Waking Up – temat muzyczny neutralnej ścieżki z gry Shadow the Hedgehog. Została napisana przez Ryana Shucka i wykonana przez Julien-K.
- Waking up, breaking out
- This is what it's like to be free
- Rip it up, tear it down
- This it what it means to be free
- Jet sounds a distant roar behind you
- As you try to clear your head
- You start to look and answers find you
- Your inner purpose lies ahead
- Waking up, breaking out
- This is what it's like to be free
- Rip it up, tear it down
- This is what it means to be free
- Waking up, breaking out
- Rip it up, tear it down
- This is what it means to be free
- One step to calm the storm inside you
- Unlock the secrets in your head
- Not another day, no more confusion
- No more living like the dead
- The ones with answers always get their way
- And I think they should know
- That I'm coming for them
- Now
- Waking up, breaking out
- This is what it's like to be free
- Rip it up, tear it down
- This is what it means to be free
- Waking up, breaking out
- This is what it's like to be free
- Rip it up, tear it down
- This is what it means to be free
- Waking up, breaking out
- This is what it's like to be free
- Rip it up, tear it down
- This is what it means to be free
Powiązania z postaciami[]
- Waking up, breaking out. This is what it's like to be free - Shadow jest wolny od wszelkiej kontroli nad sobą.
- Rip it up, tear it down - Shadow zabijający swojego stwórcę, Eggmana, i tworzący własne imperium.
- As you try to clear your head - Shadow przeszukujący swoją pamięć.
- Unlock the secrets in your head - Shadow próbujący wyciągnąć od Eggmana informacje na temat swojej przeszłości.
- Your inner purpose lies ahead - Shadow odnajdujący sens swojego istnienia.
- One step to calm the storm inside you - Shadow odnajdujący odpowiedzi na wszystkie pytania, które mieszały mu wcześniej w głowie.
- The ones with answers always get their way - postacie znające odpowiedzi na pytania Shadowa: Black Doom, Eggman i Dowódca GUN.