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Elementy z wersji Beta które zostały usunięte lub zmienione w finalnej wersji gry Sonic the Hedgehog (2006).


Różne historie i Metal Sonic[]

Początkowo twórcy chcieli aby każda grywalna postać miała swoją własną historię. Dodatkową postacią miał być również Metal Sonic. Wszystkie te pomysły zostały porzucone i jedynie trzy postacie otrzymały swoje historie, podczas gdy reszta wystąpiła w roli wsparcia.

Silver the Hedgehog[]

Sonic Team chcieli stworzyć bardziej rozbudowaną biografię Silvera. W jednym z profili postaci, które wyciekły na XLS, opisana została moc która pozwalała Silverowi na przyciąganie do siebie Szmaragdów Chaosu.

Animacje postaci[]

Poprzez zamianę plików niektórych postaci z pakietu DLC Amigo z plikami regularnych postaci na ekranie wyboru postaci będzie można zobaczyć animacje z których normalnie te postacie nie korzystają.

Zwycięska poza Knucklesa[]

Knuckles result

Zwycięska poza Knucklesa

Knuckles jest jedyną postacią w Sonic the Hedgehog (2006), która nie może samodzielnie ukończyć poziomu. Dlatego też jego zwycięska poza pozostaje niewykorzystana. Przez błędy na poziomach Flame Core i Aquatic Base możliwe jest ukończenie poziomu jako Knuckles i zobaczenie jego pozy, wraz z tekstem po zdobyciu rangi.

  • S - "All right!"
  • A - "That felt good"
  • B - "Well that wasn't TOO bad"
  • C - "Shoot! I've still got a way to go..."

Super Hard[]

Tryb super trudny. Mieli z niego korzystać Sonic, Shadow i Silver. W pakiecie DLC do gry pojawia się tryb Very Hard.

Noc i dzień[]

Początkowo w grze miał pojawić się cykl dnia i nocy, który zaprezentowane w jednej z wersji demo w której Sonic biegł przez Soleannę. Z powodu ograniczeń czasowych nie zostało to jednak zrealizowane.

Town Stages[]

Castle Town[]

Poprzez błędy w grze można dostać się na wczesną wersję Castle Town, zaraz po powrocie z Flame Core jako Shadow. Bramy prowadzące do New City i Forest zostały zastąpione przez czarne pomieszczenia. Obok wejścia do Forest znajdują się również dwa mosty. Gracz nie może rozmawiać z mieszkańcami.

New City[]

Wykorzystując błąd w grze Shadow może dostać się do wczesnej wersji New City przed poziomem Dusty Desert. W tej wersji po New City jeżdżą pojazdy, które mają jednak niedokończone AI i często wjeżdżają w ściany. Pojawiają się teleporty do Crisis City i Flame Core ale nie można z nich skorzystać. Znajduje się tu również niewykorzystany NPC - gołąb o imieniu Hatsun. Gracz może z nim porozmawiać, ale jedyne co mówi to Coo...

W niewykorzystanej wersji New City pojawia się także misja, polegająca na zniszczeniu fioletowych potworów Iblisa i ochronieniu mieszkańców miasta. Na końcu gracz będzie musiał pokonać 4 Titanów. Misja ta nie zostanie jednak zapisana i za każdym razem kiedy gracz wróci do niewykorzystanej wersji New City to będzie dostępna od nowa.


Przed poziomem Wave Ocean Sonic może dostać się do zablokowanej sekcji Castle Town, poprzez błąd w grze. W wielu miejscach w Forest znajdują się podwójne drzwi. Znajdują się tu znaki z różnymi napisami i ograniczeniami prędkości, a także pozostałości po samochodach z New City. Nie ma tu żadnych NPC a mosty do bram wyjściowych z Forest są nieobecne.


Crisis City[]

Crisis City 1

Roboty Eggmana w Crisis City

W prototypowych zrzutach ekranu z gry na poziomie Crisis City zamiast potworów Iblisa pojawiały się roboty Eggmana. Z kolei wielkie tornado nie składało się z ognia ale głównie z pyłów.

Tropical Jungle[]

W Tropical Jungle Sonic miał ciemniejsze oczy, a na samym poziomie znajdowało się o wiele więcej sekcji. Liany służyły do przechodzenia do nieznanej lokalizacji, a w finalnej wersji gry pozwalają tylko na skakanie. Sonic nie nosi również Elise w normalnej wersji poziomu, a w grze tylko w trybie Very Hard.

Kingdom Valley[]

Egg Gunner 2

Dokładniejszy model Sonica w nieznanej sekcji Kingdom Valley

Kingdom Valley było pierwszym poziomem jaki został ukazany na zwiastunie gry. Znajdowało się tutaj wiele nieobecnych w finalnej wersji gry sekcji. Sonic posiadał również bardziej dokładny model z ciemniejszym futrem. W grze otrzymał mniej dokładny model i jaśniejszy kolor futra. Sprężyny wyglądały podobnie jak w Sonic Heroes.

Ataki i umiejętności[]

Chaos Smash[]

Chaos Smash miał być mniej zaawansowaną wersją ataku Chaos Snap. O ataku tym wspomina pracownik sklepu, kiedy mówi że Chaos Snap jest jego ulepszoną wersją.

Pirokineza Blaze[]

Silver i Blaze mieli mieć możliwość wykonywania ataków combo. Przez wciśnięcie przycisku Y/trójkąt gracz mógł wykorzystać pirokinezę Blaze aby okryć ją w płomieniach. Inny atak polegał na tym że Silver miał złapać Blaze i rzucić nią w przeciwników albo bossa.

Niewykorzystane misje[]

W plikach gry pojawiają się różne niewykorzystane napisy, które wskazują na to że w grze miałoby być więcej misji do wykonania na normalnych poziomach. Miały to być misje polegające na znajdowaniu Chao, albo prześcignięciu ducha w drodze do mety.

  • "Get to the goal within minutes!"
  • "Collect rings!"
  • "Defeat all enemies!"
  • "Wipe out all enemies!"
  • "Get to the goal within minutes!"
  • "Collect rings!"
  • "Get to the goal before your rival!"
  • "Get to the goal before the ghost!"
  • "Find Chao!"
  • "Find the Goal Ring!"
  • "Get to the new Goal Ring!"
  • "Clear the minigame!"
  • "Clear hard mode!"

Niewykorzystane grafiki[]


06 Hud

Ikony przedmiotów, spośród których nie wszystkie pojawiły się w grze.

Bonusy punktowe[]

06 Bonusy

Poza bonusami Radical i Good w plikach gry pojawia się wiele innych napisów w różnych językach. Sygnalizują one otrzymanie dodatkowych punktów zwykle po pokonaniu dużej grupy przeciwników. Wcześniej były wykorzystywane w grach Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Adventure 2: Battle i Sonic Heroes.

Niewykorzystane obiekty[]


Super Gem/Rainbow Gem[]

W grze miał pojawić się przedmiot Super Gem, albo Rainbow Gem. Prawdopodobnie za jego pomocą Sonic miał mieć możliwość transformacji w Super Sonica. Poprzez wprowadzenie zmiany w plikach gry można przywrócić animację, którą Sonic miał odtwarzać podczas transformacji.

Speed Up[]

Ulepszenie dla Silvera, które miało zwiększać jego prędkość.


Shield 06

Zwykła osłona, która miała pojawić się w grze. Została nawet wpisana do instrukcji do gry. Wykorzystując mod pozwalający zmienić Omegę i Silvera w Crisis City i podnosząc Pudło z przedmiotem, na dole ekranu pojawi się ikona osłony ale zawartość pudła z przedmiotami pozostanie niezmieniona.


Rampa 06

Niewykorzystany model rampy, podobny do tej która pojawiła się w grze Sonic Unleashed i potem w wielu kolejnych grach 3D. Normalnie w grze pojawiają się rampy podobne do tych z Sonic Heroes.



Model złodzieja i torby. Prawdopodobnie miał się pojawić w misjach Town Mission 9: Chase the Fleeing Car! i/albo Town Mission 3: Emergency Order: Capture the Thieves' Cars! ale został porzucony.

Niewykorzystane dialogi[]

Ogólne dialogi
Kwestia Komentarz
Blaze: Amy! Blaze współpracująca z Amy.
Amy: Come on! I'm feeling dizzy!
Blaze: This is a little intense!
Knuckles: It is like a rollercoaster!
E-123 Omega: Balance control unit operational.
Amy: Yaay! got something.
E-123 Omega: Worthless, let's get moving.
Rouge: Aaah, hidden in place like this! Po znalezieniu przycisku albo klucza.
Amy: Aaaah, we're gonna crash!
Blaze: Hey, are you trying to crush on purpose?
E-123 Omega: Obstacle approaching ahead!
Rouge: What are you doing!? We're going to crush
Shadow: Looks like we're gonna crush!
Sonic: Ooooh! Gonna crush!
Silver: Wooo! Gonna Crush!
Rouge: I wonder if there any jewels around there?
Shadow: I guess there's no hurry!
Re-center the camera, with the left trigger/L1 button.
E-123 Omega: Grind area detected!
Rouge: You can grind there, if you jump on that!
Silver: It looks like I can jump up and grind there! Silver jadący po szynach.
To move on an adjacent rail, jump while using the left stick. Gdyby Przeskok na szynę pojawił się w grze.
Hint Ring: While jumping, hold the A/X button for a long time, and release to perform a Homing Smash! Homing Smash funkcjonuje inaczej niż tutaj opisany.
Hint Ring: While jumping, press and charge the A/X button, then release it to do a Chaos Smash! Kwestia dotycząca niewykorzystanego ataku Chaos Smash.
Hint Ring: While jumping, press the X/square to use the Chaos Spear! The enemies that are hit by this should be momentary paralyzed Nie pojawia się w grze.
Amy: If you take damage, you lose your rings! Or you don't have any rings, it is over! Be careful, okay?
Blaze: If you are hit when you don't have any rings, you're done for! So watch how many you've left! Z drobnymi różnicami wypowiadają to wszystkie postacie.
Shadow: If I take damage and I don't have any rings, that's it. I need to make sure I have some.
Shadow: I can probably break this, if I use that power.
Sonic: If I use that power, I think I can break this
Amy: It looks like that container is going to explode, be careful when you break it open. Dotyczy eksplodującej skrzynki. Amy ostrzega gracza przed wybuchem, który jednak w finalnej wersji gry nie zadaje postaci obrażeń.
Blaze: It is appears that there are explosives in that container. It crashes when you open it!

Shadow: There's a bomb in that container, I've got to be careful.

Dotyczy wybuchowej skrzyni.
Amy: When you break open that container, an intense light will be emitted that can paralyze the enemy. W podobny sposób wszystkie postacie wypowiadają się na temat niebieskiej skrzyni.
Knuckles: You can hold this handle to move.

E-123 Omega: It appears you can hold this handle to move

Shadow: It looks like I can grab this handle to move.

Silver:Grabbing this handle should take me somewhere.

Odnośnie krążka linowego. W podobny sposób opisują go inne postacie.
Shadow: It looks like I need to collect Chaos Drives/Light Cores from my enemies to use the Chaos Boost.
Sonic: It looks like I can replenish my custom Shoes energy with Chaos Drives/Light Cores from enemies. Custom Shoes nie wpływają na licznik akcji.
Silver: It seems like collecting Chaos Drives/Light Cores from my enemies replenishes my power.
Amy: If you touch a Warp Hole, you can travel far away in a hurry.

Blaze: You can use Warp Holes for instant travel.

Podobnie jak inne postacie.
Amy: Those enemies are guarding that cage, let's defeat them first.

Amy: Shouldn't there be a switch around here that opens this cage?

Podobnie jak inne postacie.
Amy: Those enemies are guarding that door, let's get rid of them first!

Blaze: It seems those enemies are involved with that door somehow, in any case, let's try defeating them first.

Podobnie jak inne postacie.
Amy: Looks like you have to defeat the enemies!

Knuckles: If you don't defeat the enemies here, you can't move on.

Shadow: Looks like I need to wipe them out!

Podobnie jak inne postacie. W wersji Blaze pojawia się w White Acropolis.
Shadow: The Chaos Spear paralyzes enemies on walls and in mid-air, it will trap them to the ground.
Sonic: The Homing Smash can blow away hall groups of enemies!
Silver: Psychokinesis can grab bullets, and send them flying right back!
Shadow: The Chaos Spear can neutralize special enemy effects.
Sonic: The Homing Smash can crush enemy defenses and barriers!
Silver: Psycho Shock works against groups of enemies, and can paralyze them.
Shadow: I can boost my attacks to blow away a hall groups of enemies.

Shadow: I can boost my attacks to crush enemy defenses and barriers.

Knuckles: The vulkan cannon shots don't hurt too much, but you lose your rings bit by bit. Be careful! Inne postacie również posługują się tą kwestią.
Silver: I can't grab vulkan cannon shots, but I can block them with my Psychokinesis.
Sonic: Those missiles home on you and they explode on impact, if they lock-on, I've got to shake them. Inne postacie również posługują się tą kwestią.
Blaze: You can use your Psychokinesis to grab missiles and throw them back, to make them explode near the enemy. Silver i Amy również wypowiadają te słowa.
Rouge: The laser shots are extremely fast. When they are fired, dodge them at the same time. Inne postacie również posługują się tą kwestią.
Amy: Psychokinesis does not work against lasers. When they shot, just avoid them. Inne postacie również posługują się tą kwestią.
Amy: Watch out for their charge. After dodging their attack, counterattack! Blaze i Silver również posługują się tą kwestią.
Knuckles: Jump to dodge and counterattack!
Shadow: They'll charge without warning. I need to get out of the way, then counterattack. Inne postacie również posługują się tą kwestią.
Amy: Attacks are useless while the shields are in place, attack when the defenses are down.

Shadow: Normal attacks won't work against the shield. I've got to attack when the defenses are down!

Głównie odnosi się do Egg Commandera. Występuje u innych postaci.
Amy: If you take out the one giving orders, then you can beat everyone at once. Odnośnie Egg Commandera. Występuje u innych postaci.
Amy: You should be able to grab that flying robot attacks with your power, right? Silver i Blaze również się tym posługują.
Shadow: If I use that robot, it looks like I can move forward. Występuje u innych przyjaciół Sonica i Shadowa.
Knuckles: Attacks are useless while the barriers are in place. Attack the instant the defenses are lowered. Występuje u innych postaci.
Blaze: There will be trouble if you are discovered by that look out mech. Defeat it before it notices you.

Knuckles: If it sees you, it'll be a pain. You've got to defeat it before it finds you!

Shadow: Doctor Eggman's look out mechs. I'd better take it out before it sees me!

Występuje u innych postaci.
Amy: You cannot attack enemies you cannot see. You need to attack the instant they show themselves!

E-123 Omega: Invisible enemies cannot be attacked. It is best to attack the instant they show themselves!

Występuje u innych postaci. Niewidzialne roboty mogą być zaatakowane.
Knuckles: While it is in the sky, it is hard to attack. Attack when it comes down here.
Rouge: Watch out for the drill attacks. Dodge them, then counterattack!

Silver: If I dodge the drill attack, I can grab it with my Psychokinesis when it is stuck in the ground.

Odnośnie Egg Cannon/Egg Walker, ale przeciwnicy ci nie korzystają ze świdrów. Występuje u innych postaci
Knuckles: When it's lost both arms, that's your chance. It'll be off balance, so you can knock it down. Odnośnie Egg Guardian/Egg Keeper. Występuje u innych postaci
Amy: Those things will crawl along the walls and ceilings, then jump on you, so be careful!

Shadow: Those things will crawl along the walls and ceilings, then jump suddenly. So I better watch out!

Odnośnie Iblis Biter.
Knuckles: If you use a Homing Attack on that monster, I wonder if you'll be able to reach the other side.

Sonic: If I use a Homing Attack on that monster, I'll be able to reach the other side!

Sonic, Shadow i ich przyjaciele również o tym mówią.
Silver: I can grab that flying monster attacks with my Psychokinesis, and counterattack! Amy i Blaze również to wypowiadają.
Amy: Attack when its mouth is opened!

Blaze: Your only chance is when it opens its mouth. Dodge, then counterattack!

Odnośnie Iblis Worma.
Amy: If that robot dives underground, watch out! He will suddenly burst out to attack!

Sonic: I've got to be careful if it goes underground. Cause it will burst forth to try and surprise me!

Podobnie jak inne postacie. W grze nie ma robota który zakopuje się pod ziemię.
Blaze: His weakpoint is the core of the head. Attack him there when you can see it. Odnośnie Golema. Wykorzystują to wszystkie postacie.
Amy: How about we deal these guys first?

E-123 Omega: Set target priority to Doctor Eggman's robots!

Princess Elise: It is probably best to destroy these robots first.

Silver: Let's clean up this trash!

Podobnie jak inne postacie.
Amy: Bad Guys!

Knuckles: Looks like it is time to fight!

Blaze: What a nuisance!

E-123 Omega: Doctor Eggman's mechs. Destroy!

Miles Tails Prower: Eggman's mechs!

Amy:Aaah! Are you kidding me?

Rouge: There you are!

E-123 Omega: Do they think they can defeat them?

Blaze: Did they think they'd stop me with this?

Silver: This is useless against me!

Sonic: These guys never learn. Let's go!

Rouge: Hey, can you still use that Buggy/Bike over there? You can get on it with the Y/Triangle button.
Rouge: This Buggy has a special developed G.U.N armor. You should be able to crush into most obstacles without worry!

Shadow: This buggy is equipped with a special armor. With this, you can break through obstacles!

There is no special Buggy in gameplay.
Rouge: The Buggy is steered with the left stick/left analog stick, while the A/X button accelerates!

Rouge: Press the A/X button twice quickly to do a Boost Dash!

Rouge/Shadow: Use the Right trigger/R1 button to fire a Lock-on missiles.

Rouge: Watch your remaining bullets. If you ran out, it'll take time to reload!

Shadow: The Bike is lighter than the Buggy and it is easier to steer!

Shadow: Even while jumping the Left stick/Left analog stick controls the bike!

Gracz nie może podskaczyć podczas jazdy na motocyklu, ani też kontrolować skoku po wyskoczeniu zr ampy.
Shadow: That's a Jet Glider over there. Use the Y/Triangle button to get on. Nie ma takiej sekcji w której Jet Glider jest kontrolowany samodzielnie.
Shadow: The Jet Glider does not have much armor. I need to be careful about running into enemies and the train!

Shadow: The A/X button increases speed, and the left stick/Left analog stick steers the craft.

Shadow: The X/Square button decreases speed, while slowing down, you can freely tilt the glider.

Nieznana sekcja z pociągiem
Shadow: This Hover vehicle has the ability to levitate. Now, I can reach places I couldn't before.

Shadow: I need to keep an eye on the remaining energy. Once it is gone, it will take time to reload!

Shadow: Press the A/X button twice quickly to do a Hover Jump!

Shadow: Use the Right Trigger/R1 button to fire lasers!

Gdyby Hover Craft potrzebował paliwa.
E-123 Omega: I'll do it!

Shadow/Tails: Just leave it to me!

Sonic: Leave it to me!

Silver: Leave it to me!

Amy: Help me!

Blaze: Sorry, could you give me a hand?

Knuckles: Hey, hurry up and help me!

E-123 Omega: Requesting assistants.

Rouge: Come on! What are you doing? Hurry up and help me!

Shadow: Hmmmh, give me a hand here!

Sonic: Oh oh, how about a little help?

Silver: This is not good!

Miles Tails Prower: Oh Noo! Help!

Amy: Thank you!

Blaze: Thanks for the help!

Knuckles: Thanks, you're a big help!

E-123 Omega: I am grateful!

Rouge: I owe you one!

Shadow: Heh, I did need your help!

Sonic: Thanks!

Silver: Thank you!

Miles Tails Prower: Thank you!

Amy: Leave the rest to me!

Blaze: I'll go ahead here.

E-123 Omega: From here, it is logical for me to go.

Rouge: Leave the rest to me!

Shadow: I'll go on ahead from here!

Miles Tails Prower: I'll go on from here!

Amy: Great!

Blaze: Nice job:

Knuckles: Good job

Rouge: Good job

Shadow: Not bad!

Silver: Good job

Miles Tails Prower: Nice work!

  • This switch requires two to push it!
  • If one gets on, and then another, it should enable a powerful jump!
  • If one operates it, it seems they can transport another!
Unknown scrapped Hint Ring lines
  • Focus on the color after turning on the switch.
  • This switch operates the magnetic force. Some only attract, while others repel.
  • You can get on this ball and control it. But it will disappear on impact, so be careful!
Niewykorzystane podpowiedzi do Aquatic Base.
Amy: Let's go to the Castle Town.

Amy: Do you wanna go to the Forest/New City?

Shadow/Sonic/Silver: Maybe I'll go to the Forest!

Shadow: Maybe I'll head over to the New City!

Sonic: I'll head to the New City!

Podobnie jak inne postacie o hub-worldach.
Amy: I don't think you should go over there yet!

Blaze: It is too early to go over there!

Knuckles: You still have unfinished business!

E-123 Omega: No target readings from that area!

Rouge: Shouldn't you stay here for a while?

Shadow: I shouldn't go there just yet!

Sonic: I don't think I should go there yet!

Miles Tails Prower: Shouldn't you stay here for a while?

E-123 Omega: Get information from the people in the town!

Shadow: Maybe I'll talk to some people in the town!

Miles Tails Prower: Let's talk to the people in the town!

Amy: Do you wanna go to the Shop|Store?

Blaze: Let's go to the Store!

Knuckles: Let's go to the Store!

E-123 Omega: Go to the Store!

Sonic/Shadow/Silver: Maybe I'll go to the Store!

Podobnie jak inne postacie.
Amy: Do you wanna look around some more?

Blaze: Do you wanna investigate more around here?

Shadow: There might be more information around here!

Podobnie jak inne postacie.
Sonic: It is getting pretty late, we should be getting back, I'll take it to the castle.
Sonic: Tails! I've taken Elise back to the castle. I'll go after Eggman! Keep me posted! Prawdopodobnie po Tropical Jungle Sonica.
Sonic: Aquatic Base?

Sonic: It looks like it is information about Eggman's secret base!

Miles Tails Prower: Sonic! This is bad, Elise has.... Never mind, I'll tell you later. Hurry to the Castle Town's altar!

Knuckles: Ring three bells at once! Sonic, you should be able to do it!

Sonic: Elise! I'll save you this time!

W historii Sonica w czasie rozpoczęcia Kingdom Valley i Aquatic Base.
Amy: The mayor isn't here? I wonder where he went? What should I do Silver?

Silver: Fine, I'll show you my power!

Amy: Oh no, Silver! Eggman's robots are wrecking down the Gate! You can do something, right?

Silver: I know where the mayor is! Amy, let's go!

Amy: Why is Amy protecting him? But I... I must defeat him!

Amy: Man, we came all the way here and the town is filled with bad guys!

Silver: Darn! I can't get here because of the laser!

Blaze: Darn! Why can't I get on to the station? Silver, is there a way to do this without being noticed?

Silver: Ok! Let's go after Sonic!

Silver: Wave Ocean! Ok, let's hurry to the Castle Town!

Silver: Sonic!? And who is this? I'll try to find him!

Silver: Oh no! Without her, I won't be able to find Elise! I've got to hurry!

Anna: Ah!

Silver: Where is Sonic?

Przed Dusty Desert.

Commander: Use some firearms as authorized. Capture the bandits immediately.

Commander: Agent Shadow! Emergency orders from G.U.N. Bandits are loose on some highway.

Rouge: No use fretting! We'll just have to wait until G.U.N sends the information!

Rouge: What!? A landslide! Shadow, can you do something about this?

Kwestie dla dowódcy GUN i Rouge.
Hint Ring: Shadow, you need something to help you unlock your full potential! If you can find it, you'll have amazing powers under your command!

Hint Ring: When in doubt, consult your map and radar. They should tell you exactly where you need to go next!

Niewykorzystane pierścienie z podpowiedzią w hub-worldach.
Rozmowa Sonica i Doktora Eggmana
Sonic Shadow Dr Eggman
Shadow, we're in this one together! So, I'm stuck working with you, don't slow me down, Sonic! The Chaos Emeralds are mine! I'll defeat you two together.
It looks like Dr. Eggman is after the Chaos Emeralds again. Shadow, we're in this one together! There is probably an emerald here, too. Don't fall behind Heh, there are still other emeralds. I'll get them before you!
There are six emeralds left, hurry! Heh, the doctor never learns, does he? Hurry, there are three emeralds left! You're just in time! I'll take those emeralds from you now!
There are four emeralds left, let's get moving! Hmm, I'll show you my ultimate power! YOU, I'll have the last laugh! Remember that!
Eggman's attacks are getting worse, don't let them do you in! I told you, didn't I. I am the ultimate power! Heeeh, just as I calculated! It was worth letting you go free. Well then, hand over these emeralds here!
Piece of cake, let's do this again sometime. Sonic! Shadow! The next time we meet, I'll....
We'll have to work together here. Nice job, Sonic!
Thanks, Shadow! I can't believe this! I'll leave it up to you, Sonic!
I cannot believe I got caught in a trap! I am counting on you, Shadow! Outta my way!
I'll take you all on! Here they come!
There they are! Heh, about time you showed up!
Hhey, you're late! Hmm, good work!
Wooo, nice job! I'll drive, you take them down, Sonic!
This piece of junk, we'd be better off without it, wouldn't we?
Poziomy, bossowie, misje i inne
Kwestia Komentarz
Knuckles: If you use that magnet, you can change the route!

Miles Tails Prower: Sonic! That magnet is really strong!

Miles Tails Prower: If you attack the switch, the magnet will activate!

Miles Tails Prower: There is some magnet that repel if you push them twice!

Miles Tails Prower: Look there is the magnet switch! Push it and the path should open.

Knuckles: Dang! Where is the switch to turn off the laser!

Sonic: If I Slide, I can squeeze through!

Knuckles: Who knew that Eggman's base would be here?

Knuckles: Sonic, we are out of time! Get on this ball, I'll take care of the rest!

Silver: Iblis! Mephiles! What's going on?

Miles Tails Prower: Sonic, wait for me!

Knuckles: That Eggman!

Shadow: Almost!

Silver: Iblis! How am I supposed to....?

Aquatic Base. Tails opisuje jak działają cylindry.
Amy: I am going to win for sure!

Blaze: I am not going to go easy on you!

Knuckles: Try not to get hurt!

E-123 Omega: Combat preparation complete!

Rouge: I'll show you what a real treasure hunter can do!

Shadow: Witness my power!

Sonic: I'll take all of you on!

Silver: I can't lose!

Miles Tails Prower: I am not gonna lose!

Niewykorzystany tryb walki.
Amy: Yeah!

Amy: Good job!

Blaze: That was a fierce battle!

Blaze: Allright!

Knuckles: Now, you know my strength!

Knuckles: Allright!

E-123 Omega: Mission complete!

E-123 Omega: Task completed!

Rouge: You underestimated me!

Rouge: Hahh!

Shadow: Whatever you try, it is useless!

Shadow: Hmmm..

Sonic: Hey guys, maybe we'll do this again!

Sonic: Yes!

Silver: I told you I couldn't lose!

Silver: Allright

Miles Tails Prower: Hhheeh, yeaaah!

Miles Tails Prower: Yeah!

Niewykorzystany tryb walki.
Duke of Soleanna (voice): Ready?.....Go!

Duke of Soleanna (voice): Congratulations!

Duke of Soleanna (voice): Finish!

Unused battle 1 mode. All sound lines are labeled under the same name as the Hint Ring.
Blaze: Silver! Use my power!

Blaze: Press the Y/Triangle button to wrap me in flames!

Blaze: If you use your Psychokinesis to grab me, you should be able to launch a powerful attack!

Blaze: Haaaah!

Blaze: My flame can penetrate anything!

Iblis faza 1
Blaze: I'll go out too! Use my flames as much as you want!

Blaze: If you can find an opening and jump on his head, use the Right trigger/R1 to use your Psychokinesis on his weakpoint!

Blaze: You have to use my power to stop it before it is fired, or use your power to grab it!

Iblis faza 3
Shadow: Wait until he is about to fire his huge energy attack!

Shadow: That will give you the opening you need to fire lock-on shot!

Shadow: Mephiles will work to break your lock-on!

Mephiles: Looking for me?

Mephiles faza 1
E-123 Omega: Direct counterattacks are too risky, use your Chaos Spear to create an opening!

Mephiles: Hmm, it seems I underestimated you!

Blaze: It looks like the center core is protected by a barrier! Let's start by destroying the things around it!

Blaze: The barrier is down take out the center control core!

Princess Elise: Sonic!

Princess Elise: Watch out!

Dr. Eggman: Ehhhh! My aerial fortress! Reinforcements! Where are my reinforcements!?

Egg Genesis.
Princess Elise: Noooo!

Sonic: Those robots are coming from the cockpit! If I use them, I can reach Eggman.

Egg-Wyvern. Although Eggman uses laser cannons to attack Sonic, they are not robots.
Sonic: If I just attack from the front, I'll get caught by that strange power! I've got to find an opening!

Silver: Normal attacks won't work while he is in mid-air! I've got to find an opening somewhere else!

Sonic: I can't let that strange power hit me! I've got to use Homing Attacks on the things he throws to close in on him!

Silver: His movements are just too fast! But If I can figure out the direction he is planning to charge in, I can block it with my Psychokinesis!

Sonic: The attacks from the ground are a pain to avoid! But If I can evade in mid-air, I might find an opening to attack!

Silver: When he staggers, that's my chance! If I can get close, I should be able to to grab him with my power!

Sonic: YOU!.... Who are you?

Silver: I can't.... lose to you!

Sonic: All right! I don't know who you are, but you're no match for me!

Silver: Iblis trigger? Is that all you've got?

Walka z Soniciem, i Silverem.
Shadow: Attacking from the front, leaves me vulnerable to that strange power! I need to find an opening!

Silver: Those arrows of light! I need to watch out for them! They seem to stop my movement!

Shadow: That strange power! I might be able to stop it with my Chaos Spear!

Silver: Right before he shoots the arrows of light, he leaves himself vulnerable in mid-air! If I can attack him then!

Shadow: If I can hit him with the Chaos Spear when he lifts up a train, I should be able to create an opening!


Shadow: Witness the might of my Power!

Silver: Gaaah!

Shadow: Now you're asking for it!

Silver: Why? Why are you getting in my way?

Shadow: Oooh! My body!

Shadow: I can't believe it!.. How can it be?

Silver:aaah! I can't lose here!

Shadow: You're still too inexperienced!

Silver: Sorry, but I can't afford to stop here!

Walka z Shadowem i Silverem. W walce Silver nie może podnieść pociągu.
Amy: Silver! Your power can become a Shield of Light! If you trap your power into the green light, you can attack him directly!

Dr. Eggman: That's a dimensional hole! Can he summon things from other dimensions into this warp space?

Knuckles: No problem, Sonic! Just blow them away before they come out!

E-123 Omega: If you use your Spear of Light, you should be able to destroy the material, and close the dimensional hole!

Dr. Eggman: Nooo! Now, he is trying to suck you into another dimension! If you don't want to take on unplanned trip, Evade..Evade!

Knuckles: If you evade up or down, you can attack him directly!

Knuckles: When he spreads out both hands, he will attack from the right and the left!

Miles Tails Prower: Solaris's light shells match up with up, down, left and right, with the left stick/left analog stick. Use it to do damage!

Miles Tails Prower: Noooo!

Walka z Solarisem. Shield of Light nie może bezpośrednio atakować bossa bez uprzedniego zablokowania jego ataków, a Spear of Light nie niszczy jego oczu.
Sonic: It looks like I can jump from there!

Shadow: Watch out! It is gonna blow up!

Sonic: This lamp post... Maybe I can swing off of it!

Shadow: Naaaah! Can I get out?

Shadow: So much debris!

Silver: Blaze! Watch out for things flying out of the tornado!

Sonic: Here comes a billboard!

Silver: This steel bar has a green mark on it, If I use my Psychokinesis here!

Silver: That road does not look too solid!

Silver: I can wipe them out, If I hit that pipe, right?

Blaze: Use your Psychokinesis! You should have no problem with the enemies' bullets.

Blaze: It looks like you can take advantage of this concrete ramp!

Shadow: Haah! You're talking to me?

Sonic: Shadow! Don't be late!

Shadow:Haaa! Will I make it?

Sonic: SHADOW!!

Shadow: Sonic! Let's hurry!

Sonic:Okay, let's blast through here!


Sonic: Hang on, Shadow!

Blaze: We need to go across the buildings!

Sonic: It is gonna blow!

Shadow: It looks like Sonic was swept up into the tornado! If I use my Glider!

Sonic: Shadow was swept up into the Tornado!!! I've gotta help him!

Shadow: There is no need to stay long!

Sonic: This is terrible!

Sonic: If we take too long, It will collapse!

Shadow: You wanna test me, do you?

Silver: If this keeps up!?

Crisis City. Shadow nie współpracuje z Soniciem w finalnej wersji, a oba jeże nie zostają również zassane do tornada.
Princess Elise: Don't get caught up in this sand wave!

Shadow: I have to be careful not to get caught up in this sand wave!

Shadow: I guess they are not gonna welcome me into the ruins!

Shadow: It looks like these pillars will lead me to him!

Amy: This ball counts down each time you touch it! Be careful carrying it!

Princess Elise: This ball counts down every time you touch it!

Silver: So I guess the lock will open if I put this ball in that hall over there!

Silver: I might be able to make a path leading up, if I use my power over there!

Shadow: It looks like this big statue is getting pretty fragile!

Princess Elise: When I am with Sonic, I feel stronger somehow!

Shadow: I'll take him down, no matter what he does!

Shadow: I'll defeat Mephiles, no matter what!

Shadow: I am starting to feel his presence, let's go!

Princess Elise: This design, it looks like it is from Soleanna!

Shadow: Mephiles! Just you wait!

Amy: I'll find you Sonic! No matter what!

E-123 Omega: Mephiles detected!

Rouge: Whatever happens, I'll believe!

Dusty Desert. W wersji Sonica nie pojawiają się kule, a Rouge nie jest obecna w wersji Shadowa.
Amy: Sonic!

Knuckles: Shoot! This can't be happening!

Rouge: This isn't good, we need to hurry!

Shadow: The Chaos Emeralds! Where are they?

Silver: There is no more time, let's hurry!

Miles Tails Prower: The Chaos Emeralds! Where are they?

Amy: Oh nooo! I am getting sucked in!!

Knuckles: Be careful not to get sucked into the rift!

E-123 Omega: High energy reading detected! Evading!

Rouge: If you get sucked into the rift, it is over!

Shadow: I need to stay away from that!

Silver: Hah, it is over if I get sucked into that!

Miles Tails Prower: Be careful! Make sure you don't get sucked in into the time-space rift!

Amy: Oh no! That weird rift is growing!

Knuckles: The time space-rift? Is it growing?

E-123 Omega: High energy reading increasing!

Rouge: What!? The rift, it is growing!

Shadow: That rift, is it expanding?

Silver: The time space-rift is expanding! We must hurry, or time will disappear!

Miles Tails Prower: The time space-rift is really expanding!

Amy: The rift is gone! We've got to hurry now!

Knuckles: Oh, right! Now, let's look for the Chaos Emeralds!

E-123 Omega: High energy reading decreasing!

Rouge: The time space-rift disappeared! We've got to collect the emeralds now!

Shadow: All right! Let's hurry!

Silver: The rift disappeared! Now, I have to hurry!

Miles Tails Prower: The rift is disappearing! All right, let's look for the Chaos Emeralds!

End of the World. Mimo że wyrwy czasoprzestrzenne nie rosną, to rosną w liczebności. Tylko czerwone wyrwy znikają automatycznie.
Shadow: Heh, you can't stop me!

Sonic: Whow! Are you coming up to say hi?

Shadow: I've gotta hurry, the bridge won't hold!

Sonic: This bridge is gonna collapse any minute!

Shadow: I guess this flame dies after a while!

Sonic: Wow! The flame died!

Silver: Dang! Out of time!

Shadow: Gotta watch out for the fiery areas!

Shadow: Hmm, that took a couple of time!

Blaze: Iblis! This time I'll finish you!

Shadow: Is this really what our future holds?

Knuckles: This terrain is so tough!

Rouge: This kind of places is no sweat for Rouge the Bat!

Shadow: The Chaos Emerald should be...

Flame Core. Blaze nie pojawia się na tym poziomie, ale posiada swoje kwestie.
Silver: That tower has a big crack in it.

Silver: Man, the staircase is damaged. Now I have to use my power!

Shadow: Wow!

Sonic: Wow!

Silver: Wah! This building is crumbling!

Rouge: You can use this vehicle to get across the lake!

Silver: I can manage this cage with my power!

Rouge: If you cut this chain, it will take them right out.

Silver: I might be able to levitate to that Spring.

Shadow: The wind is strong in this valley!

Silver: Sonic, we don't have time! Let's get to Elise right away!

Sonic: Silver, it is all yours!

Rouge: I wonder why Soleanna moved the castle away from here!

Shadow: How is this work?

Sonic: Nooo! We can't be stuck here!

Sonic: Riding the wind brings back fun memories!

Rouge: This is Kingdom Valley. Long ago there was a royal castle here.

Sonic: The crest of Soleanna in an Eagle! I see.

Rouge: I wonder if we can find the treasure of Soleanna?

Shadow: That case...?

Silver: Aaaah! What a mistake I made?

Kingdom Valley.
Sonic: All right, Tails! Let's race to the bell!

Miles Tails Prower: Okay, Sonic. I won't lose!

Sonic: Nice try, Tails!

Miles Tails Prower: Yaay!

Sonic: You're the one who did it!

Sonic: Not gonna give up are ya? All right, I'll take you all on!

Knuckles: All right, I'll help ya!

Sonic: Ok then. Tails, Knuckles, let's do this together!

Miles Tails Prower: Team Sonic is back!

Knuckles: It is all you Sonic!

Miles Tails Prower: Here you go, Knuckles!

Amy: Ughhh! What are you doing Silver!?

Silver: Where is Amy going?... I might be able to learn about Sonic if.... I'll try following her!

Amy: Sonic! I hope I can give this to him, the next him I met him.

Blaze: Eh...! There's too many enemies!

Silver: Blaze! I am coming!

Blaze: Silver! Thank you!

Rouge: Hey Shadow! How about a little contest to see which one of us is the better special agent!

Rouge: Ah, come on! Let's go!

E-123 Omega: Detecting multiple readings on radar!

Shadow: The doctor is not holding back, is he? Let him witness my ultimate power!

Nieznane misje.
Silver: I'll blow away these containers with my power!

Shadow: I can jump over the area without any cargo.

Sonic: That's only the place without any cargo.

Shadow: You think that those attacks are gonna keep me away!

Shadow: I am get to have to use homing missiles so he does not get away!

Princess Elise: Hah... ooowah.. Help Sonic! Help!

Unknown human: Ugh, my head! Oh ah! Help us Sonic! Oh heavens, help us!

Sonic: Eggman! haaah! I better go help! Gotta hurry!

Hint Ring: Just touching that switch won't do anything! You need to apply force and move the lever.

Shadow: If we don't hurry, Dr. Eggman will escape!

Silver: I've got to catch up with Sonic!

Shadow: I am going after the doctor!

Kwestie z poziomu Radical Train.Jest tutaj również wiele ludzkich głosów, które prawdopodobnie należą do przerażonych pasażerów. Jeden plik zawiera dwa głosy należące do starszych ludzi.
Amy: It is my turn!

Blaze: Let's get started already.

Knuckles: Leave it to me!

E-123 Omega: All systems go!

Princess Elise: I'll do my very best!

Rouge: Just leave everything to Rouge the Bat.

Shadow: I'll show you my real power!

Sonic: Let's get going!

Silver: Great! Let's go!

Miles "Tails" Prower: I'll do my best Sonic!

Niewykorzystany tryb.
Princess Elise: You might be able to knock down that fruit!

Rouge: That fruit looks suspicious!

Sonic: Something might happen If I knock down that fruit!

Princess Elise: How about riding this Turtle?

Rouge: It looks like you can get around this turtle!

Silver: This hanging ruin might be usable!

Silver: If I can hit that ball with this!?

Sonic: It looks like I can grab that vine with the fruit with a Homing Attack.

Silver: Is this for breaking walls?

Rouge: It looks like you break this platform.

Rouge: This Lotus will throw you high in the air!

Sonic: This Lotus can be used as a trampoline!

Rouge: Don't wanna fall in this water!

Rouge: It is a pretty smooth ride!

Silver: These are submerged ancient ruins!

Silver: This turtle is pretty useful, Once you get it right!

Sonic: Oh! Is there a back road?

Princess Elise: Hah! My heart is racing!

Princess Elise: If you jump when the bud is glowing, you may be able to jump higher!

Silver: Where did Blaze go?

Tropical Jungle.
Miles Tails Prower: I think you can stop the searchlights if you hit them with bombs!

Rouge: Hmmm, one... Two...Three... There are five searchlights!

Rouge: You know when you get caught in searchlights, you've got to have to use bombs!

Miles Tails Prower: Press and hold the A/X as long as you can, and release it right at the Jump Ramp!

Silver: If I use it right, this snowball can be a weapon.

Sonic: Now, that's a big snowball!

Blaze: Hhh.. Security is tight! You don't wanna to be discovered. Be careful!

Sonic: Dang! There is no time! Let's keep going!

Silver: Ok! A little farther to go into the base!

Rouge: Yeah! Now we can get out of the base!

Rouge: We gotta out of the base, but the security is really high! Let's see...

Blaze: Eggman's base is ahead! Let's hurry!

Rouge: Come on! Do not underestimate Rouge the Bat!

Shadow: I did know that you're the agent who failed to infiltrate the location!

Rouge: I was only a little slow getting out!

Rouge: I got in successfully! I got the treasure too!

Blaze: Sonic...

Rouge: This treasure! ha..aaah!

Shadow: We need to get out of it quickly!

Sonic: Eggman sure built himself a huge base!

Silver: The truth....

Miles Tails Prower: Mhhha! It is freezing!

White Acropolis.
Miles Tails Prower: If you time it right at the Jump Ramp, you can jump even higher!

Shadow: I need a Hover Vehicle to get across the ocean!

E-123 Omega: Mephiles detected. Position K-31. Pursuit and engage!

Miles Tails Prower: Thanks for waiting Sonic!

Shadow: What about Omega?

Eggman: Sonic! A pity you failed! Heh! You can take these instead of the princess!

Miles Tails Prower: Shoot, I have to let Sonic know right away!

Blaze: Darn! Why now?

Sonic: Soleanna's ocean is so beautiful!

Sonic: Tails! We don't have time for that! Let's hurry!

Blaze: Could it really be him?

E-123 Omega: Where is Mephiles?

Rouge: When this job is over, I wanna come back here!

Shadow: Mephiles! What could he....

Miles Tails Prower: We've gotta help Sonic!

Wave Ocean.

Niewykorzystana muzyka[]

W grze miała pojawić się muzyka z poprzednich gier z serii Sonic the Hedgehog, którą można byłoby kupić w sklepach:

Poza tym w grze znajdują się dwie niewykorzystane wersje utworów z gry.

Muzyka Opis
Dżingiel nietykalności/Trampek mocy
Ekran podsumowania.