Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 19 is the nineteenth issue of the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series published by Archie Comics.
Official solicitation[]
Night of 1,000 Sonics[]
- A dimensional doorway has been opened in The Great Forest and out pops the Sonic Cyborg. After landing from the Cosmic Interstate, it seems that in his dimension Dr. Robotnik turned the Freedom Fighters into cyborgs. But this was a mistake as the FF's became so powerful that they invaded Robotropolis. In an attempt to stop them Robotnik roboticised himself and became the Robo-Robotnik! If he was evil before now, he's worse, and he's set his sights on conquering all dimensions that exist! Thus, a mass recruitment of Sonics and bots begin, as Sonic and the real Dr. Robotnik join forces all in hopes of stopping him! But Robo-Robotnik's not through as he recruits Evil Sonic to steal the Giant's Hand in the Neutral Zone, the key to opening Giant Borg and taking over! As Robo-Robotnik wreaks havoc on Mobius can the Sonics stop them?
Featured stories[]
Cover Corner Box[]
Sonic, with a pair of sunglasses on, fires a watergun and says "Hasta la vista, Robotnik!"
Night of 1,000 Sonics![]
- Writer: Mike Kanterovich, Ken Penders
- Pencils: Dave Manak (Part I and II), Art Mawhinney (Part III and IV)
- Inks: Rich Koslowski
- Letters: Mindy Eisman
- Colors: Barry Grossman
- Editor: Scott Fulop
- Managing Editor: Victor Gorelick
- Editor-in-Chief: Richard Goldwater
- Special Thanks to: Stephen Penders
Part I[]
While strolling along, the Knothole Freedom Fighters come upon a large dimensional portal. While wondering what it is, a being pops out, forcing Sonic to push Sally Acorn out of the way of the portal. Sally looks over at the being, who is an exact duplicate of Sonic, just with half his body roboticized. This Cyborg Sonic gets up and identifies Sonic as a target and goes after him, but Sonic tells him to slow down. This duplicate confuses Sally, though Sonic figures out where it comes from. He recalls his previous trip through the Cosmic Interstate, where he met his evil twin, Evil Sonic. With this in mind, Sonic realizes there could be numerous forms of himself in other universes.
Cyborg Sonic, after listening to Sonic's theory, describes his universe to the Freedom Fighters. He recalls his world, where Robotnik successfully captured and roboticized their Freedom Fighters, but he only half-roboticized They became the Cyborg Freedom Fighters, making the group stronger than before and allowing them to storm Robotropolis. Before they could confront Robotnik, he roboticized himself, becoming Robo-Robotnik and destroyed the Freedom Fighters. To defeat the stronger Robo-Robotnik, Cyborg Sonic took to the Cosmic Interstate to find allies, as Robo-Robotnik threatens, not only his Mobius, but all universes. With a supreme threat coming, Sonic and Cyborg Sonic both take several hundred trips along the Cosmic Interstate and recruit an army of alternate Sonics to take on the roboticized Robotnik.
Sonic takes to the stage and announces the crisis to all the Sonics in his audience. He bands the group together, just as their new nemesis, Robo-Robotnik (the head of Robotnik, but roboticized), arrives through the trans-dimensional portal with many advanced Shadowbots.
Part II[]
In Robotropolis, Dr. Robotnik watches as Robo-Robotnik announces his intentions to take over all universes. Robotnik gloats to Snively, thinking the being is just attempting to copy him. He presses a button on his chair and commences an attack on Robo-Robotnik's forces. With flying vehicles, he sends his own SWATbot forces to take care of Robo-Robotnik's Shadowbots, intending to prevent him from taking over his universe. Robotnik's forces succeed, and destroy the Shadowbots as Robotnik arrives to confront Robo-Robotnik. He orders Robo-Robotnik to leave, declaring that this is his universe. Robo-Robotnik obliges after his defeat, but promises that he will return. With Robo-Robotnik out of the way, Sonic and his counterparts decide to change their focus to Robotnik himself. Before they can go after him, Robotnik tells the Sonics that Robo-Robotnik would never give up so easily, and that he and the Sonics should combine forces. Despite being enemies, they agree.
They get together around a table, Robotnik's forces and the Sonics, to develop a plan. Aside, a massive muscular Sonic wonders why everybody is talking and why they don't let him do the job with his strength. As he thinks, four small Sonics run by, who the large Sonic tries to crush. Despite his strength, however, the four Sonics work together and knock him over. Sonic Prime looks over and tells them to knock it off as Robotnik begins telling his plan. Robotnik, thinking like his counterpart, recalls a weapon called the Giant Hand, an alien weapon of massive power located in the Neutral Zone, thinking that he'll go after it. A whole group of Sonics, including Sonic Prime, go into the Cosmic Interstate to locate the weapon. Unknown to them, Robotnik plans on using the Giant Hand to allow him to rule all.
Robo-Robotnik, now back in his full body form, watches from his lair as Robotnik allies with the Sonics, to his amusement. He has a plan up his own sleeve, pressing a button on his chair. Aside, a being is transported into the lair: Anti-Sonic, Sonic's old nemesis from Anti-Mobius. Anti-Sonic demands to know where he is, as Robo-Robotnik tells him that he is at a place where he can put his evil to good use. He goes on to tell Anti-Sonic his plan.
Part III[]
The Sonics travel along the Cosmic Interstate, until they reach an intersection with many forks. Sonic Prime stops instantly, causing the whole group to crash into each other. They look around, but can't figure out which way to go. Sonic prime looks at the map Robotnik gave him, but the map points to where no paths lead. He recalls that Robotnik said the path bordered the neutral zone, so he takes a leap of faith, and steps into the void where the path is supposed to be. His suspicion is right, and he walks on air along a hidden path into the Neutral Zone, which is devoid of any color. They look around, until Sonic discovers the Giant Hand: a large metallic glove. He picks it up, but before he can figure out what it does, he is knocked over. The group look back at the path, only to see Anti-Sonic with a group of Shadowbots.
The Sonics, through teamwork, rush at the SWATbots and take them out together, leaving Sonic to take care of Evil Sonic. Anti-Sonic had swiped the Giant Hand from Sonic earlier, so he starts to run away, with Sonic in pursuit. He catches up to him and knocks him down to the ground, causing him to drop the Giant Hand. As Sonic prepares to take care of some personal business with Anti-Sonic, he looks over as the Giant Hand disappears in thin air. Anti-Sonic informs him that Robo-Robotnik had tracked the Giant Hand and transported it right into his lair. He laughs maniacally as he walks over to the glove and presses a button on it. It grows and encases Robo-Robotnik inside a giant humanoid-shaped robot that he calls Giant Borg. He proclaims he will use to wipe all the Sonics out.
Part IV[]
With Robo-Robotnik in control of the powerful Giant Borg, the Sonics are upset over their possible imminent loss as Robo-Robotnik rampages across Mobius Prime. Sonic, however, is still confident that they can win. Despite this, the Sonics start blaming each other for losing the Giant Hand. Sally breaks them up, pointing to the four small Sonics and how, despite their size, were able to take down one of the strongest members of their group. With renewed confidence, the Sonics decide to take on the Giant Borg as a team, despite the size differences.
The Sonics catch up to Robo-Robotnik, who is wreaking havoc around Mobius Prime. Despite initially being intimidated by the size of the robot, they work together and climb up it. Robo-Robotnik, however, is not phased and throws one of the robot's arms down, throwing many of the Sonics around. With some of the Sonics down and out for the count, the Giant Borg lifts a leg up to squish them. Taking advantage of the opportunity, Sonic orders the others to make their move with everything they got. All the Sonics Spin into Giant Borg, overwhelming it and knocking it over. It crashes and breaks up into many pieces, including Robo-Robotnik himself. As the rest of the Sonics recover, Sonic finds Robo-Robotnik's head, however, Cyborg Sonic swipes it out of his hands and takes him back to his dimension, claiming he won't be back.
Aside, Robotnik looks at the broken pieces of Giant Borg, realizing they are interlocking pieces, and he could rebuild it. His plans are foiled from the start, as the other Sonics gang up on him. After hearing Robotnik, Sally realizes that the Giant Borg could reform due to the interlocking pieces. Sonic gets an idea, and gives a piece of the robot to each Sonic, to prevent it from forming again. Sally is unsure if they can be trusted with the pieces, but Sonic believes that if he can't trust himself, he can't trust anybody.
- Anti-Sonic
- Badnik Horde
- SWATbot (multiple)
- Badnik Horde (cyborg version) (only appearance)
- Burrobot (cyborg version) (only appearance)
- Shadow SWATbot (only appearance)
- SWATbot (cyborg version) (only appearance)
- Dr. Ivo Robotnik
- Freedom Fighters
- Cyborg Freedom Fighters (only appearance)
- Cyborg Rotor (only appearance)
- Cyborg Sally (only appearance)
- Cyborg Sonic (first appearance)
- Knothole Freedom Fighters
- Cyborg Freedom Fighters (only appearance)
- Robo-Robotnik v1.0
- Snively Robotnik
- Multiverse
- Anti-Mobius (flashback)
- Grand Forest (flashback)
- Cosmic Interstate
- Mobius (cyborg version) (only appearance)
- Neutral Zone (only appearance)
- Prime Zone
- Anti-Mobius (flashback)
Races and species:
- Chili dog (mentioned)
- Sonic's sneakers
- Giant Borg (first appearance)
- Sonic recalls the events of meeting his evil counterpart, Scourge in Anti-Mobius via the Cosmic Interstate in Sonic the Hedgehog #11, "The Good, the Bad, and the Hedgehog!"
- This is the first story in the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series to encompass an entire issue.
- This story introduced Robo-Robotnik. He would reappear again in Sonic the Hedgehog #22. Although originally this was supposed to be a different version of Robo-Robotnik, the two would canonically become one character in Sonic the Hedgehog #75. This however has caused much controversy, as the events in both alternate realities from Sonic the Hedgehog #19 and Sonic the Hedgehog #22 are different. Writer Ian Flynn decided to retcon this and made the Robo-Robotnik from Sonic the Hedgehog #22 separate from the one in Sonic the Hedgehog #19. This is due to the fact that the two have minor differences in their histories and both Robotnik's failed to recognize one another in Sonic the Hedgehog #22. Despite what has been established in the comics, Ian Flynn's position that there are two Robo-Robotniks was intended to be addressed in Sonic the Hedgehog: The Complete Sonic Comic Encyclopedia, but was cut for space.
- Evil Sonic arriving in Robo-Robotnik's lair is similar to that of the time transport bubble shown in the Terminator series of movies.
- Many of the alternate Sonics are based on superheroes like Wolverine, Batman and the Human Torch.
- The giant's hand bares a similar resemblance to the Infinity Gauntlet.
- The Giant Borg is a reference to 1984 Japanese anime Giant Gorg.
- Sonic holding Robo-Robotnik's head is a reference to Hamlet holding Yorick's head in Hamlet.
- This is the first story in the Archie Comics' Sonic continuity to feature Sonic and Robotnik working together.
Other features[]
- Cut-Outs: Cut-outs of SWATbots and Shadowbots on page 8 for the readers to cut out of the comic.
- Coloring pages: Pages 14 and 15 are left uncolored for the readers to color in. A uncolored cover is also in the comic for readers to color.
- Sonic: Hey, if you can't trust yourself...who can you trust?!
- The Princess Sally miniseries is officially announced in this issue's Sonic-Grams section.
Preview pages[]
Gallery |
External links[]
- Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 19 at Mobius Encyclopaedia, the Archie Sonic wiki.
- Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 19 at Sonic Retro