Elementy z wersji Beta które zostały usunięte lub zmienione w finalnej wersji gry Sonic the Hedgehog (2006).
Różne historie i Metal Sonic[]
Początkowo twórcy chcieli aby każda grywalna postać miała swoją własną historię. Dodatkową postacią miał być również Metal Sonic. Wszystkie te pomysły zostały porzucone i jedynie trzy postacie otrzymały swoje historie, podczas gdy reszta wystąpiła w roli wsparcia.
Silver the Hedgehog[]
Sonic Team chcieli stworzyć bardziej rozbudowaną biografię Silvera. W jednym z profili postaci, które wyciekły na XLS, opisana została moc która pozwalała Silverowi na przyciąganie do siebie Szmaragdów Chaosu.
Animacje postaci[]
Poprzez zamianę plików niektórych postaci z pakietu DLC Amigo z plikami regularnych postaci na ekranie wyboru postaci będzie można zobaczyć animacje z których normalnie te postacie nie korzystają.
Zwycięska poza Knucklesa[]
Knuckles jest jedyną postacią w Sonic the Hedgehog (2006), która nie może samodzielnie ukończyć poziomu. Dlatego też jego zwycięska poza pozostaje niewykorzystana. Przez błędy na poziomach Flame Core i Aquatic Base możliwe jest ukończenie poziomu jako Knuckles i zobaczenie jego pozy, wraz z tekstem po zdobyciu rangi.
- S - "All right!"
- A - "That felt good"
- B - "Well that wasn't TOO bad"
- C - "Shoot! I've still got a way to go..."
Super Hard[]
Tryb super trudny. Mieli z niego korzystać Sonic, Shadow i Silver. W pakiecie DLC do gry pojawia się tryb Very Hard.
Noc i dzień[]
Początkowo w grze miał pojawić się cykl dnia i nocy, który zaprezentowane w jednej z wersji demo w której Sonic biegł przez Soleannę. Z powodu ograniczeń czasowych nie zostało to jednak zrealizowane.
Town Stages[]
Castle Town[]
Poprzez błędy w grze można dostać się na wczesną wersję Castle Town, zaraz po powrocie z Flame Core jako Shadow. Bramy prowadzące do New City i Forest zostały zastąpione przez czarne pomieszczenia. Obok wejścia do Forest znajdują się również dwa mosty. Gracz nie może rozmawiać z mieszkańcami.
New City[]
Wykorzystując błąd w grze Shadow może dostać się do wczesnej wersji New City przed poziomem Dusty Desert. W tej wersji po New City jeżdżą pojazdy, które mają jednak niedokończone AI i często wjeżdżają w ściany. Pojawiają się teleporty do Crisis City i Flame Core ale nie można z nich skorzystać. Znajduje się tu również niewykorzystany NPC - gołąb o imieniu Hatsun. Gracz może z nim porozmawiać, ale jedyne co mówi to Coo...
W niewykorzystanej wersji New City pojawia się także misja, polegająca na zniszczeniu fioletowych potworów Iblisa i ochronieniu mieszkańców miasta. Na końcu gracz będzie musiał pokonać 4 Titanów. Misja ta nie zostanie jednak zapisana i za każdym razem kiedy gracz wróci do niewykorzystanej wersji New City to będzie dostępna od nowa.
Przed poziomem Wave Ocean Sonic może dostać się do zablokowanej sekcji Castle Town, poprzez błąd w grze. W wielu miejscach w Forest znajdują się podwójne drzwi. Znajdują się tu znaki z różnymi napisami i ograniczeniami prędkości, a także pozostałości po samochodach z New City. Nie ma tu żadnych NPC a mosty do bram wyjściowych z Forest są nieobecne.
Crisis City[]
W prototypowych zrzutach ekranu z gry na poziomie Crisis City zamiast potworów Iblisa pojawiały się roboty Eggmana. Z kolei wielkie tornado nie składało się z ognia ale głównie z pyłów.
Tropical Jungle[]
W Tropical Jungle Sonic miał ciemniejsze oczy, a na samym poziomie znajdowało się o wiele więcej sekcji. Liany służyły do przechodzenia do nieznanej lokalizacji, a w finalnej wersji gry pozwalają tylko na skakanie. Sonic nie nosi również Elise w normalnej wersji poziomu, a w grze tylko w trybie Very Hard.
Kingdom Valley[]
Kingdom Valley było pierwszym poziomem jaki został ukazany na zwiastunie gry. Znajdowało się tutaj wiele nieobecnych w finalnej wersji gry sekcji. Sonic posiadał również bardziej dokładny model z ciemniejszym futrem. W grze otrzymał mniej dokładny model i jaśniejszy kolor futra. Sprężyny wyglądały podobnie jak w Sonic Heroes.
Ataki i umiejętności[]
Chaos Smash[]
Chaos Smash miał być mniej zaawansowaną wersją ataku Chaos Snap. O ataku tym wspomina pracownik sklepu, kiedy mówi że Chaos Snap jest jego ulepszoną wersją.
Pirokineza Blaze[]
Silver i Blaze mieli mieć możliwość wykonywania ataków combo. Przez wciśnięcie przycisku Y/trójkąt gracz mógł wykorzystać pirokinezę Blaze aby okryć ją w płomieniach. Inny atak polegał na tym że Silver miał złapać Blaze i rzucić nią w przeciwników albo bossa.
Niewykorzystane misje[]
W plikach gry pojawiają się różne niewykorzystane napisy, które wskazują na to że w grze miałoby być więcej misji do wykonania na normalnych poziomach. Miały to być m.in. misje polegające na znajdowaniu Chao, albo prześcignięciu ducha w drodze do mety.
- "Get to the goal within minutes!"
- "Collect rings!"
- "Defeat all enemies!"
- "Wipe out all enemies!"
- "Get to the goal within minutes!"
- "Collect rings!"
- "Get to the goal before your rival!"
- "Get to the goal before the ghost!"
- "Find Chao!"
- "Find the Goal Ring!"
- "Get to the new Goal Ring!"
- "Clear the minigame!"
- "Clear hard mode!"
Niewykorzystane grafiki[]
Ikony przedmiotów, spośród których nie wszystkie pojawiły się w grze.
Bonusy punktowe[]
Poza bonusami Radical i Good w plikach gry pojawia się wiele innych napisów w różnych językach. Sygnalizują one otrzymanie dodatkowych punktów zwykle po pokonaniu dużej grupy przeciwników. Wcześniej były wykorzystywane w grach Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Adventure 2: Battle i Sonic Heroes.
Niewykorzystane obiekty[]
Super Gem/Rainbow Gem[]
W grze miał pojawić się przedmiot Super Gem, albo Rainbow Gem. Prawdopodobnie za jego pomocą Sonic miał mieć możliwość transformacji w Super Sonica. Poprzez wprowadzenie zmiany w plikach gry można przywrócić animację, którą Sonic miał odtwarzać podczas transformacji.
Speed Up[]
Ulepszenie dla Silvera, które miało zwiększać jego prędkość.
Zwykła osłona, która miała pojawić się w grze. Została nawet wpisana do instrukcji do gry. Wykorzystując mod pozwalający zmienić Omegę i Silvera w Crisis City i podnosząc Pudło z przedmiotem, na dole ekranu pojawi się ikona osłony ale zawartość pudła z przedmiotami pozostanie niezmieniona.
Niewykorzystany model rampy, podobny do tej która pojawiła się w grze Sonic Unleashed i potem w wielu kolejnych grach 3D. Normalnie w grze pojawiają się rampy podobne do tych z Sonic Heroes.
Model złodzieja i torby. Prawdopodobnie miał się pojawić w misjach Town Mission 9: Chase the Fleeing Car! i/albo Town Mission 3: Emergency Order: Capture the Thieves' Cars! ale został porzucony.
Niewykorzystane dialogi[]
Kwestia | Komentarz |
Blaze: Amy! | Blaze współpracująca z Amy. |
Amy: Come on! I'm feeling dizzy! | |
Blaze: This is a little intense! | |
Knuckles: It is like a rollercoaster! | |
E-123 Omega: Balance control unit operational. | |
Amy: Yaay! got something. | |
E-123 Omega: Worthless, let's get moving. | |
Rouge: Aaah, hidden in place like this! | Po znalezieniu przycisku albo klucza. |
Amy: Aaaah, we're gonna crash! | |
Blaze: Hey, are you trying to crush on purpose? | |
E-123 Omega: Obstacle approaching ahead! | |
Rouge: What are you doing!? We're going to crush | |
Shadow: Looks like we're gonna crush! | |
Sonic: Ooooh! Gonna crush! | |
Silver: Wooo! Gonna Crush! | |
Rouge: I wonder if there any jewels around there? | |
Shadow: I guess there's no hurry! | |
Re-center the camera, with the left trigger/L1 button. | |
E-123 Omega: Grind area detected! | |
Rouge: You can grind there, if you jump on that! | |
Silver: It looks like I can jump up and grind there! | Silver jadący po szynach. |
To move on an adjacent rail, jump while using the left stick. | Gdyby Przeskok na szynę pojawił się w grze. |
Hint Ring: While jumping, hold the A/X button for a long time, and release to perform a Homing Smash! | Homing Smash funkcjonuje inaczej niż tutaj opisany. |
Hint Ring: While jumping, press and charge the A/X button, then release it to do a Chaos Smash! | Kwestia dotycząca niewykorzystanego ataku Chaos Smash. |
Hint Ring: While jumping, press the X/square to use the Chaos Spear! The enemies that are hit by this should be momentary paralyzed | Nie pojawia się w grze. |
Amy: If you take damage, you lose your rings! Or you don't have any rings, it is over! Be careful, okay? | |
Blaze: If you are hit when you don't have any rings, you're done for! So watch how many you've left! | Z drobnymi różnicami wypowiadają to wszystkie postacie. |
Shadow: If I take damage and I don't have any rings, that's it. I need to make sure I have some. | |
Shadow: I can probably break this, if I use that power. | |
Sonic: If I use that power, I think I can break this | |
Amy: It looks like that container is going to explode, be careful when you break it open. | Dotyczy eksplodującej skrzynki. Amy ostrzega gracza przed wybuchem, który jednak w finalnej wersji gry nie zadaje postaci obrażeń. |
Blaze: It is appears that there are explosives in that container. It crashes when you open it!
Shadow: There's a bomb in that container, I've got to be careful. |
Dotyczy wybuchowej skrzyni. |
Amy: When you break open that container, an intense light will be emitted that can paralyze the enemy. | W podobny sposób wszystkie postacie wypowiadają się na temat niebieskiej skrzyni. |
Knuckles: You can hold this handle to move.
E-123 Omega: It appears you can hold this handle to move Shadow: It looks like I can grab this handle to move. Silver:Grabbing this handle should take me somewhere. |
Odnośnie krążka linowego. W podobny sposób opisują go inne postacie. |
Shadow: It looks like I need to collect Chaos Drives/Light Cores from my enemies to use the Chaos Boost. | |
Sonic: It looks like I can replenish my custom Shoes energy with Chaos Drives/Light Cores from enemies. | Custom Shoes nie wpływają na licznik akcji. |
Silver: It seems like collecting Chaos Drives/Light Cores from my enemies replenishes my power. | |
Amy: If you touch a Warp Hole, you can travel far away in a hurry.
Blaze: You can use Warp Holes for instant travel. |
Podobnie jak inne postacie. |
Amy: Those enemies are guarding that cage, let's defeat them first.
Amy: Shouldn't there be a switch around here that opens this cage? |
Podobnie jak inne postacie. |
Amy: Those enemies are guarding that door, let's get rid of them first!
Blaze: It seems those enemies are involved with that door somehow, in any case, let's try defeating them first. |
Podobnie jak inne postacie. |
Amy: Looks like you have to defeat the enemies!
Knuckles: If you don't defeat the enemies here, you can't move on. Shadow: Looks like I need to wipe them out! |
Podobnie jak inne postacie. W wersji Blaze pojawia się w White Acropolis. |
Shadow: The Chaos Spear paralyzes enemies on walls and in mid-air, it will trap them to the ground. | |
Sonic: The Homing Smash can blow away hall groups of enemies! | |
Silver: Psychokinesis can grab bullets, and send them flying right back! | |
Shadow: The Chaos Spear can neutralize special enemy effects. | |
Sonic: The Homing Smash can crush enemy defenses and barriers! | |
Silver: Psycho Shock works against groups of enemies, and can paralyze them. | |
Shadow: I can boost my attacks to blow away a hall groups of enemies.
Shadow: I can boost my attacks to crush enemy defenses and barriers. |
Knuckles: The vulkan cannon shots don't hurt too much, but you lose your rings bit by bit. Be careful! | Inne postacie również posługują się tą kwestią. |
Silver: I can't grab vulkan cannon shots, but I can block them with my Psychokinesis. | |
Sonic: Those missiles home on you and they explode on impact, if they lock-on, I've got to shake them. | Inne postacie również posługują się tą kwestią. |
Blaze: You can use your Psychokinesis to grab missiles and throw them back, to make them explode near the enemy. | Silver i Amy również wypowiadają te słowa. |
Rouge: The laser shots are extremely fast. When they are fired, dodge them at the same time. | Inne postacie również posługują się tą kwestią. |
Amy: Psychokinesis does not work against lasers. When they shot, just avoid them. | Inne postacie również posługują się tą kwestią. |
Amy: Watch out for their charge. After dodging their attack, counterattack! | Blaze i Silver również posługują się tą kwestią. |
Knuckles: Jump to dodge and counterattack! | |
Shadow: They'll charge without warning. I need to get out of the way, then counterattack. | Inne postacie również posługują się tą kwestią. |
Amy: Attacks are useless while the shields are in place, attack when the defenses are down.
Shadow: Normal attacks won't work against the shield. I've got to attack when the defenses are down! |
Głównie odnosi się do Egg Commandera. Występuje u innych postaci. |
Amy: If you take out the one giving orders, then you can beat everyone at once. | Odnośnie Egg Commandera. Występuje u innych postaci. |
Amy: You should be able to grab that flying robot attacks with your power, right? | Silver i Blaze również się tym posługują. |
Shadow: If I use that robot, it looks like I can move forward. | Występuje u innych przyjaciół Sonica i Shadowa. |
Knuckles: Attacks are useless while the barriers are in place. Attack the instant the defenses are lowered. | Występuje u innych postaci. |
Blaze: There will be trouble if you are discovered by that look out mech. Defeat it before it notices you.
Knuckles: If it sees you, it'll be a pain. You've got to defeat it before it finds you! Shadow: Doctor Eggman's look out mechs. I'd better take it out before it sees me! |
Występuje u innych postaci. |
Amy: You cannot attack enemies you cannot see. You need to attack the instant they show themselves!
E-123 Omega: Invisible enemies cannot be attacked. It is best to attack the instant they show themselves! |
Występuje u innych postaci. Niewidzialne roboty mogą być zaatakowane. |
Knuckles: While it is in the sky, it is hard to attack. Attack when it comes down here. | |
Rouge: Watch out for the drill attacks. Dodge them, then counterattack!
Silver: If I dodge the drill attack, I can grab it with my Psychokinesis when it is stuck in the ground. |
Odnośnie Egg Cannon/Egg Walker, ale przeciwnicy ci nie korzystają ze świdrów. Występuje u innych postaci |
Knuckles: When it's lost both arms, that's your chance. It'll be off balance, so you can knock it down. | Odnośnie Egg Guardian/Egg Keeper. Występuje u innych postaci |
Amy: Those things will crawl along the walls and ceilings, then jump on you, so be careful!
Shadow: Those things will crawl along the walls and ceilings, then jump suddenly. So I better watch out! |
Odnośnie Iblis Biter. |
Knuckles: If you use a Homing Attack on that monster, I wonder if you'll be able to reach the other side.
Sonic: If I use a Homing Attack on that monster, I'll be able to reach the other side! |
Sonic, Shadow i ich przyjaciele również o tym mówią. |
Silver: I can grab that flying monster attacks with my Psychokinesis, and counterattack! | Amy i Blaze również to wypowiadają. |
Amy: Attack when its mouth is opened!
Blaze: Your only chance is when it opens its mouth. Dodge, then counterattack! |
Odnośnie Iblis Worma. |
Amy: If that robot dives underground, watch out! He will suddenly burst out to attack!
Sonic: I've got to be careful if it goes underground. Cause it will burst forth to try and surprise me! |
Podobnie jak inne postacie. W grze nie ma robota który zakopuje się pod ziemię. |
Blaze: His weakpoint is the core of the head. Attack him there when you can see it. | Odnośnie Golema. Wykorzystują to wszystkie postacie. |
Amy: How about we deal these guys first?
E-123 Omega: Set target priority to Doctor Eggman's robots! Princess Elise: It is probably best to destroy these robots first. Silver: Let's clean up this trash! |
Podobnie jak inne postacie. |
Amy: Bad Guys!
Knuckles: Looks like it is time to fight! Blaze: What a nuisance! E-123 Omega: Doctor Eggman's mechs. Destroy! Miles Tails Prower: Eggman's mechs! |
Amy:Aaah! Are you kidding me?
Rouge: There you are! E-123 Omega: Do they think they can defeat them? Blaze: Did they think they'd stop me with this? Silver: This is useless against me! Sonic: These guys never learn. Let's go! |
Rouge: Hey, can you still use that Buggy/Bike over there? You can get on it with the Y/Triangle button. | |
Rouge: This Buggy has a special developed G.U.N armor. You should be able to crush into most obstacles without worry!
Shadow: This buggy is equipped with a special armor. With this, you can break through obstacles! |
There is no special Buggy in gameplay. |
Rouge: The Buggy is steered with the left stick/left analog stick, while the A/X button accelerates!
Rouge: Press the A/X button twice quickly to do a Boost Dash! |
Rouge/Shadow: Use the Right trigger/R1 button to fire a Lock-on missiles.
Rouge: Watch your remaining bullets. If you ran out, it'll take time to reload! |
Shadow: The Bike is lighter than the Buggy and it is easier to steer!
Shadow: Even while jumping the Left stick/Left analog stick controls the bike! |
Gracz nie może podskaczyć podczas jazdy na motocyklu, ani też kontrolować skoku po wyskoczeniu zr ampy. |
Shadow: That's a Jet Glider over there. Use the Y/Triangle button to get on. | Nie ma takiej sekcji w której Jet Glider jest kontrolowany samodzielnie. |
Shadow: The Jet Glider does not have much armor. I need to be careful about running into enemies and the train!
Shadow: The A/X button increases speed, and the left stick/Left analog stick steers the craft. Shadow: The X/Square button decreases speed, while slowing down, you can freely tilt the glider. |
Nieznana sekcja z pociągiem |
Shadow: This Hover vehicle has the ability to levitate. Now, I can reach places I couldn't before.
Shadow: I need to keep an eye on the remaining energy. Once it is gone, it will take time to reload! Shadow: Press the A/X button twice quickly to do a Hover Jump! Shadow: Use the Right Trigger/R1 button to fire lasers! |
Gdyby Hover Craft potrzebował paliwa. |
E-123 Omega: I'll do it!
Shadow/Tails: Just leave it to me! Sonic: Leave it to me! Silver: Leave it to me! |
Amy: Help me!
Blaze: Sorry, could you give me a hand? Knuckles: Hey, hurry up and help me! E-123 Omega: Requesting assistants. Rouge: Come on! What are you doing? Hurry up and help me! Shadow: Hmmmh, give me a hand here! Sonic: Oh oh, how about a little help? Silver: This is not good! Miles Tails Prower: Oh Noo! Help! |
Amy: Thank you!
Blaze: Thanks for the help! Knuckles: Thanks, you're a big help! E-123 Omega: I am grateful! Rouge: I owe you one! Shadow: Heh, I did need your help! Sonic: Thanks! Silver: Thank you! Miles Tails Prower: Thank you! |
Amy: Leave the rest to me!
Blaze: I'll go ahead here. E-123 Omega: From here, it is logical for me to go. Rouge: Leave the rest to me! Shadow: I'll go on ahead from here! Miles Tails Prower: I'll go on from here! |
Amy: Great!
Blaze: Nice job: Knuckles: Good job Rouge: Good job Shadow: Not bad! Silver: Good job Miles Tails Prower: Nice work! |
Unknown scrapped Hint Ring lines |
Niewykorzystane podpowiedzi do Aquatic Base. |
Amy: Let's go to the Castle Town.
Amy: Do you wanna go to the Forest/New City? Shadow/Sonic/Silver: Maybe I'll go to the Forest! Shadow: Maybe I'll head over to the New City! Sonic: I'll head to the New City! |
Podobnie jak inne postacie o hub-worldach. |
Amy: I don't think you should go over there yet!
Blaze: It is too early to go over there! Knuckles: You still have unfinished business! E-123 Omega: No target readings from that area! Rouge: Shouldn't you stay here for a while? Shadow: I shouldn't go there just yet! Sonic: I don't think I should go there yet! Miles Tails Prower: Shouldn't you stay here for a while? |
E-123 Omega: Get information from the people in the town!
Shadow: Maybe I'll talk to some people in the town! Miles Tails Prower: Let's talk to the people in the town! |
Amy: Do you wanna go to the Shop|Store?
Blaze: Let's go to the Store! Knuckles: Let's go to the Store! E-123 Omega: Go to the Store! Sonic/Shadow/Silver: Maybe I'll go to the Store! |
Podobnie jak inne postacie. |
Amy: Do you wanna look around some more?
Blaze: Do you wanna investigate more around here? Shadow: There might be more information around here! |
Podobnie jak inne postacie. |
Sonic: It is getting pretty late, we should be getting back, I'll take it to the castle. | |
Sonic: Tails! I've taken Elise back to the castle. I'll go after Eggman! Keep me posted! | Prawdopodobnie po Tropical Jungle Sonica. |
Sonic: Aquatic Base?
Sonic: It looks like it is information about Eggman's secret base! Miles Tails Prower: Sonic! This is bad, Elise has.... Never mind, I'll tell you later. Hurry to the Castle Town's altar! Knuckles: Ring three bells at once! Sonic, you should be able to do it! Sonic: Elise! I'll save you this time! |
W historii Sonica w czasie rozpoczęcia Kingdom Valley i Aquatic Base. |
Amy: The mayor isn't here? I wonder where he went? What should I do Silver?
Silver: Fine, I'll show you my power! Amy: Oh no, Silver! Eggman's robots are wrecking down the Gate! You can do something, right? Silver: I know where the mayor is! Amy, let's go! Amy: Why is Amy protecting him? But I... I must defeat him! Amy: Man, we came all the way here and the town is filled with bad guys! Silver: Darn! I can't get here because of the laser! Blaze: Darn! Why can't I get on to the station? Silver, is there a way to do this without being noticed? Silver: Ok! Let's go after Sonic! Silver: Wave Ocean! Ok, let's hurry to the Castle Town! Silver: Sonic!? And who is this? I'll try to find him! Silver: Oh no! Without her, I won't be able to find Elise! I've got to hurry! Anna: Ah! Silver: Where is Sonic? |
Przed Dusty Desert. |
Commander: Use some firearms as authorized. Capture the bandits immediately.
Rouge: No use fretting! We'll just have to wait until G.U.N sends the information! Rouge: What!? A landslide! Shadow, can you do something about this? |
Kwestie dla dowódcy GUN i Rouge. |
Hint Ring: Shadow, you need something to help you unlock your full potential! If you can find it, you'll have amazing powers under your command!
Hint Ring: When in doubt, consult your map and radar. They should tell you exactly where you need to go next! |
Niewykorzystane pierścienie z podpowiedzią w hub-worldach. |
Sonic | Shadow | Dr Eggman |
Shadow, we're in this one together! | So, I'm stuck working with you, don't slow me down, Sonic! | The Chaos Emeralds are mine! I'll defeat you two together. |
It looks like Dr. Eggman is after the Chaos Emeralds again. Shadow, we're in this one together! | There is probably an emerald here, too. Don't fall behind | Heh, there are still other emeralds. I'll get them before you! |
There are six emeralds left, hurry! | Heh, the doctor never learns, does he? Hurry, there are three emeralds left! | You're just in time! I'll take those emeralds from you now! |
There are four emeralds left, let's get moving! | Hmm, I'll show you my ultimate power! | YOU, I'll have the last laugh! Remember that! |
Eggman's attacks are getting worse, don't let them do you in! | I told you, didn't I. I am the ultimate power! | Heeeh, just as I calculated! It was worth letting you go free. Well then, hand over these emeralds here! |
Piece of cake, let's do this again sometime. | Sonic! Shadow! The next time we meet, I'll.... | |
We'll have to work together here. | Nice job, Sonic! | |
Thanks, Shadow! | I can't believe this! I'll leave it up to you, Sonic! | |
I cannot believe I got caught in a trap! I am counting on you, Shadow! | Outta my way! | |
I'll take you all on! | Here they come! | |
There they are! | Heh, about time you showed up! | |
Hhey, you're late! | Hmm, good work! | |
Wooo, nice job! | I'll drive, you take them down, Sonic! | |
This piece of junk, we'd be better off without it, wouldn't we? |
Kwestia | Komentarz |
Knuckles: If you use that magnet, you can change the route!
Miles Tails Prower: Sonic! That magnet is really strong! Miles Tails Prower: If you attack the switch, the magnet will activate! Miles Tails Prower: There is some magnet that repel if you push them twice! Miles Tails Prower: Look there is the magnet switch! Push it and the path should open. Knuckles: Dang! Where is the switch to turn off the laser! Sonic: If I Slide, I can squeeze through! Knuckles: Who knew that Eggman's base would be here? Knuckles: Sonic, we are out of time! Get on this ball, I'll take care of the rest! Silver: Iblis! Mephiles! What's going on? Miles Tails Prower: Sonic, wait for me! Knuckles: That Eggman! Shadow: Almost! Silver: Iblis! How am I supposed to....? |
Aquatic Base. Tails opisuje jak działają cylindry. |
Amy: I am going to win for sure!
Blaze: I am not going to go easy on you! Knuckles: Try not to get hurt! E-123 Omega: Combat preparation complete! Rouge: I'll show you what a real treasure hunter can do! Shadow: Witness my power! Sonic: I'll take all of you on! Silver: I can't lose! Miles Tails Prower: I am not gonna lose! |
Niewykorzystany tryb walki. |
Amy: Yeah!
Amy: Good job! Blaze: That was a fierce battle! Blaze: Allright! Knuckles: Now, you know my strength! Knuckles: Allright! E-123 Omega: Mission complete! E-123 Omega: Task completed! Rouge: You underestimated me! Rouge: Hahh! Shadow: Whatever you try, it is useless! Shadow: Hmmm.. Sonic: Hey guys, maybe we'll do this again! Sonic: Yes! Silver: I told you I couldn't lose! Silver: Allright Miles Tails Prower: Hhheeh, yeaaah! Miles Tails Prower: Yeah! |
Niewykorzystany tryb walki. |
Duke of Soleanna (voice): Ready?.....Go!
Duke of Soleanna (voice): Congratulations! Duke of Soleanna (voice): Finish! |
Unused battle 1 mode. All sound lines are labeled under the same name as the Hint Ring. |
Blaze: Silver! Use my power!
Blaze: Press the Y/Triangle button to wrap me in flames! Blaze: If you use your Psychokinesis to grab me, you should be able to launch a powerful attack! Blaze: Haaaah! Blaze: My flame can penetrate anything! |
Iblis faza 1 |
Blaze: I'll go out too! Use my flames as much as you want!
Blaze: If you can find an opening and jump on his head, use the Right trigger/R1 to use your Psychokinesis on his weakpoint! Blaze: You have to use my power to stop it before it is fired, or use your power to grab it! |
Iblis faza 3 |
Shadow: Wait until he is about to fire his huge energy attack!
Shadow: That will give you the opening you need to fire lock-on shot! Shadow: Mephiles will work to break your lock-on! Mephiles: Looking for me? |
Mephiles faza 1 |
E-123 Omega: Direct counterattacks are too risky, use your Chaos Spear to create an opening!
Mephiles: Hmm, it seems I underestimated you! |
Blaze: It looks like the center core is protected by a barrier! Let's start by destroying the things around it!
Blaze: The barrier is down take out the center control core! Princess Elise: Sonic! Princess Elise: Watch out! Dr. Eggman: Ehhhh! My aerial fortress! Reinforcements! Where are my reinforcements!? |
Egg Genesis. |
Princess Elise: Noooo!
Sonic: Those robots are coming from the cockpit! If I use them, I can reach Eggman. |
Egg-Wyvern. Although Eggman uses laser cannons to attack Sonic, they are not robots. |
Sonic: If I just attack from the front, I'll get caught by that strange power! I've got to find an opening!
Silver: Normal attacks won't work while he is in mid-air! I've got to find an opening somewhere else! Sonic: I can't let that strange power hit me! I've got to use Homing Attacks on the things he throws to close in on him! Silver: His movements are just too fast! But If I can figure out the direction he is planning to charge in, I can block it with my Psychokinesis! Sonic: The attacks from the ground are a pain to avoid! But If I can evade in mid-air, I might find an opening to attack! Silver: When he staggers, that's my chance! If I can get close, I should be able to to grab him with my power! Sonic: YOU!.... Who are you? Silver: I can't.... lose to you! Sonic: All right! I don't know who you are, but you're no match for me! Silver: Iblis trigger? Is that all you've got? |
Walka z Soniciem, i Silverem. |
Shadow: Attacking from the front, leaves me vulnerable to that strange power! I need to find an opening!
Silver: Those arrows of light! I need to watch out for them! They seem to stop my movement! Shadow: That strange power! I might be able to stop it with my Chaos Spear! Silver: Right before he shoots the arrows of light, he leaves himself vulnerable in mid-air! If I can attack him then! Shadow: If I can hit him with the Chaos Spear when he lifts up a train, I should be able to create an opening! Shadow:Fair! Shadow: Witness the might of my Power! Silver: Gaaah! Shadow: Now you're asking for it! Silver: Why? Why are you getting in my way? Shadow: Oooh! My body! Shadow: I can't believe it!.. How can it be? Silver:aaah! I can't lose here! Shadow: You're still too inexperienced! Silver: Sorry, but I can't afford to stop here! |
Walka z Shadowem i Silverem. W walce Silver nie może podnieść pociągu. |
Amy: Silver! Your power can become a Shield of Light! If you trap your power into the green light, you can attack him directly!
Dr. Eggman: That's a dimensional hole! Can he summon things from other dimensions into this warp space? Knuckles: No problem, Sonic! Just blow them away before they come out! E-123 Omega: If you use your Spear of Light, you should be able to destroy the material, and close the dimensional hole! Dr. Eggman: Nooo! Now, he is trying to suck you into another dimension! If you don't want to take on unplanned trip, Evade..Evade! Knuckles: If you evade up or down, you can attack him directly! Knuckles: When he spreads out both hands, he will attack from the right and the left! Miles Tails Prower: Solaris's light shells match up with up, down, left and right, with the left stick/left analog stick. Use it to do damage! Miles Tails Prower: Noooo! |
Walka z Solarisem. Shield of Light nie może bezpośrednio atakować bossa bez uprzedniego zablokowania jego ataków, a Spear of Light nie niszczy jego oczu. |
Sonic: It looks like I can jump from there!
Shadow: Watch out! It is gonna blow up! Sonic: This lamp post... Maybe I can swing off of it! Shadow: Naaaah! Can I get out? Shadow: So much debris! Silver: Blaze! Watch out for things flying out of the tornado! Sonic: Here comes a billboard! Silver: This steel bar has a green mark on it, If I use my Psychokinesis here! Silver: That road does not look too solid! Silver: I can wipe them out, If I hit that pipe, right? Blaze: Use your Psychokinesis! You should have no problem with the enemies' bullets. Blaze: It looks like you can take advantage of this concrete ramp! Shadow: Haah! You're talking to me? Sonic: Shadow! Don't be late! Shadow:Haaa! Will I make it? Sonic: SHADOW!! Shadow: Sonic! Let's hurry! Sonic:Okay, let's blast through here! Shadow:Whooooawow! Sonic: Hang on, Shadow! Blaze: We need to go across the buildings! Sonic: It is gonna blow! Shadow: It looks like Sonic was swept up into the tornado! If I use my Glider! Sonic: Shadow was swept up into the Tornado!!! I've gotta help him! Shadow: There is no need to stay long! Sonic: This is terrible! Sonic: If we take too long, It will collapse! Shadow: You wanna test me, do you? Silver: If this keeps up!? |
Crisis City. Shadow nie współpracuje z Soniciem w finalnej wersji, a oba jeże nie zostają również zassane do tornada. |
Princess Elise: Don't get caught up in this sand wave!
Shadow: I have to be careful not to get caught up in this sand wave! Shadow: I guess they are not gonna welcome me into the ruins! Shadow: It looks like these pillars will lead me to him! Amy: This ball counts down each time you touch it! Be careful carrying it! Princess Elise: This ball counts down every time you touch it! Silver: So I guess the lock will open if I put this ball in that hall over there! Silver: I might be able to make a path leading up, if I use my power over there! Shadow: It looks like this big statue is getting pretty fragile! Princess Elise: When I am with Sonic, I feel stronger somehow! Shadow: I'll take him down, no matter what he does! Shadow: I'll defeat Mephiles, no matter what! Shadow: I am starting to feel his presence, let's go! Princess Elise: This design, it looks like it is from Soleanna! Shadow: Mephiles! Just you wait! Amy: I'll find you Sonic! No matter what! E-123 Omega: Mephiles detected! Rouge: Whatever happens, I'll believe! |
Dusty Desert. W wersji Sonica nie pojawiają się kule, a Rouge nie jest obecna w wersji Shadowa. |
Amy: Sonic!
Knuckles: Shoot! This can't be happening! Rouge: This isn't good, we need to hurry! Shadow: The Chaos Emeralds! Where are they? Silver: There is no more time, let's hurry! Miles Tails Prower: The Chaos Emeralds! Where are they? Amy: Oh nooo! I am getting sucked in!! Knuckles: Be careful not to get sucked into the rift! E-123 Omega: High energy reading detected! Evading! Rouge: If you get sucked into the rift, it is over! Shadow: I need to stay away from that! Silver: Hah, it is over if I get sucked into that! Miles Tails Prower: Be careful! Make sure you don't get sucked in into the time-space rift! Amy: Oh no! That weird rift is growing! Knuckles: The time space-rift? Is it growing? E-123 Omega: High energy reading increasing! Rouge: What!? The rift, it is growing! Shadow: That rift, is it expanding? Silver: The time space-rift is expanding! We must hurry, or time will disappear! Miles Tails Prower: The time space-rift is really expanding! Amy: The rift is gone! We've got to hurry now! Knuckles: Oh, right! Now, let's look for the Chaos Emeralds! E-123 Omega: High energy reading decreasing! Rouge: The time space-rift disappeared! We've got to collect the emeralds now! Shadow: All right! Let's hurry! Silver: The rift disappeared! Now, I have to hurry! Miles Tails Prower: The rift is disappearing! All right, let's look for the Chaos Emeralds! |
End of the World. Mimo że wyrwy czasoprzestrzenne nie rosną, to rosną w liczebności. Tylko czerwone wyrwy znikają automatycznie. |
Shadow: Heh, you can't stop me!
Sonic: Whow! Are you coming up to say hi? Shadow: I've gotta hurry, the bridge won't hold! Sonic: This bridge is gonna collapse any minute! Shadow: I guess this flame dies after a while! Sonic: Wow! The flame died! Silver: Dang! Out of time! Shadow: Gotta watch out for the fiery areas! Shadow: Hmm, that took a couple of time! Blaze: Iblis! This time I'll finish you! Shadow: Is this really what our future holds? Knuckles: This terrain is so tough! Rouge: This kind of places is no sweat for Rouge the Bat! Shadow: The Chaos Emerald should be... |
Flame Core. Blaze nie pojawia się na tym poziomie, ale posiada swoje kwestie. |
Silver: That tower has a big crack in it.
Silver: Man, the staircase is damaged. Now I have to use my power! Shadow: Wow! Sonic: Wow! Silver: Wah! This building is crumbling! Rouge: You can use this vehicle to get across the lake! Silver: I can manage this cage with my power! Rouge: If you cut this chain, it will take them right out. Silver: I might be able to levitate to that Spring. Shadow: The wind is strong in this valley! Silver: Sonic, we don't have time! Let's get to Elise right away! Sonic: Silver, it is all yours! Rouge: I wonder why Soleanna moved the castle away from here! Shadow: How is this work? Sonic: Nooo! We can't be stuck here! Sonic: Riding the wind brings back fun memories! Rouge: This is Kingdom Valley. Long ago there was a royal castle here. Sonic: The crest of Soleanna in an Eagle! I see. Rouge: I wonder if we can find the treasure of Soleanna? Shadow: That case...? Silver: Aaaah! What a mistake I made? |
Kingdom Valley. |
Sonic: All right, Tails! Let's race to the bell!
Miles Tails Prower: Okay, Sonic. I won't lose! Sonic: Nice try, Tails! Miles Tails Prower: Yaay! Sonic: You're the one who did it! Sonic: Not gonna give up are ya? All right, I'll take you all on! Knuckles: All right, I'll help ya! Sonic: Ok then. Tails, Knuckles, let's do this together! Miles Tails Prower: Team Sonic is back! Knuckles: It is all you Sonic! Miles Tails Prower: Here you go, Knuckles! Amy: Ughhh! What are you doing Silver!? Silver: Where is Amy going?... I might be able to learn about Sonic if.... I'll try following her! Amy: Sonic! I hope I can give this to him, the next him I met him. Blaze: Eh...! There's too many enemies! Silver: Blaze! I am coming! Blaze: Silver! Thank you! Rouge: Hey Shadow! How about a little contest to see which one of us is the better special agent! Rouge: Ah, come on! Let's go! E-123 Omega: Detecting multiple readings on radar! Shadow: The doctor is not holding back, is he? Let him witness my ultimate power! |
Nieznane misje. |
Silver: I'll blow away these containers with my power!
Shadow: I can jump over the area without any cargo. Sonic: That's only the place without any cargo. Shadow: You think that those attacks are gonna keep me away! Shadow: I am get to have to use homing missiles so he does not get away! Princess Elise: Hah... ooowah.. Help Sonic! Help! Unknown human: Ugh, my head! Oh ah! Help us Sonic! Oh heavens, help us! Sonic: Eggman! haaah! I better go help! Gotta hurry! Hint Ring: Just touching that switch won't do anything! You need to apply force and move the lever. Shadow: If we don't hurry, Dr. Eggman will escape! Silver: I've got to catch up with Sonic! Shadow: I am going after the doctor! |
Kwestie z poziomu Radical Train.Jest tutaj również wiele ludzkich głosów, które prawdopodobnie należą do przerażonych pasażerów. Jeden plik zawiera dwa głosy należące do starszych ludzi. |
Amy: It is my turn!
Blaze: Let's get started already. Knuckles: Leave it to me! E-123 Omega: All systems go! Princess Elise: I'll do my very best! Rouge: Just leave everything to Rouge the Bat. Shadow: I'll show you my real power! Sonic: Let's get going! Silver: Great! Let's go! Miles "Tails" Prower: I'll do my best Sonic! |
Niewykorzystany tryb. |
Princess Elise: You might be able to knock down that fruit!
Rouge: That fruit looks suspicious! Sonic: Something might happen If I knock down that fruit! Princess Elise: How about riding this Turtle? Rouge: It looks like you can get around this turtle! Silver: This hanging ruin might be usable! Silver: If I can hit that ball with this!? Sonic: It looks like I can grab that vine with the fruit with a Homing Attack. Silver: Is this for breaking walls? Rouge: It looks like you break this platform. Rouge: This Lotus will throw you high in the air! Sonic: This Lotus can be used as a trampoline! Rouge: Don't wanna fall in this water! Rouge: It is a pretty smooth ride! Silver: These are submerged ancient ruins! Silver: This turtle is pretty useful, Once you get it right! Sonic: Oh! Is there a back road? Princess Elise: Hah! My heart is racing! Princess Elise: If you jump when the bud is glowing, you may be able to jump higher! Silver: Where did Blaze go? |
Tropical Jungle. |
Miles Tails Prower: I think you can stop the searchlights if you hit them with bombs!
Rouge: Hmmm, one... Two...Three... There are five searchlights! Rouge: You know when you get caught in searchlights, you've got to have to use bombs! Miles Tails Prower: Press and hold the A/X as long as you can, and release it right at the Jump Ramp! Silver: If I use it right, this snowball can be a weapon. Sonic: Now, that's a big snowball! Blaze: Hhh.. Security is tight! You don't wanna to be discovered. Be careful! Sonic: Dang! There is no time! Let's keep going! Silver: Ok! A little farther to go into the base! Rouge: Yeah! Now we can get out of the base! Rouge: We gotta out of the base, but the security is really high! Let's see... Blaze: Eggman's base is ahead! Let's hurry! Rouge: Come on! Do not underestimate Rouge the Bat! Shadow: I did know that you're the agent who failed to infiltrate the location! Rouge: I was only a little slow getting out! Rouge: I got in successfully! I got the treasure too! Blaze: Sonic... Rouge: This treasure! ha..aaah! Shadow: We need to get out of it quickly! Sonic: Eggman sure built himself a huge base! Silver: The truth.... Miles Tails Prower: Mhhha! It is freezing! |
White Acropolis. |
Miles Tails Prower: If you time it right at the Jump Ramp, you can jump even higher!
Shadow: I need a Hover Vehicle to get across the ocean! E-123 Omega: Mephiles detected. Position K-31. Pursuit and engage! Miles Tails Prower: Thanks for waiting Sonic! Shadow: What about Omega? Eggman: Sonic! A pity you failed! Heh! You can take these instead of the princess! Miles Tails Prower: Shoot, I have to let Sonic know right away! Blaze: Darn! Why now? Sonic: Soleanna's ocean is so beautiful! Sonic: Tails! We don't have time for that! Let's hurry! Blaze: Could it really be him? E-123 Omega: Where is Mephiles? Rouge: When this job is over, I wanna come back here! Shadow: Mephiles! What could he.... Miles Tails Prower: We've gotta help Sonic! |
Wave Ocean. |
Niewykorzystana muzyka[]
W grze miała pojawić się muzyka z poprzednich gier z serii Sonic the Hedgehog, którą można byłoby kupić w sklepach:
- Sonic the Hedgehog 2
- Sonic the Hedgehog 3
- Sonic 3D Blast
- Sonic & Knuckles
- Sonic Adventure
- Sonic Adventure 2
- Sonic Heroes
- Sonic R
- Shadow the Hedgehog
- Sonic Riders
Poza tym w grze znajdują się dwie niewykorzystane wersje utworów z gry.
Muzyka | Opis |
Dżingiel nietykalności/Trampek mocy | |
Ekran podsumowania. |