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Sonic Wiki Zone
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Archie Comics Logo
This character exists primarily or exclusively within the Pre-Super Genesis Wave continuity.
Information in this article may not be canonical to the storyline of the games or any other Sonic continuity.

Auto Automatons[1] are characters that appear in the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series and its spin-offs published by Archie Comics. They were mass-produced robot models developed by Dr. Ivo Robotnik which served as perfect physical replicas of various Mobians.

Auto Automatons were designed to infiltrate various Freedom Fighter groups and gather information. During the Second Robotnik War, more advanced versions of Auto Automatons known as Infiltrators were created by Dr. Eggman.[1]


Deadliest of the Species[]

Auto Automatons were first designed by Dr. Robotnik for espionage purposes. They were intended to be exact duplicates of the Freedom Fighters, thus enabling them to replace their biological counterparts. The first functioning Auto Automaton was based off Sally Acorn and was used in a scheme Robotnik proposed to Rebel Underground leader Geoffrey St. John. However, Geoffrey showed the real Sally the robot and explained Robotnik's plan. The two managed to trick Robotnik into destroying the robot by trying to roboticize it (Robotnik thought it was the real Sally). The factory that was mass-producing Auto Automatons was also destroyed by Robotnik in an attempt to kill Sally, her new recruits, and the Rebel Underground. They escaped unscathed, however.[2]

Various uses[]


Auto-Fiona leads Tails to a trap, from Sonic the Hedgehog #28.

Robotnik used some leftover Automatons to train Sonic while he had amnesia in his captivity.[3] Another of the few surviving Auto Automatons, based on Fiona Fox, was used to deceive Tails during one of his early solo adventures. Created several years before Robotnik put it to use, it still had the appearance of a younger Fiona. Tails fell in love with the replica Fiona, and was heartbroken when he discovered it to be a robot. However, Tails would still not fight the Auto Automaton, and only survived because they fell into the water where the robot rusted. Tails left the robot on the island, briefly expressing hope that he could repair her, but giving up upon Robotnik's retreat. Tails soon left, and never saw the robot shed tears at the sight of him leaving. Despite acting on Robotnik's orders, the robotic Fiona appears to have genuinely cared for Tails. Unfortunately, her attachment led her to want him subjected to roboticization so they could be together.[4][5]

While the Freedom Fighters left Knothole to obtain the Sword of Acorns, which had been obtained by Knuckles the Echidna, King Max was captured and replaced with an Auto Automaton of himself, which deceived everyone until Robotnik exposed it to be a fake after invading Knothole. Its mission accomplished, the Auto-Automation was callously destroyed by Robotnik.[6]

Although seemingly never seeing use, an Auto-Automation of Sonic himself was constructed at one point, and placed within one of Dr. Robotnik's labor camps for Power Gem harvesting. Following the First Robotnik War, the robot would lay inactive until it decayed and became unusable.[7]

The Auto Automatons were eventually discarded as faulty, given that the materials that made them so lifelike made them so susceptible to rust that they would become useless within seconds of touching water.


Years later, Dr. Eggman revisited the concept of Auto Automatons, creating upgraded versions he dubbed "Infiltrators", which he manufactured in the Robo-Dyne Factory of New Megaopolis. These infiltrators featured all the strengths of the regular Auto-Automations, with the addition of built-in weaponry. However, they also featured a drawback in the sense that they had to be programmed with direct scans of their source's mind.[1] Notably, an Infiltrator of Tommy Turtle was created who nearly killed Sonic after badly damaging Sonic's father. After this Infiltrator's destruction, Sonic and the Freedom Fighters went to New Megaopolis where they found thousands of Infiltrators being mass produced, including Infiltrators of Sonic and Sally. However, the factory and the Infiltrators in it were subsequently destroyed by bombs planted by the Freedom Fighters, and the real Tommy was rescued.[8][9]

The Chaotix Connection[]

Some time later, Eggman used the Infiltrators again, this time using Renfield T. Rodent's Casinopolis in Station Square as a front. The casino had scanners in slot machines that would copy individual data, which would then be used to make robots to replace the originals. The Chaotix were chosen by the President to investigate the new casino, as they'd had previous experience with Renfield. Renfield managed to use an Infiltrator copy of a Mobian horse to capture Knuckles, and ensnared Vector the Crocodile, Espio the Chameleon, and Rouge the Bat with the slot machine scanner. Despite being discovered, Renfield gloated that the amount of data already collected would let him build a small army. However, Julie-Su unplugged the computer, destroying the transferred data and preventing it from being used, and Mighty the Armadillo destroyed the factory making the factory. Renfield was subsequently arrested and tried in Station Square courts.[10]


The Infiltrator series would briefly be revived in secret by Snively Robotnik, who made several decoys of himself which he rigged to explode if captured. Eventually, Snively released these copies in order to throw Eggman off his trail while escaping the Death Egg. While this plan succeeded due to the Infiltrators detonating themselves as ordered, Snively was eventually tracked down by the doctor, and imprisoned for life inside a Prison Egg. In order to prevent the Iron Queen from learning of Snively's true fate, Eggman gave one of the remaining Infiltrators of Snively to her, deceiving her into thinking it was the real Snively. The Infiltrator of Snively continued serving the Iron Queen up until the launch of the Super Genesis Wave.[11]

In other media[]

Sonic the Hedgehog (TV series)[]

Similar to the Auto Automatons was an android created by Robotnik in the Sonic the Hedgehog cartoon. This android, named Robot Sally, was created to resemble Sally down to the finest detail, and was also programmed with a copy of her "sparkling" personality. However, lacking her true memories, the pseudo-Sally was unable to fool Tails when she didn't know a story to read and do the "scary witch voice". She was then exposed later during another reconnaissance mission, and reprogrammed by the Freedom Fighters to serve their purposes. As a final act, Sonic replaced the real Sally with the fake, causing the Roboticizer to overload. Sally's robotic double from the TV series was also able to fire bolts of energy and a sludge-like substance known as "Mega Muck" (which is mentioned by Uncle Chuck as being roughly equal parts petroleum, quicksand, and clay mud) from her fingertips.[12]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Sonic the Hedgehog: The Complete Sonic Comic Encyclopedia, "Auto-Automations & Nanites"
  2. Sonic the Hedgehog Presents: Princess Sally
  3. Sonic the Hedgehog #27, "A Scrambled Hedgehog"
  4. Sonic the Hedgehog #28, "Growing Pains! - Part 1 of 2"
  5. Sonic the Hedgehog #29, "Growing Pains! - Part 2 of 2"
  6. Sonic the Hedgehog #49, "Escape From the Floating Island"
  7. Knuckles the Echidna #28, "Below the Belt"
  8. Sonic the Hedgehog #136, "The Infiltrator"
  9. Sonic the Hedgehog #137, "Robo-Dyne Systems"
  10. Sonic the Hedgehog #166, "The Chaotix Connection"
  11. Sonic Universe #40, "Scrambled Part Four: In the Name of Love!"
  12. Allee, Pat; Hurst, Ben (25 September 1993). "Sonic and Sally". Sonic the Hedgehog. Season 1. Episode 2. ABC.

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