript)
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This is the transcript of the Sonic Prime episode, "Battle in the Boscage".

[Scene: Boscage Maze]

[Inside the jungle, Birdie with Thorn Rose appears and starts exploring the region. They stop as soon as they come across a glowing pulsating shard. Thorn Rose prompts the bird to carry on forwards. Upon closer look, the shard appears to be attached to her hammer. She picks the hammer up.]

[The opening theme plays]

[Scene: Boscage Maze]

[A portal opens. Coming out of it is the Chaos Council's Spaceship, ready to look for the Shard.]

[Scene Change: Spaceship]

[A shot of the Boscage Maze appears on Dr. Don't's screen.]
Dr. Don't: Eurgh, what a dump. I bet this place doesn't even have wireless.
[Dr. Babble laughs and gurgles, but stops as Mr. Dr. Eggman appears on his monitor.]
Mr. Dr. Eggman: Button you lips and open your eyes. Report back as soon as you've located this backwater Jungle World's Power Shard!
Dr. Done-It: And don't muck this up, like all your other tasks.
[Dr. Babble pulls out his pacifier and sticks his tongue out, blowing a raspberry.]
Dr. Don't: [Grumbles] Right? The nerve of those fossils. Ditching us in this stink hole. [Looking at Tails Nine typing on a computer] At least we've got the rat to do all the work.
[Nine looks at Dr. Don't with a neutral look on his face. He goes back to typing on the computer.]
Dr. Don't: Okay, smarty pants, show us your stuff. The sooner you can score us that Shard, the sooner we can bounce.
Tails Nine: My name is Nine; and I need access.
Dr. Don't: [With an attitude] Eurgh. Do I have to do everything?
[He types the access code on the keyboard. A HUD of the spaceship then appears on Nine's monitor.]
Tails Nine: Wow. Full access. What an egghead.
Dr. Don't: Hello?!
Tails Nine: Don't worry. Soon things will be going exactly to plan. [The rear of the spaceship opens and a horde of Spy Bots are deployed. These robots enter and explore the jungle, and scan every object, including the loop-de-loop and palm tree. One of the robots beeps and flashes.]
Spy Bot: Shard energy signature detected.
[Thorn Rose screams and breaks the Spy Bot with her hammer, while another robot gets chased off by Birdie, letting go of a robot part from her beak. Thorn Rose investigates.]
Thorn Rose: I dunno what these creatures are, but they're going to destroy the jungle if we don't stop them. [Suddenly, she is approached by several Eggforcers. She whistle calls for Birdie.]

[Scene Change: Outside the Boscage Maze, Day]

[Sonic Spin Jumps out of the Void's Portal and runs along the bridge, chasing a Spaceship.]
Sonic: Oh, no. I won't let you down, Shadow. Together we're gonna fix this. [Sonic enters the jungle. Meanwhile, Eggforcers are chatting and exploring the jungle.]
Dr. Don't: [Off-screen] Eurgh, it's too hard to find anything in here. Chop it all down! [The Eggforcers use their weapons to chop down the trees.]
Sonic: [Popping out of a grass patch] And I thought gardening was supposed to be relaxing. [Sonic knocks down one Eggforcer, and then Spin attacks two more of them in a row. This prompts the next Eggforcer to attack Sonic. Sonic U-turns around the tree and Spin Attacks the last robot.] So if the Chaos Council's still looking for the shard, that means they haven't found it yet! Good thing for me, I have a pretty good idea where it is. [Runs up to the highest branch of a tree.] The trees. [Sees a variety of robots vandalizing the area.] What have they done? Looking for the Shards is one thing, but why all this needless destruction? [Sonic starts Spin Attacking the robots.] I need to find the Boscage Gang. [Carries on.]

[Scene Change: Spaceship]

Dr. Don't: [Sighs] This is taking forever!
Tails Nine: Locating the Shard will take time.
Dr. Don't: We don't have time! The only reason we haven't already made you into a hat is because you're supposed to be an expert on the Shards, and that little blue-- [Interrupted by Dr. Babble squawking. He then watches Dr. Babble's screen - showing Sonic destroying their Eggforcers - and groans.]
Tails Nine: [Looking over his shoulder] Sonic?
Dr. Don't: [Growls and becomes annoyed] No way am I letting that annoying hedgehog trip us up again! [Sonic destroys another Eggforcer. Dr. Babble squawks, prompting him to go back to work.] Facts. [An HUD of an Eggforcer appears on-screen. The head flashes green.]

[Scene Change: Boscage Maze, day.]

[Sonic grinds, swings the ivy and runs his way up to the top of the area. He sees the Scavengers and Thorn Rose gathered around, the latter arguing with Prim Rouge.]
Sonic: Ah! There they are!
Thorn Rose: The time for hiding is over. We need to fight NOW!
Prim Rouge: No, we give them the Shard and they'll leave us alone.
Thorn Rose: The Shard is the heart of our jungle. I'll never give it up!
Prim Rouge: We don't even know where it is!
Thorn Rose: It's hidden and it will stay hidden!
Hangry Cat: But we could use it against them!
Thorn Rose: We're not using the Shard. It's too much power for anyone to wield. [She threatens Hangry Cat by pointing the hammer to his chest.]
Hangry Cat: [Gulps] It's all coming back to me.
Sonic: [Steps onto their platform and waves.] Hey-hey, gang! [The scavengers panic. Gnarly Knuckles throws a Spear at Sonic, forcing him to duck as it hits a wall off-screen; Unconfident] Nice to see you, too.
Gnarly Knuckles: Sonic? [A scared Mangey Tails hides behind Hangry Cat.]
Thorn Rose: [To Sonic, threatening] You've returned. Where have you been?
Sonic: Everywhere. Nowhere. Somewhere in between? Ridiculously long story short, I need a favor.
Prim Rouge: [Lands behind Sonic] Not a chance. In case you hadn't noticed, we got enough trouble as it is. [Pointing to the sky where the Spaceship continues dropping Spy Bots.]
Gnarly Knuckles: We're being invaded! Monsters who want to hurt us. Or eat us.
[Mangey Tails shrieks and attaches himself to Hangry Cat again, trembling his tails in fear.]
Thorn Rose: Which is why we need to fight back! [Raises her hammer in the air.] Who's with me?! [Mangey Tails hides behind Hangry Cat.]
Hangry Cat: But without the Shard we don't stand a chance.
Thorn Rose: [Threatens with the hammer up Hangry Cat's face.] Fine! If you won't fight, I'll fight them on my own! [She whistle calls. Birdie re-appears with her. She touches her beak before stepping on, meanwhile, Sonic's shoes pulsate as the bird begins to take off.]
Sonic: Thorn, wait! [The bird takes off, swoops close to everybody forcing them to duck, and descends inside the jungle. Meanwhile, Prim Rouge is still staring at Sonic, uninterested.]
Sonic: She's right, you know. We need to fight. And I have a plan. [Points up to the spaceship in the distance] See that spaceship up there?
[The Spaceship floats along the sky.]
Hangry Cat: [To Sonic] What's a spaceship?
Sonic: The... big... metal... tube thing in the sky. [Points to the sky]
Gnarly Knuckles: [Confused] What's metal?
Sonic: That's where the metal men are coming from. We gotta stop them!
Prim Rouge: [Annoyed] Look at the size of that flying beast.
Sonic: You can't sit this one out, Prim. We have to work together and fight.
Prim Rouge: I'm not going anywhere near that metal bird.
Gnarly Knuckles: Shhh, shhhh!
[A branch is thrown and hits Sonic.]
Sonic: Ow!
Gnarly Knuckles: [Scared] The metal men have eyes everywhere!
Prim Rouge: [To Sonic, pointing and threatening] We're just trying to survive. They're here for the Shard! Not us! All Thorn has to do is hand it over and they'll go. [Sonic and Prim Rouge stare at each other.]
Sonic: [To the rest of the group] You wanna sit on the side-lines and watch your world get trashed? Be my guest! [To Prim Rouge] Me? I'm off to help Thorn. [Sonic and his eyes briefly glow blue. Afterwards, he leaves and enters the jungle alone through a Spin Dash, leaving the Scavengers worried. He chases after Thorn Rose and Birdie.]
Sonic: Thorn, wait!
Thorn Rose: [Groaning and becomes annoyed] Spare me. I told you! I won't give up the Shard! [Explosions are heard in the distance, followed by Dr. Babble's manic laughter. A huge robot descends from the jungle and slams onto the base. The slam creates an aftershock which hurls dust, logs and branches up in the air. Sonic and Birdie trip over them causing them all to fall flat on their faces. Dr. Babble continues babbling while in control of the robot.]
Sonic: [Gets up on his knees, exhausted.] Eurgh. How can one baby be so hateable?
[The robot presses a button on its weapon randomizer. Thorn Rose glances at the robot.]
Sonic: [Panicking] Thorn, get out of there! That thing is not a toy!
[The randomizer flashes the pink option. The robot raises it right arm and fires a cannon, which Sonic dodges. Thorn Rose roars and unleashes her hammer to attack, but it gets caught by another cannon shot. She gasps as soon as she loses her hammer. Dr. Don't chuckles as several Eggforcers emerge from behind the robot.]
Dr. Don't: Ready to dance?
[His goggles glow orange and the Eggforcers display their combat pose while Tails Nine types on the computer.]
Dr. Don't: Yes, eat that!
[The Eggforcer copies Dr. Don't's motions. It starts attacking Thorn Rose, who dodges.]
Thorn Rose: You monsters. You're destroying my jungle! I'm gonna make you pay!
[She jumps and clings onto the Eggforcer's antennae on its head. Meanwhile, Dr. Babble's robot attacks an approaching Sonic.]
Sonic: Let's play a game of speed tag. [Spin attacks the robot's chest.] Tag! You're it. [In slow motion, he fends off an arm attack, knocking the robot over. Thorn Rose, still clinging on, realizes the antennae are switched off.]
Thorn Rose: Huh?
[Dr. Don't chuckles. Soon, Thorn Rose redirects the Eggforcer to attack its team-mate, defeating both of them.]
Dr. Don't: Oh, come on!
[Sonic spin attacks another Eggforcer, steps on top of another one and then runs along the arm of Dr. Babble's robot towards the top of its head. Dr. Babble tries to attack Sonic from above, with him dodging and hanging on. Meanwhile, an Eggforcer continues trying to attack Thorn Rose. She trips over a log, with the robot threatening her.]
Dr. Don't: Time for you, split.
[Sonic suddenly sees Thorn Rose being cornered.]
Sonic: Thorn!
[He spin jumps off the robot's arm. While the Eggforcer threatens Thorn Rose with one last attack, it suddenly notices the blue ball coming towards it and gets distracted, allowing Thorn Rose to run free.]
Dr. Don't: What?
[Sonic knocks down the Eggforcer. Its blade weapon breaks off and chases Thorn Rose. In super slow motion, the blade barely misses Thorn Rose's head as she leans back Matrix style. The buzzsaw then hits a tree log. Thorn Rose glares at Sonic.]
Sonic: Er, my bad.
[Sonic is bumped into by another Eggforcer from behind. A hologram appears above its head.]
Dr. Don't: Rematch, bro. [The Eggforcer throws a robot part into Sonic, knocking and trapping him. Thorn Rose is soon encountered close-up by Dr. Babble's robot. As it unleashes an arm attack, Birdie reappears and blocks the attack. A Spy Bot beeps at Birdie.]
Spy Bot: Shard energy signature detected.
Thorn Rose: [Dreading] No!
[Inside the robot, Dr. Babble noticed the Shard is found.]

[Scene change: Spaceship]

Dr. Don't: The Shard.
[Tails Nine glanced at Dr. Don't's comment.]

[Scene change: Jungle]

[Thorn Rose whistle calls and hops onto the bird, picking up her hammer with the shard attached to it. Dr. Babble babbles angrily.]
Dr. Don't: Duh.
[Dr. Babble's Robot and the Eggforcer go airborne and chase after it.]
Thorn Rose: Nice work, Birdie.
[Dr, Babble angrily fires random weapons at Birdie.]
Dr. Don't: Come here, little birdie! I don't wanna hurt you. I just wanna chop you!
[Dr. Don't tries a chop attack, but it bumps into some logs instead.]

[Scene Change: Jungle, day]

[Sonic groans as he breaks free from a robot's body part.]
Sonic: Huh...? [Suddenly notices everyone's gone.] Where is everybody? [An Eggforcer rejuvenates and prepares to attack Sonic.] Oh, no, you don't! [He grunts and knocks it over. He gets the claws from his gloves out, ready to attack the Eggforcer, but stops when hearing Nine's voice.]
Tails Nine: Sonic, it's me.
Sonic: Nine? I've been looking everywhere for you.
Tails Nine: I dunno how much time I have. [Dr. Don't laughing in the distance.]
Sonic: Are you inside the Eggforcer? [Sonic begins quickly looking around the robot concerningly.]

[Scene Change: Ship]

Tails Nine: I'm up on the ship with the doctors.

[Scene Change: Jungle]

Sonic: The what-the what? You're working with them?
Tails Nine: [Annoyed, with the Eggforcer copying his motions.] No! Would you just listen for a second? They captured me but I'm working them from the inside.
Sonic: Are you okay? Wait, does that mean they also have their Shard back?
Tails Nine: Yes, temporarily.
Sonic: Well, don't worry, I'm coming to get ya.
Tails Nine: [The Eggforcer raises its arm across] No, you're not.
Sonic: I'm not? Pretty sure I am.

[Scene Change: Ship]

Tails Nine: Don't worry about me. Focus on finding the Boscage Shard.

[Scene Change: Jungle]

Sonic: I think I have a good idea of where it is.
Tails Nine: Yeah, so do the Chaos Council. Now, hold still.
[Sonic sticks his arm out while the Eggforcer charges something into Sonic's Regulator.]
Sonic: Is this some kind of secret handshake I have to learn, 'cause--
Tails Nine: I'm re-programming the regulators so we can communicate through them!
Sonic: [Seeing his brand new glowing regulators.] Oh, score! [Sonic feels determined.]
Tails Nine: You'll also be able to make contact with the Shards in any way without risking teleportation. Something I picked up from being here. You see? Playing prisoner has its advantages.
Sonic: If you say so. I mean, we should still come up with a secret handshake, but that can probably wait.

[Scene Change: Ship]

Dr. Don't: [To Tails Nine] Hey! Rat! What are you up to?
Tails Nine: [To Sonic] Gotta go.

[Scene Change: Jungle]

[The robot switches off and knocks itself down, causing Sonic to flinch. He stretches and pumps up his muscles.]
Sonic: Alright, let's go find Thorn and get that Shard. [Sets off.]

[Scene Change: Ship]

Dr. Don't: I heard voices. Who you talking to?
Tails Nine: I think you're hearing things. Can I help you?
Dr. Don't: Send another squad of Eggforcers to back up our position.
Tails Nine: [Apathic] You got it.
Dr. Don't: [Annoyed] Eurgh. I'm watching you, rodent.
Tails Nine: [Whispers to himself] Not well enough, egghead.
[The ship deploys three more Eggforcers from the rear. They block Birdie's way, forcing her to stop. She is then guarded from behind by Dr. Don't's Eggforcer and Dr. Babble's robot. They all threaten them.]
Dr. Don't: Gimme the Shard or I'll fry the chicken! [The Eggforcer he is controlling raises an arm] Dibs on drumsticks.

[Scene Change: Jungle]

[Sonic runs his way across the jungle and finds thorn Rose and Birdie surrounded by robots. As soon as Thorn Rose jumps off the flicky and shows her combat pose, Sonic seizes his chance and stands beside the foot of Dr. Babble's robot.]
Sonic: Tag. You're it! [Spin dashes around as the robot tries to stomp Sonic. As Sonic continues spinning, Dr. Babble furiously tries to attack Sonic with various combat moves, but it ends up knocking over and falling onto Dr. Don't's Eggforcer. Dr. Don't goggles unglow. The Eggforcers attack Sonic. He dodges a spinning blade and Spin Attacks the robot, knocking it over. He is then grabbed from behind by another Eggforcer, tossing him into the grass.]
Dr. Don't: I can do this all day. Now!
[The robots pile up onto Sonic into a heap. Thorn Rose fends off more Eggforcers with her hammer. Soon, Sonic breaks free of the heap with a jumping Spin Attack, while Thorn Rose and Birdie hit a robot each.]
Dr. Don't: Stop her.
[As the robots confront Thorn Rose, one of them gets knocked down in mid-air by a Spear. The Scavengers arrive into the jungle.]
Gnarly Knuckles: [Angrily] This is our home!
Prim Rouge: [Angrily] And you are destroying it!
[All the Scavengers roar and confront the Eggforcers and Sonic.]
Sonic: You made it! Welcome to the party. [Sonic winks at the Scavengers as he says it.]
[The Scavengers join in the fight, defeating Eggforcers. Prim Rouge goes for Dr. Babble's robot. It dodges its spear with its arm. Dr. Babble shrieks and thrashes about. Thorn Rose hops onto Birdie and joins Prim Rouge.]
Thorn Rose: [Sarcastically] Change of heart?
Prim Rouge: It's our home, and I'm ready to fight for it.
Thorn Rose: For Boscage Maze!
Prim Rouge: For Boscage Maze!
Gnarly Knuckles: [After hitting an Eggforcer] For Boscage Maze!
[Mangey Tails warcries "For Boscage Maze!" in gibberish.]
Hangry Cat: For Boscage Maze!
[As Thorn Rose tries to brace herself, Sonic Homing Attacks the incoming Eggforcer.]
Sonic: Got to hand it to you, Thorn, pretty creative hiding spot.
Thorn Rose: [Hitting another Eggforcer] You knew? When? [Hits another Eggforcer]
Sonic: [Dodges another Eggforcer] Back at the village.
Thorn Rose: Why didn't you say anything?
Sonic: Because I wanted you to trust me.
[The whole group of robots rejuvenate and confront Sonic and Thorn Rose.]
Sonic: [Growls at Thorn Rose] Thorn, it's the Shard they want. Give it to me and they'll follow me out of here.
Thorn Rose: [Steps in-front of Sonic] But the jungle. [Dr. Babble giggles as his robot confronts the heroes.]
Sonic: I'll come back. I'll help you rebuild it. But first we gotta get these guys out of here.
[The camera moves to Thorn Rose. After a brief pause...]
Thorn Rose: Take the Shard. Take it and run as far and as fast as you can.
Sonic: [Looking around Birdie in various places.] Alright, where'd you stash it? Under the wing or?
[Birdie then begins heaving and gagging, confusing Sonic. She then regurgitates the Shard from her mouth. It lands right by Sonic's feet.]
Sonic: [Disgusted] Why'd I ask?
[The Eggforcer starts retching too.]

[Scene Change: Spaceship]

Dr. Don't: Oh, oh, no, no.

[Scene change: Jungle]

Thorn Rose: [Angrily] What are you waiting for?!
[Sonic courageously grabs hold of the Shard, covered in saliva (and possibly stomach acid) from sitting in Birdie's stomach.]
Sonic: So glad I'm always wearing gloves. [Does a Super Peel Out and taunts.] Hey, Chaos Clowns, follow me!
Dr. Don't: We can't let that hedgehog get away with the Shard! [The Eggforcer gets hit and knocked over by a spear. Dr. Babble's robot taps its chest and the baby rattle mace pops out. The Eggforcers shoot lasers at Birdie and Thorn, who both dodge. Thorn Rose war-cries and Birdie attacks Dr. Babble's Robot, knocking it over in the grass and breaking the baby rattle mace in the process. Dr. Babble gets up, notices that the handle where the baby rattle mace is broken and drops his pacifier.]
Eggforcer: [Concerned] Hashtag uh-oh.
[Dr. Babble's robot presses its chest multiple times, but it doesn't work. Dr. Babble groans and starts bawling his eyes out.]
Dr. Don't: Calm down! We need to go after the Shard. Sonic's getting away! Forget these losers!
[All the Scavengers watch the crying Robot as the handle retracts back inside the funnel arm. Dr. Babble slams various things on his eating tray. The robot moves about rapidly in an uncontrollable tantrum-fuelled frenzy.]
Dr. Don't: Stop! We got to get the Shard! [Dr. Babble's robot slams into various Eggforcers; to himself.] He's gone full tantrum mode.
[The Eggforcers try to calm down Dr. Babble's robot, while the Scavengers, along with Birdie and Thorn Rose, try to escape the chaos being caused.]

[Scene Change: Jungle]

[Sonic, still holding the shard, realizes that he's still alone.]
Sonic: [after hearing Gnarly's scream] What? The Chaos Council didn't follow me? [He turns around and sees multiple explosions; annoyed] Those eggheads! Ah, that is the most stubborn baby of all time!

[Scene Change: Boscage Maze]

[Birdie is trying to break free of her wings from two Eggforcers whom are grounding him. Thorn Rose keeps herself aware.]
Sonic: [Off-screen] Thorn!
Thorn Rose: Sonic? [Suddenly sees Sonic holding the Shard and is dismayed.] No!
Sonic: I'm getting you out of here. [Sonic then jumps up - with a brief slo-mo effect - and slams the Shard into the ground. Tree roots grow from various points in the grass, knocking over all the Eggforcers. He then picks the shard up and looks at it with pride.] Not bad for a...
[Sonic is interrupted and dodges a returning Dr. Babble and his robot. Suddenly, Sonic is grabbed by the hands of an Eggforcer, causing him to let go of the shard.]
Sonic: [Groans] No!
[The Shard lands in-front of Dr. Babble's robot. he giggles and slams both fists on his touchpad. Sonic struggles to break free of the grabbing Eggforcer, but out-grapples it and knocks it down. He quickly looks over to the Shard, which is being picked up by Dr. Babble's robot. They all retreat above the Boscage Maze.]
Dr. Don't: Dr. Don't to mothership, we've got the Shard. Now get us out of this dump.
[Sonic looks up at the robots in fury as they leave the jungle. Not giving up, he Peels Out towards the top of the tree.]
Sonic: Come on. Come on!
[He jumps from the top of the tree, starts spinning then Homing Attacks the robots. Dr. Babble's robot holds out the Shard. Just as he's close to approaching the spaceship, a Portal appears. The Mothership appears from the Portal. The jet boosters blast in front' of Sonic, stopping his momentum. Sonic starts falling down.]
Dr. Babble: Woo-hoo! [Giggles in joy]
Sonic: No, no, no! [Screams and he falls... into the hands of Prim Rouge who helps him up.]
Prim Rouge: You were never gonna make that jump.
Sonic: Prim? What are you doing?
Prim Rouge: Saving your hide.
Sonic: So, does that mean after this, we're even?
Prim Rouge: Depends on whether or not you survive. [Notices a group of spaceships] What is that?
Sonic: Our last chance. Think you can get me through it?
Prim Rouge: [Confidently] Not a problem.
[Prim Rouge tosses Sonic up into the air. He screams again but lands into the body of Birdie, with Thorn Rose in-front of him.]
Thorn Rose: Promise you'll return and help me restore the jungle.
[The Spaceship disappears into the Portal.]
Sonic: You have my word, Thorn.
[Thorn Rose taps the head of Birdie. She caws as they make their way towards the Portal.]
Sonic: [Determined] I'm gonna set everything right.
[Sonic jumps off and flies through the Portal into the Void, jumping from platform to platform.]
Sonic: [On Regulator] Hang on, Nine. I'm coming for ya.
Tails Nine: No.

[Scene Change: Spaceship]

Tails Nine: Don't worry about me. I'm working on a plan to get the Shards from the inside.

[Scene Change: Void]

Tails Nine: The best thing for you to do is to get the next Shard before they do.
Sonic: Are you sure?
Tails Nine: Totally.

[Scene Change: Spaceship]

Tails Nine: These eggheads are playing into my hands. They don't...

[The camera switches to an outside shot of the room he is in. Dr. Don't looks at him within the room, showing a bit of concern of what he is up to. He decides to forget about it and continue operating.]

Tails Nine: [Continuing] ...been downloading their tech.

[Scene Change: Void]

Tails Nine: You just need to get to the Shard first, then get out. I better go. [Electronic shimmer. Suddenly, the camera zooms out to Shadow who was there all along listening into Sonic's conversation with Nine. As Sonic sees Shadow, he gets startled.]
Shadow: That's the first time one of them has made any sense.
Sonic: [Provoked] Nine's on our side, Shadow. And if you're not gonna help you can...
Shadow: Oh, I can help. [Shadow, in an attempt to make Sonic follow the Chaos Council, spin attacks Sonic, causing him to scream and fly towards the portal leading to No Place.]

[Scene Change: Sky]

[Sonic has now entered No Place. He continues screaming as he falls down.]
Sonic: Not aga-a-a-in! [He splashes into the water. The screen cuts to black and the credits appear.]
