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Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 12 is the twelfth issue of the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series published by Archie Comics.

Official solicitation[]

A Timely Arrival[]

Robotnik builds a time machine to get rid of Sonic by transporting him to the past! Sonic enters the trap and lands ens up landing in prehistoric Mobius where he meets Sonugh the Boghog, and the caveman Ivo Robughnik and other Freedom fighter ancestors - but they're all afraid of the surface because it offers no cover!

Bold-Headed Eagle[]

Can Cyril, the last of the eagles, help Sonic defeat Robotnik before his sanctuary is destroyed? Or will this elderly eagle's goose be cooked?

Featured stories[]

Cover Corner Box[]

Rotor, while wearing pink sunglasses and listens to Sonic playing the piano, says Sonic really "skates on those eighty-eights".

A Timely Arrival![]


Part I[]

Dr. Ivo Robotnik is livid: Sonic the Hedgehog is taking the parts of his defeated robots to recycle them. He grumbles about how Sonic thwarts his schemes, "time after time," and is inspired to make a time machine. Sonic returns to Knothole, where Tails informs him that Sally Acorn wants to show them something on the television. The news is broadcasting footage of Robotnik's latest invention: a giant chainsaw to cut down the Great Forest.

Furious, Sonic goes into a Spin-Dash, creating so much friction that he burns a hole through Freedom HQ's roof and flies to the surface. He arrives at the edge of the forest and challenges Robotnik, who tricks him into being zapped by his Time Teleporter, which was built into the chainsaw. Sonic is then hurled through time back to Prehistoric Times, where he is scooped up by one of the resident Mobosaurs, a Pterodactyl. He frees himself with a Spin-Attack, only to plummet towards the mouth of a large Mobosaur.

Part II[]

Sonic smashes the giant Mobosaur's teeth and escapes its clutches. He's greeted by Sonugh the Boghog, who offers to show Sonic around (Sonugh lives in a bog instead of a hedge). Sonic is surprised to find Sonugh is as fast as he is. As they speed towards Sonugh's home, they are spotted by his nemesis, Ivo Robughnik. After briefly lamenting the lack of robot slaves to do his dirty work, Robughnik hurls a giant rock at the pair using a catapult, just as Sonugh finishes telling Sonic about the crazed caveman.

Prehistoric FF

Sonic meets the Prehistoric Freedom Fighters

The pair are seemingly crushed by a rock, and Robughnik celebrates his victory; in the present, Robotnik is celebrating the fact that Sonic is gone in a similar way to his prehistoric counterpart. A Crabmeat notices Robotnik being much more happy, and that it is breaking his own rules. Robotnik tells the Crabmeat to forget what they just saw, but the Crabmeat claims that they cannot forget it since the rules are ingrained in their memory. Robotnik then throws the Crabmeat on the ground, destroying it in the process. He prepares to cut the ribbon at the display of his Time Teleporter when the Freedom Fighters storm the exhibit. Back in Prehistoric Mobius, Sonugh and Sonic are still alive, having dug into an underground tunnel network that is home to Sonugh's teammates, the Prehistoric Freedom Fighters. Recognizing the group as counterparts to his own team, Sonic suggests that they go outside, but the group is horrified by the suggestion.

Sonugh reveals the Freedom Fighters intend to hide even deeper underground. Fearing that he'll end up becoming "Sonic the Mole" in the future, Sonic teaches them how to adapt on the surface, specifically by showing them how to plant hedges that they can use as hiding places. As the Freedom Fighters celebrate, Sonugh realizes his teammates seem happier on the surface. Unexpectedly, Sonic is transported back to his own time (the Freedom Fighters stole Robotnik's Time Teleporter to bring him home). Back on Prehistoric Mobius, Salugh is getting used to ordering the others around, and Sonugh is beginning to regret his descendant's visit.



Races and species:





  • Sonic and Sonugh pass by a sign pointing to "The Boglands" and "Bedrock". This is a reference to the show The Flintstones.
  • Since this comic takes place before Sonic the Hedgehog #19's "Night of a thousand Sonics", it is possible Robotnik could have sent Sonic into an alternate Zone by mistake, where Sonugh was actually an other world version of himself, in lieu of being his ancestor. This seems to be more likely since the revelation of the Xorda's Gene Bombs detonating on modern society long after Sonic would have traveled 40,000 years in the past, when animals did not possess human DNA (Sonic the Hedgehog #125).

Bold-Headed Eagle[]


Sonic runs off a cliff and lands in a large nest, which turns out to be home to Cyril the Eagle. Upon learning that Sonic was trying to avoid Robotnik's forces, Cyril reveals the tyrant was responsible for turning his Eagle Flock into Robots. Cyril himself survived by hiding, which he now views as cowardice. He gave up flying out of shame. Meanwhile, Snively tells Robotnik he has picked up a signal from the mountains. Robotnik tells him to get his Tyrolean hat and they are heading up the mountain in his Rambot.

Sonic encourages Cyril to try flying again. Cyril has difficulty flying and lands on a branch far below his nest. Cyril then sees his flock. The flock tell him they've been hiding out nearby for years. Cyril's confidence is rejuvenated and says it was thanks to "that young hedgehog". Sonic, meanwhile, is worried by Cyril's disappearance, fearing he may have been spotted or captured. Robotnik then arrives in the Rambot and begins questioning Sonic despite Snively's attempts to speak up. Sonic refuses to talk, and the Rambot's head knocks him off the cliff. Cyril swoops in and saves him as the cliff crumbles under the weight of the Rambot. Cyril flies Sonic back to Knothole in gratitude for his help.



Races and species:







The Lynx is a Jinx[]


While evacuating Mobini from an area of the Great Forest, the Freedom Fighters discover a Mobian who refuses to come down from a tree. Sonic rushes up the trunk to speak to the straggler, who introduces himself as "Larry Lynx-Super Jinx". Larry says he brings bad luck to everyone he meets. Sonic dismisses the idea, only for the tree limb they're standing on to break off and land on top of the Freedom Fighters. The group heads to Knothole, with Sally ordering Sonic to take Larry somewhere else in case he's actually a jinx. Larry tries to convince Sonic to leave him alone, but Sonic refuses, even when several trees inexplicably dump their apples on top of him. Sonic tries to find Larry a good place to hide until he can fix his bad luck, only to come upon the Freedom Fighters, who have been captured by SWATbots.

The heroes are restrained by steel collars held in place by a magnetic field. Larry blames himself for the mess, but Sonic gets the idea to use Larry's jinx to their benefit and sends him out to confront the SWATbots. Two SWATbots approach him, only to crash into each other instead, while their leader attempts to hit Larry with a magnetic blast to knock him out. The blast misses, and ricochets off rocks to strike the robot, allowing Sonic to seize the device controlling the collars from him. Robotnik himself arrives and prepares to mow Sonic down with his vehicle, but Larry rushes to help his friend, and the doctor loses control and misses Sonic, crashing into a rock wall. Sonic, confident that they've broken Larry's bad luck streak, decides to put it to the test. After Larry defeats Rotor 50 times in a row at chess, everyone is sure his luck has turned for the better.



Races and species:





Off Panel[]

See also: Off Panel



Off Panel

Paul Castiglia hands over his job, and pile of paperwork, to the book's new editor, Scott Fulop. The mountain of paperwork nearly causes Scott to lose his balance, and Sonic laughs at him.



Races and species:


  • Crabmeat: GASP! Robotnik! Singing! Dancing!! Smiling!!!


  • This is the first full Sonic the Hedgehog issue to feature Sonic in his standardized quill design (three sets of two) instead of the classic American/Sonic the Hedgehog look (one row of three). This is also the last cover to feature his original Archie Comics design.
  • This is the first Sonic the Hedgehog issue edited by Scott Fulop
  • This is the first Sonic the Hedgehog issue where Dave Manak did not do the penciling.
  • This issue contains the first of many small gag comics featured in the Sonic-Grams column. This feature, unnamed at the time, would later come to be known as the Off Panel.


Preview pages[]


External links[]
