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The Works III – album kompilacyjny wydany 19 czerwca 2019 roku i kontynuacja The Works II. Zawiera utwory z różnych gier Segi, w tym kilka reprezentujących serię Sonic the Hedgehog. Fizycznie ukazał się tylko w Japonii, a cyfrowo na iTunes i Google Play Store.

Lista utworów[]

  1. "Dawn of Dreams (Let's Make a Professional Baseball Team!)"
  2. "Puyo Puyo eSports Main Theme"
  3. "Wisp Circuit (Live at Tokyo Game Show 2018)"
  4. "Mother's Canyon (Live at Tokyo Game Show 2018)"
  5. "Market Street (Live at Tokyo Game Show 2018)"
  6. "The Duel Tempest [Chain Band version]"
  7. "Battle & Vanquish [Chain Band version]"
  8. "Grand slam"
  9. "Discovery [Sonic Mania Adventures Special Remix]"
  10. "Big Arm [Sonic Mania Adventures Special Remix]"
  11. "Theme of Knuckles [Sonic Mania Adventures Special Remix]"
  12. "Windy and Ripply – Emerald Coast (Live at MAG Fest 2018)"
  13. "This Way Out – Prison Lane (Live at MAG Fest 2018)"
  14. "[Rumbling HWY- Mission Street (Live at MAG Fest 2018)"
  15. "Run Through The Speed Highway- Speed Highway]] (Live at MAG Fest 2018)"
  16. "Westopolis (Live at JAPAN Game Music Festival II: Re)"
  17. "Mr. Unsmiley -Sky Rail- [SAME version (2016)]"
  18. "Keys The Ruin -Pyramid Cave– [SAME version (2016)]"
  19. "Boss: CHAOS ver. 6 [SAME version (2016)]"
  20. "Welcome To The Station Square [SAME version (2016)]"
  21. "Azure Blue World – Emerald Coast]] (Live at GAME SYMPHONY JAPAN 17th CONCERT SEGA Special 2016)"
  22. "Escape from the CityCity Escape (Live at GAME SYMPHONY JAPAN 17th CONCERT SEGA Special 2016)"
  23. "Live & Learn (Live at GAME SYMPHONY JAPAN 17th CONCERT SEGA Special 2016)"
  24. "Seaside Hill (Live at GAME SYMPHONY JAPAN 17th CONCERT SEGA Special 2016)"