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Sonic Wiki Zone
Sonic Wiki Zone
Archie Comics Logo
This character exists primarily or exclusively within the Pre-Super Genesis Wave continuity.
Information in this article may not be canonical to the storyline of the games or any other Sonic continuity.

Ash Mongoose (born 3220) is a character that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series and spin-offs published by Archie Comics. He is a mobian mongoose who is the manager of the Forget Me Knots and boyfriend of Mina Mongoose. Ash is constantly competitive with Sonic the Hedgehog, partially because Mina told him about her crush on Sonic and how she was hurt when she saw Sally Acorn and Sonic kissing, however, Ash has worked with Sonic, mainly to save Mina. Ever since Ash saved Mina from an attempted assassination, nearly killing him, Mina and Ash have been inseparable and support each other. Ash appears to be cold, but Mina really does bring out a warmer side to him.


Ash is a mobian mongoose who has yellow fur, black hair and dark blue eyes. He wears a white jacket, black boots, red sunglasses, blue pants and black shirt with an emoticon. Like Mina, his ears have multiple piercings, though he has studs instead of rings. At one time, he was depicted without pants; his white jacket became something of a long, red vest.


Mina's Manager[]

At some point during Sonic's absence in outer space, Ash met Mina. He eventually became her manager and the two began a relationship. When Sonic finally returned from outer space, Ash was quick to inform Sonic that he was dating Mina, knowing that Mina once had an extremely strong crush on Sonic. Despite repeated efforts by Mina to get him to realize Sonic was in the past and that he had no reason to be insecure, Ash remained antagonistic towards Sonic with the two of them egging each other at the slightest provocation.[1][2][3]

Ash's own heroic side came into play when Mina was targeted by an assassination attempt by former Chaotix members, Heavy and Bomb, who were under the control of Dr. Eggman. After Heavy had been defeated, only one bomb remained. Ash and Mina found it in her dressing room, and Ash risked his life by grabbing it and diving out the door. Ash was injured, and seemingly comatose. However, as Mina cried over his hospital bed, he awoke with a smile, and Mina's resulting joy made it apparent her feelings for Ash were genuine, putting an end to Sonic's chances of a romantic relationship with her. When Mammoth Mogul took control of Mina's mind, having "marked" her in the past, Ash attempted to stop her and then, putting aside old differences, worked with Sonic to free Mina from Mogul's control and save her life.[4][5]

Back From Touring[]


Ash and Sonic steal a Chaos Emerald for Mammoth Mogul, from Sonic the Hedgehog #186.

Once Mina's world tour had concluded, they returned to New Mobotropolis. Having talked it over with Mina, Ash approached Sonic and admitted that he'd been a jerk in the past because he felt his relationship with Mina would be threatened by the hedgehog. While Ash got the band settled, Sonic showed Mina what had changed since her tour. That night, while staying at Freedom HQ, Ash awoke to find Mina in a trance-like state, getting dressed and leaving. After following her, Ash found Mina attacking Sonic and jumped on top of Mina to make her stop; she punched him in the face, hurting him more emotionally than physically. She, along with Tails and Mighty, all in a similar state, then took off. Confused and scared for Mina, Ash turned to Sonic, and the two soon discovered that Mammoth Mogul had mentally taken control of the three and were attempting to coerce Sonic into handing the city's Chaos Emerald over to him by sending them into situations that would surely result in their deaths. Intensely scared for Mina, Ash decided to help Sonic deliver the emerald, as there was no way Sonic could save all three in time. As they had no time to explain themselves, the two suffered interference from Nicole but managed to steal the emerald and give it to Mogul who, true to his deal, freed the three from his control before escaping with several other prisoners. Upon the trio's return, Mina collapsed on Ash's shoulder while he comforted her. They all then watched the sun rising together.[6][7]

Ash later watched the fall of the Eggman Empire with Mina via a live television data-stream and celebrated it with Mina. The next day when Mina got up on stage with the Forget Me Knots, she was blown off her feet by Monkey Khan who accused them of being selfish of not helping the rest of the world, and Ash quickly went over to Mina to make sure she was alright.[8][9]

New Sound[]


Ash comforts Mina, from Sonic the Hedgehog #219.

After the fall of the Iron Dominion, Mina began to suffer recurring nightmares stemming from the occupation of New Mobotropolis. Feeling she needed to get out of the city, she and Ash headed for Freedom HQ. Mina's fragile emotionally state put Ash on edge, and so when Sonic arrived and accidentally bumped Mina with the door, Ash began to tell the hedgehog off, only for a strained Mina to tell him to shut up. Taken aback, Ash apologized, and later, when they were alone, he gently confronted her about her condition, correctly guessing that the source of her problem was her continuing nightmares. Mina burst into tears and Ash lead her to the couch, encouraging her to let out her fears. Upset, she spoke primarily of Nicole, who had been corrupted into "Iron Nicole" and then had used the city itself -which was composed of Nanites - to capture the population. Ash attempted to reassure Mina, reminding her that she had helped in evacuating many people, but it wasn't enough; as Nicole controlled the entire city, Mina felt they were at too much of a risk should she lose control again. Ash agreed that the situation had been rough on them as well as others, and Mina was further frustrated because she felt that the Freedom Fighters weren't aware of the potential danger. Ash suddenly realized this was a perfect opportunity for Mina; she could use her music to make a statement. He told her that with a new sound, she could really wake people up. With Ash's encouragement, Mina quickly brightened; she lead him off, eager to start working on a new album immediately.[10]

Some time later, Ash arrived at Mina's house to meet up with the band; as Mina was running behind, her mother, Isabella, told him to wait with the others. The band's guitarist, Max, told Ash they needed to talk with him about the new songs that had been proposed, not pleased that he was "forcing" a new direction on them. However, Mina soon arrived and told the others that the new direction was her doing; Ash sheepishly admitted that he'd actually had to tell her to tone things down. Mina was able to explain her reasoning to the band and convince them that that the new sound was necessary to send a message, and so they began to practice while making plans for their next concert.[11]

When the night of the concert came three weeks later, Mina had pre-show jitters, afraid that people might hate the new sound, but Ash assured her that they'd love it as much as they loved her. As it turned out, the performance was extremely well-received. As the band made its way back to their trailer, Ash draped his jacket over Mina's shoulders and eagerly congratulated her, talking about future plans—but they were caught off-guard when they realized that someone was already in the trailer. Ash and Mina entered to find Sonic and Sally; he was displeased to find that they'd gotten past security and told Sonic that they could line up with the other fans if they wanted autographs. A snarky comment from Sonic almost caused things to escalate further, but Mina quickly calmed Ash down and stepped in, trying to explain that she believed her message needed to be heard, especially by the Freedom Fighters. However, this in turn lead to a tense exchange between her and Sally, which lead to a revelation that neither Ash nor Mina had been aware of: Nicole had actually been freed from the Iron Queen's control but had maintained the ruse in order to protect the people. Furthermore, Nicole had been present at the concert and hurt that the people had been rallied against her. Later, the two saw an undesired effect of Mina's message. While having dinner with Mina at Creme de la Creme, they saw Sonic and Sally arrive there for a date, only for a waiter to start pestering them about the issue of Nicole, which soon led to everyone in the restaurant loudly bickering over the issue. Exasperated, Mina soon decided that she wanted to leave, unable to enjoy the evening with all the fighting going on, and Ash agreed, with Mina remarking that this wasn't what her music was supposed to create.[12][13]

Ash supported Mina as she changed her course, and was present when she held another concert to advocate overturning Nicole's exile from the city. An unseen attack by Tails Doll prompted the intervention of Team Freedom, and Ash quickly ran to check on Mina after Rotor saved her. His girlfriend proved unhurt, and quickly renewed her cry for Nicole's return.[14]


Ash was previously very competitive with Sonic, partially because Mina told him about her crush on Sonic and how she was hurt when she saw Sally and Sonic kissing. This left him feeling his relationship with Mina was at risk despite his great love for her; sometimes his feelings caused him to be a bit overly defensive of her. While this issue was eventually settled, Ash can sometimes still be blunt and aggressive when Sonic's around. Though lacking in any special abilities, Ash is brave and selfless, risking his life and going to great lengths to save Mina from harm. He's extremely supportive of Mina and her music.


Mina Mongoose[]


Mina and Ash celebrating the fall of the Eggman Empire with everyone else, from Sonic the Hedgehog #200.

Ash is very much in love with Mina, and has shown that he would be willing to sacrifice his own life to save her. It is because of this love that he forged his rivalry with Mina's old crush, Sonic, but that appears to have come to a stop after some discussion with Mina while on her tour. He's always willing to support Mina whenever needed.

Sonic the Hedgehog[]





  • He was initially going to wear tattoos, each tattoo symbolizing something special to him (one would probably be dedicated to Mina as well), however the idea of giving him a tattoo could be seen as a bit mature, so the idea was slated.



  1. Sonic the Hedgehog #134, "Home - Epilogue: Say You Will"
  2. Sonic the Hedgehog #144, "Love and Loss"
  3. Sonic the Hedgehog #145, "Harbinger"
  4. Sonic the Hedgehog #153, "Songoose, Part 1"
  5. Sonic the Hedgehog #154, "Songoose, Part 2"
  6. Sonic the Hedgehog #185, "Mogul Rising Part One: Needful Things"
  7. Sonic the Hedgehog #186, "Mogul Rising Part Two: Devil's Due"
  8. Sonic the Hedgehog #200, "Turnabout is Fair Play"
  9. Sonic the Hedgehog #201, "Change in Management"
  10. Sonic the Hedgehog #219, "In Service to the King Part One"
  11. Sonic the Hedgehog #220, "In Service to the King Part Two"
  12. Sonic the Hedgehog #221, "Changing Tempo"
  13. Sonic the Hedgehog #222, "The World Can Wait"
  14. Sonic the Hedgehog #241, "Unraveling"

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