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This is the transcript of the Sonic Prime episode, "A Madness to Their Methods".
[Scene: New Yoke City, night]
- [Inside a ruined city, a few kids play around the area.]
- Rebel Rouge: [Relaxed] Can you believe it? This is everything we hoped for.
- Renegade Knucks: Kids playin' with busted up Eggforcers?
- Rebel Rouge: Not that. Freedom. With the Chaos Council gone, we can finally make New Yoke City what we want, what its citizens deserve... return our home to what it was. All the trees...
- Renegade Knucks: And the beaches... [They hear a rumble and look up at the sky. A Portal opens. They brace themselves.]
- Renegade Knucks: This can't be good.
- [They both make their way to the top of a building for a closer look at the portal. The Mother Ship appears out of it, with Captain Dread clinging on to the edge of the aircraft.]
- Captain Dread: [Grunting] This be more... than I bargained for!
- [He falls off and screams while the camera cuts to Sonic - also clinging on.]
- Sonic: Dread? Dreaaaad!
- [Sonic leaps off and approaches to Captain Dread's level while falling. They hold hands. Sonic spins Captain Dread around and tosses him towards a building, landing safely. Meanwhile, Sonic loses control and falls into the trash skip - with the lid closing above him.
- Sonic: Yuck!
- [Captain Dread gets up and stares at the still-airborne Spaceship, growling.]
- Captain Dread: Me beauty. [The Spaceship beeps while it attempts to land inside the pod, with Mr. Dr. Eggman as pilot. It lands perfectly, lighting up New Yoke City, Renegade Knucks and Rebel Rouge are dismayed.]
- Rebel Rouge: No...
- Renegade Knucks: So much for everything we hoped for.
- [The camera cuts to some kids playing with Eggforcer parts. However, the robots become rejuvenated, forcing them to stand back.]
- Denizen Wolf: Sorry, Mr. Eggforcer.
- [The two rebels are spied upon by Eggforcers.]
- Renegade Knucks: Oh, coconuts.
[The opening theme plays]
[Scene Change: Inside the Spaceship, night]
- Mr. Dr. Eggman: [Relaxed] Ah, can't you just taste the soot and ozone.
- Dr. Done-It: [Grunting disgustingly] We never should've left it in the hands of these ignorant peasants!
- Mr. Dr. Eggman: [Angrily] But we've already discussed this! [Normally] Leaving to gather three Shards was the prudent decision. Now we'll be powerful enough to make short work of them.
- Dr. Done-It: You know I can't plan for a shatterversal domination with all those rebellion ingrates making a rocket! And didn't that dag-blasted rebellion start in your neighborhood?
- Mr. Dr. Eggman: Rebels joined from all five districts. Besides, their hideout was in Deep's district.
- Dr. Babble: We should just burn your district to ash!
- Dr. Don't: Someone needs to feed the baby. He's cranky.
- Dr. Deep: Save this negative energy for later. Each of us has to clean up his own house, so we can make a beautiful mess of reality.
- [Dr. Babble starts yelling. Dr. Deep hands him a pyramid-shaped juice box to use as a baby bottle.]
[Scene Change: New Yoke City, night]
- [Residents are running away from an onslaught of Eggforcers terrorizing the place. Renegade Knucks fends off a few of them with his fists.]
- Renegade Knucks: Rescue op, street side, now!
- [They see two kids being cornered by two Eggforcers. Rebel Rouge swoops down and kicks the robots away with her feet. She takes the kids up to safety. Meanwhile, Sonic starts searching around the place, looking for Captain Dread.]
- Sonic: Dread? Dread? Dread? Where are you?
- [Behind him, he hears and sees smashed robot parts flung up in the air, followed by Rebel Rouge carrying the two kids.]
- Sonic: It's the rebels!
- [Rouge takes out another robot then lands the kids to a safe place. She returns to Renegade Knucks.]
- Renegade Knucks: It's madness out here.
- Rebel Rouge: It's hopeless.
- [They are approached by three more Eggforcers, but are instantly wiped out by Sonic's Spin Attack. Sonic returns to meet them, standing on top of the rail.]
- Sonic: Missed me?
- [The rebels become annoyed.]
- Rebel Rouge: Sonic?
- Renegade Knucks: I shoulda known when everything went bad, that you'd show up.
- Sonic: Hey, I'm here to help!
- Rebel Rouge: Except you always seem to make things worse.
- [An Eggforcer slams into Sonic, but he dodges. He prepares a Spin Dash on top of the downed Eggforcer to break it.]
[Scene Change: Spaceship.]
- [Mr. Dr. Eggman presses a button on the screen, showing Sonic being chased by Eggforcers.]
- Dr. Done-It: [Angrily in ascending tone] The cerulean simpleton again?!
- Dr. Don't: He is the definitive bug in our game.
- Doctor Deep: [Entering] Peace, my brothers. The Blue Blight currently infests my district, and I will purge him like toxins after a juice cleanse. But first, [Types on the keyboard] let us secure our own Nest Egg...
- [The kids run away from view while the shutter close.]
- Doctor Deep: And give the rebels a little something to keep them busy.
- Dr. Done-It: What makes you so sure you'll exterminate the rodent? He's bested you at every turn! Got any new ideas?
- Dr. Deep: Actually, no. Nothing new. [Three Eggforcers emerge past the door.] I'm going to recycle.
[Scene Change: New Yoke City, night]
- [The Eggforcers continue to terrorize the place, with kids whimpering and screaming and running in panic while Sonic continues to eliminate the robots with Homing Attacks.]
- Renegade Knucks: Come on, don't let Sonic get in all the good licks! [He and Rebel Rouge and take down more robots. They work together on another Eggforcer, only for it to be finished off by Sonic, who then steps in and meets the gang.]
- Sonic: It's great to see you guys again, it really is, but I...
- [Sonic is suddenly grabbed by the shoulders and turned to by Renegade Knucks.]
- Renegade Knucks: [Annoyed] Answers! Where did you come from?!
- Sonic: Well...
- [A montage of flashbacks begin playing; Sonic exiting Ghost Hill, using the Green Shard's power in Boscage Maze, entering No Place, splashing in the water, gasping for airโฆ]
- Captain Dread: Fire!
- [โฆSonic sent flying after the missiles exploded into each other. The flashbacks ends.]
- Renegade Knucks: Pirates? I hate pirates.
- [Sonic is then grabbed in the arm by Rebel Rouge.]
- Rebel Rouge: You let the Council get their hands on [Grabs him tighter] more shards?!
- [She lets go of him]
- Sonic: Technically, yes. But don't worry, I've got a plan. I'm on my way to fix it right now.
- Rebel Rouge: [Annoyed] We've heard that before!
- Sonic: I'm gonna bust into the Yoke, grab the Shards and rescue Nine.
- Rebel Rouge: The fox with the attitude? The one who stole the Shard?
- Sonic: [Stammering] I know he's a little rough around the edges...
- Rebel Rouge: It's not just the edges.
- Sonic: ...but he saved you!
- Renegade Knucks: And then he disappeared again.
- Sonic: Because he was captured! We can trust him.
- Renegade Knucks: [Suspicious] Him? We don't even trust you! [Points his glove to his face. Sonic puts his arm down.]
- Sonic: Fine. I don't need you guys slowing me down anyway. [Prepares to take off.] I'll just...
- Rebel Rouge: [Covering his mouth] Quiet! [The camera pans above, where a series of propeller-topped robots float down from the sky and approach the gang, whom prepare themselves for combat. One robot chases a kid along a road.] Those machines, they've never been so fast. Or this aggressive. [One robot grabs a kid with its fingers. Renegade Knucks takes off.]
- Sonic: Which is exactly why I need to get into the Yoke like, yesterday. The Shards are what matters.
- Rebel Rouge: Go on, then. Don't let us slow you down.
- [Rebel Rouge and Renegade Knucks take care of more Eggforcers, while Sonic waits at the top of the building.]
- Sonic: It's fine. They can handle it. [Determined] Focus on the Shards, focus on the Shards... [Suddenly starts running down a building.] Uh, why am I running into battle?
- [He jumps and clings onto a Propeller bot trapping a kid. He breaks free of the robot's hold, sending a kid screaming and falling down, landing into the arms of Denizen 1998. Froggy - on top of the cat - croaks. Rebel Rouge defeats another Propeller-bot. Three more Propeller bots chase Renegade Knucks, who hides behind a building segment. He pounds the ground to scoop it up in the air and punches it towards another Propeller Bot. Rebel Rouge returns to him, but suddenly, a horde of Eggforcers confront them, only to be finished off by Sonic's Spin Attack. They run across a road but are stopped and surrounded by more Eggforcers, which are once again knocked out by Sonic with his Homing Attack, including one more from airborne. Sonic returns to the gang, whom are astonished.]
- Sonic: Well, it's been a blast, but I gotta get to the Yoke.
- [Prepares to take off, but Rebel Rouge stops him.]
- Rebel Rouge: We're going with you.
- Sonic: [Becomes annoyed] What?
- Rebel Rouge: We're all heading to the Yoke.
- [Renegade Knucks shakes his head in disagreement.]
- Renegade Knucks: Why would we go to the Yoke? [Picks up a robot part] The streets are crawling with Eggbots again!
- Rebel Rouge: Now that the Council is back and more powerful than ever, we have to take the fight to them.
- Renegade Knucks: No one likes a good dust-up more than me, you know that, Rebel, but these grunts are green. We need to get underground.
- Sonic: [Swaggers off slowly.] Love that you're talking this out, but I should've been there already. I can't wait around...
- [Rebel Rouge angrily steps in front of him.]
- Rebel Rouge: You're gonna have to! This is bigger than you, Sonic. If you fail, and the Chaos Council keeps the Shards, we're finished. And I'm not letting that happen. [Calming down] I know this isn't what we do. We stick to the shadows, we fight from the shadows, but this time, there's just too much at stake. We have to bring the fight right to them.
- Renegade Knucks: Maybe there's a way we can do both.
[Scene Change: Yoke HQ, night]
- Dr. Done-It: [Angrily] We should make it bigger!
- Mr. Dr. Eggman: Big surprise that Dr. Slouch wants it taller.
- Dr. Babble: Give it Buzzsaws! Carve them up!
- [Tails Nine clears his throat and appears with some Eggforcers.]
- Tails Nine: You rang for me?
- Dr. Don't: [Annoyed] How long are we putting up with him?
- Dr. Deep: He's built us what we want, get rid of him already.
- Mr. Dr. Eggman: Now, now. We're going to put him to work, but this one possesses a, shall we say, less-dull mind than the usual riff-raff? He'll appreciate this.
- Tails Nine: Appreciate what?
- Mr. Dr. Eggman: What we've built, of course.
- [He and Dr. Babble display the Shard generator. Tails Nine is astonished.]
- Tails Nine: You're harnessing the energy of all three Shards? That much power is...
- Dr. Deep: Incalculable? Indeed.
- Dr. Done-It: No, it isn't! Just make them bigger!
- Tails Nine: What are you guys doing?
- Mr. Dr. Eggman: The rat is confused. Perhaps a demonstration is in order. Dr. Don't? If you wouldn't mind.
- Dr. Don't: Whatevs.
- [Dr. Don't presses a button. The generator unleashed an electrical dome which homes in on a broken Eggforcer. It shines a bright light. After a moment, it is rejuvenated into a Jumbo Eggforcer. Tails looks at it in surprise.]
[Scene Change: Railway Station, night]
- [A tram rides along the tracks. The gang walk down the steps quietly. They stop, but Sonic bumps into Renegade Knucks, prompting him to growl angrily back at him. Sonic notices they've been standing for a while, and becomes annoyed.]
- Sonic: Oh, can we please speed this up?
- Rebel Rouge: [Annoyed] We're moving as fast as we can.
- [He groans. Soon the rest of the team continued onward, followed by Denizen 1998 and two denizen soldiers. On the other side of the Railway are a series of Propeller-bots roaming the area. The gang run and hide to another spot. They peep through the wall.]
- Renegade Knucks: What's the plan, Rebel?
- Sonic: Yeah, we are kinda under a time crunch here, so...
- Rebel Rouge: We need to get into the tunnels on the other side of the station. Using them, we'll be able to get in close to the Yoke HQ with less attention than on the streets.
- Renegade Knucks: So we just gotta get past these chumps first? [Scoffs] No sweat.
- [They hide back in and run past a tube, but the propeller bots are right in front of them as they exit. They combat the robots. Sonic Spin dashes up the barricade of a stairway and jumps to defeat a Propeller-Bot, followed by a Homing Attack - before Rebel Rouge kicks away another bot. One of the soldiers is grabbed by a Propeller Bot and is dragged into the rail's path. A horn honks, causing him to scream, but Renegade Knucks saves him as the tram passes through, knocking out the bot. Sonic slides under another Propeller Bot to dodge its grab. Denizen 1998 grabs the Propeller Bot's arms, allowing the soldier to shoot its propellers. Another Propeller-Bot is destroyed by a tram.]
- Sonic: Way to put the "team" in "teamwork," everybody! Oh, looks like you can handle yourselves, so maybe I'll just take off.
- [Sonic sets off, but a door rumbles and opens, unveiling some larger Eggforcers, causing the gang to stand back.]
- Renegade Knucks: Those things are huge.
- Rebel Rouge: Okay, seriously, what's with all the upgrades?
[Scene Change: Yoke HQ]
- [Tails Nine is watching footage of the railway on the screen.]
- Mr. Dr. Eggman: Enjoying the show?
- Tails Nine: It won't be enough.
- Dr. Done It: Not enough? Balderdash! My Jumbo Eggforcers will pound that varmint into blueberry jelly!
- Tails Nine: We'll see.
- Mr. Dr. Eggman: Yes, we will. You admire him, don't you? For all of your bluster, you think of him as a friend. Funny, I thought you were smart. [Tails keeps looking.]
[Scene Change: Railway Station]
- [The bigger robot confront Sonic and his team. It prepares to jump on top of them, forcing them to clear out onto the rail tracks.]
- Sonic: Whoa.
- Rebel Rouge: Knucks, we'll handle this one. Can you clear the exit? [Sonic salutes and get to work; She points] Let's move.
- [Renegade Knucks and Rebel Rouge take on the large Eggforcer. Renegade Knucks taps its leg, distracting it, while Rouge flies around it and delivers a punch. Meanwhile, Denizen 1998 is caught by two Propeller Bots, but Sonic defeat them, leaving Big to fall to the ground Sonic gives him a thumb up, but another horn honks in the distance as two more soldiers confront the Giant Eggforcer in the middle of the tracks. Sonic alerts and rescues the soldiers off the tracks as the tram zooms by, but is blocked by the heavy Eggforcer. Sonic seizes his chance and gets to the top of the stranded Eggforcer by breaking off a part. The robot pushes the tram along the rails and flicks Sonic away. Denizen 1998 uses the part as a gun and takes aim, firing and knocking down two Eggforcers.]
- Rebel Rouge: Let's go!
- [The gang run into the track's tunnel.]
[Scene Change: Yoke HQ]
- Dr. Done It: Sweet corn! They destroyed my babies! My big, beautiful babies!
- Dr. Deep: So much for "just make them bigger." Next time, try laser eyes.
- Dr. Babble: Buzzsaws!
- Dr. Don't: [While playing a video game] Flamethrowers are tight.
- Dr. Babble: Buzzsaws!
- Dr. Don't: Flamethrowers!
- Mr. Dr. Eggman: [Groans in anger] Enough!
- Dr. Don't: [Pauses his game] So, which one are we doing?
- Mr. Dr. Eggman: [Scoffs] I don't --care! [--Grabs Tails Nine and drags him away.] Do whatever you want. [The rest of the group look at each other.]
[Scene Change: New Yoke City, night]
- [As three Eggforcers roam together, Sonic watches on from the tunnel's opening. Down below, Lines of Eggforcers march along the road. The rest of the gang join him.
- Rebel Rouge: [Gasps] I'm starting to think this was a bad idea. They've never had this many Eggforcers, and they've never been this tough.
- Renegade Knucks: What do we got left to lose?
- Sonic: Look, this is all getting pretty intense and it's a lot more than you signed up for. So, I don't blame any of you if you don't want to go any further. But I have to go. I have a fox friend to rescue and a world to save, a few worlds, actually. I should have been doing this alone anyway.
- Rouge: [Firmly] No. The Chaos Council are not going to stop at bigger robots, and you're our best shot at any sort of victory. We're with you, Sonic.
- [Sonic looks up to them.]
- Renegade Knucks: Just tell me who to punch. [Sonic nods and takes off, with Renegade Knucks and Rebel Rouge landing on and breaking some robots. Denizen 1998 picks up a robot and throws it onto another, but dodges a ground pound from another Eggforcer. He ducks to dodge an arm attack, until Rouge grabs hold of the robot and tosses it with her might into the flying fist of Renegade Knucks. Meanwhile, Sonic approaches two more Eggforcers shooting back at him. He jumps and clings onto one robot's mouth. As the robot scans him, he taunts by moving his eyebrows. Sonic then looks over and evade an arm attack from another robot. In Slow-motion, a mid-air Sonic Homing Attacks the other Eggforcer, and jumps around various parts of the landscape to dodge more lasers. One laser attack cuts off one of the rails, leaving a honking tram to de-rail and ram into a group of Eggforcers. While more robots shoot at Sonic, one of them is hit on the head by a robot part. From above, Denizen 1998 body presses down on the Eggforcers. Soon, they hear Denizens yelling in the distance. The two Denizen soldiers hide behind Robot parts while being shot at.. Renegade Knucks, dodging more lasers, hides and prepares to shoot, while Rebel Rouge takes out another Eggforcer. The shutters open, revealing two more bigger armored Eggforcers. The gang confront them. Renegade Knucks groans.]
- Rebel Rouge: Huh?
- [Renegade Knucks fires a weapon at it.]
- Rebel Rouge: Forget it, Knucks! They're too well armored!
- Renegade Knucks: We'll see about that!
- [He charges at the two armored Eggforcers and punches one of them on the head. The head pops back out and the Eggforcer starts firing lasers from its eyes back at him.]
- Renegade Knucks: Huh?
- [Sonic saves him from the attack and takes him to safety.]
- Sonic: [Chuckling] If looks could kill, [Nudges him] am I right?
- [The robot slams as it lands behind them, holding a flamethrower. It flames at them. Sonic retreats around the landscape and causes the robot to give chase.]
- Sonic: I think maybe I made them mad!
[Scene Change: Yoke HQ]
- [The Chaos Council are watching the action on their monitor.]
- Dr. Deep: [Punches the air] Yes! Barbecue that rodent! [Stammers] For evil purposes only, mind you. I'm a strict vegetarian.
- [The camera cuts to Mr. Dr. Eggman and Tails Nine, the former looking away.]
- Mr. Dr. Eggman: We both know that the other members of the Council won't stop Sonic. They lack vision and imagination, [Turns to him] unlike you.
- Tails Nine: You think I have vision and imagination?
- Mr. Dr. Eggman: Perhaps. Or perhaps you're just a stupid fox. [Goes right to his face.] Alone. Useless. Pathetic.
- Tails Nine: [Sarcastic] I'm pathetic? [Threatens him] You're the one with unlimited power, and all you can think to do is build a bigger robot.
- Mr. Dr. Eggman: [Cackles, then threatens him back with a large stun gun.] Tell me how to defeat Sonic!
- Tails Nine: You can't, he's too fast. He thinks on his feet. No matter what you throw at him, he takes it. No matter how hard you hit him, he always gets back up! You'll never beat Sonic, because you can't understand him. You don't think like he thinks. You're not even in the same league.
- Mr. Dr. Eggman: So I need to think like Sonic? I knew you had vision and imagination.
- Tails Nine: [Jumps off his seat in protest] Hey, wait! I didn't...
- Mr. Dr. Eggman: Yes, yes you did. [Leaves with the shutters behind him.]
- Tails Nine: [Despaired] Oh, what have I done? [Speaks on his Regulator.] Nine to Sonic.
[Scene Change: New Yoke City]
- [Sonic is in the middle of a battle.]
- Sonic: Nine?
[Scene Change: Yoke HQ]
- Tails Nine: Are you there, Sonic?
- [Dr. Don't and two robots confront him.]
- Dr. Don't: Warning your friend? Not cool.
[Scene Change: New Yoke City]
- [Sonic Super-Peel-Outs and does a U-turn, as the robots walk closer to him.]
- Sonic: Can't take your eyes off me, huh? Come on, do your worst!
- [The two armored Eggforcers scan him and fire a laser, which he dodges with a back-flip. He peels out and lures them to destroying more Eggforcers. He spins in between then, jumps up in the air and in slow-motion, shows a relaxing pose to the viewers - causing the robots to blow up themselves - before landing back down.]
- Sonic: Yeesh. [Kicks a robot part] You guys need some team spirit.
[Scene Change: Yoke HQ]
- [Three members of the Chaos Council are furious with the outcome.]
- Dr. Done-It: [gasps] Dagnabbit!
- Dr. Deep: No! No!
- [Mr. Dr. Eggman appears past the automatic doors.]
- Mr. Dr. Eggman: Gentlemen! Why the long faces? Could it be that your plans amounted to nothing, again?
- Dr. Done-It: Well, if it isn't the cat that ate the canary. Where have you been?
- Mr. Dr. Eggman: Answers aren't hard to find, if you know the right neck to twist.
- [Dr. Don't then appears, holding Tails Nine.]
- Dr. Don't: Turns out our many-tailed prisoner has been in communication with Sonic [lifts up his Regulator] this whole time.
- Dr. Done-It: I knew it! That rat's a rat!
- Tails Nine: [lets go; furiously] I... am... a fox!
- Dr. Deep: [furiously] I'm gonna turn you into a bath robe!
- [Dr. Babble babbles furiously.]
- Mr. Dr. Eggman: Ah, let's not be hasty. The fox can lure Sonic right to us.
- Dr. Done-It: How is that going to help? He keeps beating our Eggforcers!
- Mr. Dr. Eggman: Exactly. That's why I have... something... better in mind. [Walks over to his demonstration in the generator room. The rest of the Council follow.] My interrogation of our prisoner has inspired a design for our greatest robotic creation. Watch and learn.
- [Presses a key. The shard generator starts pumping up with energy. Tails Nine looks on, worried.]
[Scene Change: New Yoke City]
- [Meanwhile, Sonic and the gang finish off a battle and meet together.]
- Rebel Rouge: Nice job. Told you he'd make it.
- Sonic: Make it? Uh... thanks. I can take it from here.
- Rebel Rouge: No chance. We've come this far. We finish this together.
- Renegade Knucks: Easy to say. But we still gotta get inside. This place is locked down.
- [More Eggforcers arrive from the doors and attack the gang.]
- Rebel Rouge: Take cover!
- [Sonic and the group hide while weapons are being shot at them.]
- Renegade Knucks: More Eggforcers? [A weapon hits his hiding spot. He groans] I hate to say it, but...
- Rebel Rouge: We're not retreating! We make our stand, here and now!
- [Renegade Knucks' hiding spot get hit by another shot. He fires, along with Denizen 1998, but the cat hides, leaving Froggy up in the air.]
- Renegade Knucks: We can't hold them off for long. We need to get inside, now!
- Tails Nine: [Over Sonic's Regulator] Sonic!
- Sonic: Nine? About time!
- Tails Nine: Bring your friends to the southwest doors.
- Sonic: You okay? You sound strange.
- Tails Nine: I'll get you in.
- Sonic: My inside fox is gonna get us in. Come on!
- Rebel Rouge: "Bring your friends"? Why would he say that?
- Sonic: Because he's a nice guy. I told you, we can trust him!
- [They continue hiding from weapon-fire.]
- Renegade Knucks: Not like we have another option.
- [Renegade Knucks and Sonic run for it.]
- Rebel Rouge: Rebels! Fall back!
- [They arrive at the top of a building.]
- Sonic: Yes! I knew Nine wouldn't let me down. Come on!
- [Then run and step outside the southwest doors. The doors open. They walk slowly inside.]
- Renegade Knucks: Yeah, this isn't ominous at all. I don't like this.
- Rebel Rouge: You don't like anything. Anyone got a light?
- [The next set of doors open with a mysterious orange glow.]
- Sonic: Nine?
- [A robotic figure walks towards them.]
- Sonic: Is that you?
- [The robotic figure stops as they approach the gang, causing them to take a step back. Renegade Knucks puts his weapon down.]
- Renegade Knucks: No, it's... you.
- [The camera closes in on Chaos Sonic. It switches on and displays an angry facial expression. The screen cuts to black and the credits appear.]
Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog | Pilot ยท 1 ยท 2 ยท 3 ยท 4 ยท 5 ยท 6 ยท 7 ยท 8 ยท 9 ยท 10 ยท 11 ยท 12 ยท 13 ยท 14 ยท 15 ยท 16 ยท 17 ยท 18 ยท 19 ยท 20 ยท 21 ยท 22 ยท 23 ยท 24 ยท 25 ยท 26 ยท 27 ยท 28 ยท 29 ยท 30 ยท 31 ยท 32 ยท 33 ยท 34 ยท 35 ยท 36 ยท 37 ยท 38 ยท 39 ยท 40 ยท 41 ยท 42 ยท 43 ยท 44 ยท 45 ยท 46 ยท 47 ยท 48 ยท 49 ยท 50 ยท 51 ยท 52 ยท 53 ยท 54 ยท 55 ยท 56 ยท 57 ยท 58 ยท 59 ยท 60 ยท 61 ยท 62 ยท 63 ยท 64 ยท 65 ยท Christmas Blast | |
Sonic the Hedgehog (TV series) | 1 ยท 2 ยท 3 ยท 4 ยท 5 ยท 6 ยท 7 ยท 8 ยท 9 ยท 10 ยท 11 ยท 12 ยท 13 ยท 14 ยท 15 ยท 16 ยท 17 ยท 18 ยท 19 ยท 20 ยท 21 ยท 22 ยท 23 ยท 24 ยท 25 ยท 26 | |
Sonic Underground | 1 ยท 2 ยท 3 ยท 4 ยท 5 ยท 6 ยท 7 ยท 8 ยท 9 ยท 10 ยท 11 ยท 12 ยท 13 ยท 14 ยท 15 ยท 16 ยท 17 ยท 18 ยท 19 ยท 20 ยท 21 ยท 22 ยท 23 ยท 24 ยท 25 ยท 26 ยท 27 ยท 28 ยท 29 ยท 30 ยท 31 ยท 32 ยท 33 ยท 34 ยท 35 ยท 36 ยท 37 ยท 38 ยท 39 ยท 40 | |
Sonic X | 1 ยท 2 ยท 3 ยท 4 ยท 5 ยท 6 ยท 7 ยท 8 ยท 9 ยท 10 ยท 11 ยท 12 ยท 13 ยท 14 ยท 15 ยท 16 ยท 17 ยท 18 ยท 19 ยท 20 ยท 21 ยท 22 ยท 23 ยท 24 ยท 25 ยท 26 ยท 27 ยท 28 ยท 29 ยท 30 ยท 31 ยท 32 ยท 33 ยท 34 ยท 35 ยท 36 ยท 37 ยท 38 ยท 39 ยท 40 ยท 41 ยท 42 ยท 43 ยท 44 ยท 45 ยท 46 ยท 47 ยท 48 ยท 49 ยท 50 ยท 51 ยท 52 ยท 53 ยท 54 ยท 55 ยท 56 ยท 57 ยท 58 ยท 59 ยท 60 ยท 61 ยท 62 ยท 63 ยท 64 ยท 65 ยท 66 ยท 67 ยท 68 ยท 69 ยท 70 ยท 71 ยท 72 ยท 73 ยท 74 ยท 75 ยท 76 ยท 77 ยท 78 | |
Sonic Boom (TV series) | 1 ยท 2 ยท 3 ยท 4 ยท 5 ยท 6 ยท 7 ยท 8 ยท 9 ยท 10 ยท 11 ยท 12 ยท 13 ยท 14 ยท 15 ยท 16 ยท 17 ยท 18 ยท 19 ยท 20 ยท 21 ยท 22 ยท 23 ยท 24 ยท 25 ยท 26 ยท 27 ยท 28 ยท 29 ยท 30 ยท 31 ยท 32 ยท 33 ยท 34 ยท 35 ยท 36 ยท 37 ยท 38 ยท 39 ยท 40 ยท 41 ยท 42 ยท 43 ยท 44 ยท 45 ยท 46 ยท 47 ยท 48 ยท 49 ยท 50 ยท 51 ยท 52 ยท 53 ยท 54 ยท 55 ยท 56 ยท 57 ยท 58 ยท 59 ยท 60 ยท 61 ยท 62 ยท 63 ยท 64 ยท 65 ยท 66 ยท 67 ยท 68 ยท 69 ยท 70 ยท 71 ยท 72 ยท 73 ยท 74 ยท 75 ยท 76 ยท 77 ยท 78 ยท 79 ยท 80 ยท 81 ยท 82 ยท 83 ยท 84 ยท 85 ยท 86 ยท 87 ยท 88 ยท 89 ยท 90 ยท 91 ยท 92 ยท 93 ยท 94 ยท 95 ยท 96 ยท 97 ยท 98 ยท 99 ยท 100 ยท 101 ยท 102 ยท 103 ยท 104 | |
Sonic Prime | 1 ยท 2 ยท 3 ยท 4 ยท 5 ยท 6 ยท 7 ยท 8 ยท 9 ยท 10 ยท 11 ยท 12 ยท 13 ยท 14 ยท 15 ยท 16 ยท 17 ยท 18 ยท 19 ยท 20 ยท 21 ยท 22 ยท 23 | |
Sonic the Hedgehog (film series) | Sonic the Hedgehog ยท Around the World in 80 Seconds ยท Sonic the Hedgehog 2 ยท Sonic Drone Home ยท A Very Sonic Christmas ยท Sonic the Hedgehog 3 | |
Sonic Colors: Rise of the Wisps | Part 1 ยท Part 2 | |
TailsTube | 1 ยท 2 ยท 3 ยท 4 ยท 5 ยท 6 ยท 7 ยท 8 ยท 9 ยท 10 | |
Knuckles (TV series) | 1 ยท 2 ยท 3 ยท 4 ยท 5 ยท 6 | |
Sonic X Shadow Generations: Dark Beginnings | 1 ยท 2 ยท 3 | |
Other | Sonic the Hedgehog: The Movie ยท OK K.O.: Let's Meet Sonic ยท Sonic Frontiers Prologue: Divergence |