Wonderman – piosenka wykonana przez zespół Right Said Fred. Stanowi przerobioną z wersję albumu, dopasowaną w taki sposób, aby promować grę Sonic the Hedgehog 3. W tekście znajduje się kilka nawiązań do postaci Sonica, a w teledysku pojawiają się też fragmenty rozgrywki.
- Wonderman
- [Hey guys-the hair, right?]
- [Right]
- Wonderman
- [You're uh, rejecting the the shiny baldness of the materialistic 80's right?]
- [Right, right]
- [Wrong! (śmiech)]
- [O-okay, tonight we interview a really big star... Not you, him!]
- There he is... havin' a blast,
- There he is... hogging the limelight,
- There he is... a blue rint that works,
- He's number one, he's el supremo,
- Attitude and power sneakers,
- At-attitude and power sneakers,
- To be that good just ain't that easy
- Wonderman,
- He is a Mister Wonderman,
- Wonderman,
- Ahh he's a Mister Wonderman,
- Wonderman, Wonderman
- All us feeling, left to wonder,
- Is it lightning? Is it thunder?
- There he is ... hip to the script,
- There he is ... suited and booted,
- There he is ... like Fay Wray's King Kong,
- So fast it hurts you'll get a slap,
- If you take a nap he'll spin attack,
- Take-take a nap and he'll spin attack,
- To be that good just ain't that easy
- Wonderman,
- He is a Mister Wonderman,
- Wonderman,
- Ahh he's a Mister Wonderman,
- Wonderman, Wonderman
- All us feeling, left to wonder,
- Is it lightning? Is it thunder?
- Wonderman,
- He is a Mister Wonderman,
- Wonderman,
- Ahh he's a Mister Wonderman,
- Wonderman, Wondeman
- All us feeling, left to wonder,
- Is it lightning? Is it thunder?
- There he is ... state of the art,
- There he is ... Speedy Gonzalez,
- There he is ... Z-z-zoom Sonic Boom,
- A slammin' door at 3 am,
- An itch you scratch again and again,
- Again and again again and again,
- An itch you scratch again and again
- Wonderman,
- He is a Mister Wonderman,
- Wonderman,
- Ahh he's a Mister Wonderman,
- Wonderman, Wonderman
- All us feeling, left to wonder,
- Is it lightning? Is it thunder?
- Wonderman,
- He is a Mister Wonderman,
- Wonderman,
- Ahh he's a Mister Wonderman,'
- Wonderman, Wonderman
- [He's just a flippin hedgehog okay?!]
- [As we usher in the new, it's time to bury the very boring]
- [Uhhh, right I-I-I'm too sexy for my shirt.. right... right (śmiech)]