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3-3 is a location in Cyber Space inspired by Sky Sanctuary, based on the specific depiction from the console/PC version of Sonic Generations. Being a part of the Cyber Space realm, it is a rather incomplete, fragmented incarnation of the location set in the bright sunset with Death Egg visible in the distance.
Portal location[]
In Chaos Island, the entrance Portal to the Cyber Space stage is located at the top of the hill at the south-western island, accessible via the purple rail west of the huge lava pit outside the main volcano. The player is also required to have a single Portal Gear obtained to gain access the stage.
The gameplay is in 3D. Sonic will be going through Zip Lines, disintegrating platforms, sliced turntables, bounce-able Clouds, Rainbow Rings and a Warp Point.
There are several different routes in this level. After Sonic runs off the Jump Panel, he will encounter some Eggrobos on some ascending platforms. Once past the next Dash Panel, he can go for the Red Star Ring on the platform above which leads to a group of Rainbow Rings. Cross the gaps carefully. At the end of this short road is a Star Post.
Once Sonic passes the Jump Panel, the player has a choice of two roads. The right, which starts off with disintegrating platforms, is quicker. Along the right side, Homing Attack the Zip Line to ride it up. A Wide Spring leads to an enemy and a cloud. The Jump Panel takes them along the high road. Once on this road, the platform up ahead disintegrates immediately, so quickly jump onto it, stomp, and then jump again, in a slim chance that Sonic will be able to Homing Attack the Eggrobo up ahead before the turntable. The player then has some gaps to cross, between turntables and disintegrating platforms which soon lead to the road with the upper Star Post.
The road on the left leads to another group of Rainbow Rings. Homing Attack the Badniks and take the Dash Panels which lead to the Grind Rail. Homing Attack the next two Badniks on the right, as the rail ahead leads to a dead end. Both disintegrating Platforms will trigger early but don't worry, as there's a safe drop below. The player will encounter another Eggrobo and a Wide Spring, leading to some sliced turntables. The switch ahead of the second high one will generate a Pulley leading to the high road and the upper Star Post. Alternatively the player can go around the broken pillars to reach the lower Star Post.
On the low road: Take the springs and Homing Attack the Eggrobo. Take the Wide Spring up to the road where the rail is. On the high road: At the end of this road, Homing Attack the first Eggrobo, jump at the highest point before doing a Homing Attack on the next Eggrobo. Jump onto the disintegrating platforms on the player's right towards the Rainbow Ring which leads to the Warp Point and the third Star Post.
Take the Dash Panel and take the Zip Line: Once again the road splits thanks to another Zip Line lower and to the right. Taking the right Zip Line, the player will encounter some turntables, including sliced ones. Take the one at the top. The camera will then turn to the view of the player's left. Take the spring, terminating this route and leading to the Star Post.
If the player stays on this Zip Line: Light Speed Dash the airborne trail of rings up ahead. The end of this road has two disintegrating platforms ahead of it, as well as two more on the opposite side. Jump over the gap and continue forwards to the last Star Post.
Take the Grind Rail. Homing Attack the enemies and the spring up ahead. Wait until the platforms disintegrate before jumping over the remaining debris. Homing Attack the staggered line of Eggrobos to reach the last section. As Sonic starts ascending, the floors will break up from behind, so remember to boost while going up the helter-skelter slide, otherwise the platforms would catch up to Sonic.