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Przykładowa ranga S otrzymana po przejściu poziomu

Rangi – oceny, które otrzymuje się po przejściu mini-gry, poziomu lub aktu w grze. Pokazują one, jak bardzo gracz się zaangażował w przejście poziomu. Czynnikami wpływającymi na rangę są czas przejścia poziomu, zdobyte pierścienie, ilość zniszczonych przeciwników, liczba wykonanych trików czy najszybsza prędkość osiągnięta przez gracza. Rangi zadebiutowały w grze Sonic Adventure 2 i od tej pory pojawiają się w większości gier. Obecnie najlepszą rangą jest S a najgorszą E.

Po zebraniu wszystkich najlepszych rang w danej grze można odblokować dodatkową zawartość. W Sonic Adventure 2 jest to poziom Green Hill, Sonic Heroes - tryb Super Hard Mode (przechodzenie wszystkich poziomów ze zwiększoną trudnością), a w Shadow the Hedgehog podobny tryb, nazywany Expert Mode.

Lista rang[]

Poniżej znajduje się lista rang, ich kolor i ewentualne uwagi

  • Ranga X: Fioletowa (tylko seria Sonic Riders)
  • Ranga SS/S+: Mosiądzowa (tylko seria Sonic Riders)
  • Ranga S: Kryształowa/platynowa/złota
  • AA/A+: Cyjanowa/fioletowa (tylko seria Sonic Riders)
  • Ranga A: Złota/czerwona/różowa
  • Ranga B: Srebrna/pomarańczowa/purpurowa/czerwona
  • Ranga C: Brązowa/żółta/zielona
  • Ranga D: Stalowa/zielona/jasnoniebieska
  • Ranga E: Barwa zardzewiałego metalu/Niebieska
  • Ranga F: Purpurowa (miała pojawić się w Sonic Heroes jednak została anulowana)


Bardzo często po zdobyciu rangi postać mówi krótki komentarz, który jest zależny od rangi.

Sonic Adventure 2[]

  • Sonic the Hedgehog
    • A: "[Gwiżdże] That was cool!"
    • B: "Too easy! Piece of cake!"
    • C: "Just made it."
    • D: "Huh. No problem."
    • E: "Barely made it."
  • Miles "Tails" Prower
    • A: "I did it, Sonic!"
    • B: "Very good."
    • C: "That was easy."
    • D: "That was a little tough!"
    • E: "I gotta do better next time."
  • Knuckles the Echidna
    • A: "Yeah, this is perfect!"
    • B: "Yeah, I feel good."
    • C: "Not too bad."
    • D: "Whew, that was tough."
    • E: "I have to try harder."
  • Shadow the Hedgehog
    • A: "Ultimate victory!"
    • B: "Hmm, too easy for me."
    • C: "That wasn't so hard."
    • D: "Maybe I didn't try hard enough."
    • E: "I guess I'm not at full power here."
  • Doktor Eggman
    • A: "Now you know why I am the best!"
    • B: "Hahaha, piece of cake!"
    • C: "Hmm. That wasn't so difficult."
    • D: "I should have tried a little harder."
    • E: "That was too close."
  • Rouge the Bat
    • A: "How was that? Perfect? Like me?"
    • B: "It's all too easy for me."
    • C: "Not too bad, I guess."
    • D: "I guess I took a little too much time."
    • E: "I'm ashamed to call myself a hunter!"

Sonic Heroes[]

Drużyna Sonic[]

  • Sonic
    • A: "[Gwiżdże]. That was tight!"
    • B: "Too easy!"
    • C: "Barely made it."
    • D: "Hm. No problem."
    • E: "Shoot. Not my day."
  • Tails
    • A: "Sonic! Knuckles! We did it!"
    • B: "Not too shabby!"
    • C: "Guess that's that!"
    • D: "A bit tough!"
    • E: "We can do better"
  • Knuckles
    • A: "Perfect!"
    • B: "Hmm. Not bad!"
    • C: "Guess that's about it!"
    • D: "I didn't use all my strength!"
    • E: "Just enough to pass."

Drużyna Dark[]

  • Shadow
    • A: "Perfect as always!"
    • B: "Piece of cake."
    • C: "Just average."
    • D: "Not taking this seriously."
    • E: "What's wrong with me?"
  • Rouge
    • A: "Perfect! As usual."
    • B: "Piece of cake.
    • C: "Mmm. Not bad."
    • D: "I can do better..."
    • E: "I'm ashamed to call myself a treasure hunter!"
  • Omega
    • A: "I am Omega! The ultimate E-Series robot!"
    • B: "This proves my power!"
    • C: "Satisfactory level."
    • D: "Power balance adjustment needed."
    • E: "I couldn't even beat Gamma or Beta..."

Drużyna Rose[]

  • Amy
    • A: "We're like awesome!"
    • B: "I just knew we could do it!"
    • C: "Just this will do..."
    • D: "Guess we could've tried harder..."
    • E: "We couldn't even impress Sonic like this..."
  • Cream
    • A: "I'm so happy, I want to tell everyone"
    • B: "As long as we stay together, we can do anything"
    • C: "Cheese, you did great too. Thank you!"
    • D: "That was pretty tough!"
    • E: "Disappointing..."
  • Big
    • A: "Cause I'm super-duper happy!"
    • B: "That was good!"
    • C: "Not too bad, I guess."
    • D: "We should try to do better next time."
    • E: "I'm feeling a little blue..."

Drużyna Chaotix[]

  • Espio
    • A: "Impossible feat! Ultimate ninja power!"
    • B: "Good job! Nothing more to be said."
    • C: "Not bad. No complaints."
    • D: "Be on guard! Focus, and prepare yourself."
    • E: "Insulting. Your training has been a waste of time."
  • Charmy
    • A: "Awesome! Totally awesome!"
    • B: "No problem!"
    • C: "Not bad, don't you think?"
    • D: "Maybe we could've done a little better!"
    • E: "Ok, stop foolin' around!"
  • Vector
    • A: "Perfect! The work of professionals, heh!"
    • B: "No complaints!"
    • C: "Not bad!"
    • D: "Maybe... this wasn't our day."
    • E: "Lackluster performance, I'd say."

Shadow the Hedgehog[]

Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)[]

  • Sonic the Hedgehog
    • S: "That was incredible!"
    • A: "Too easy! No sweat."
    • B: "Just made it."
    • C: "Hmph. No problem."
    • D: "Man! Today's not my day."
  • Miles "Tails" Prower
    • S: "Great! I did it, Sonic!"
    • A: "An "A" effort!"
    • B: "Well, not bad!"
    • C: "I had a bit of trouble there."
    • D: "I've got to do better..."
  • Knuckles the Echidna
    • S: "Alright!"
    • A: "That felt good."
    • B: "Well, that wasn't too bad."
    • C: "Hmph. That took longer than I thought."
    • D: "Shoot! I still got a ways to go..."
  • Księżniczka Elise
    • S: "I don't believe it!"
    • A: "I'm so happy."
    • B: "How was that?"
    • C: "I'm a bit tired."
    • D: "I need to try harder..."
  • Shadow the Hedgehog
    • S: "Perfect."
    • A: "Hm. Not even a challenge."
    • B: "Guess that was alright."
    • C: "Need to stay focused."
    • D: "Maybe I wasn't strong enough."
  • Rouge the Bat
    • S: "What did you think of my beautiful technique?"
    • A: "For me, it was a piece of cake!"
    • B: "That was pretty good, I guess."
    • C: "I guess I took a bit too long."
    • D: "How can I call myself a treasure hunter?"
  • E-123 Omega
    • S: "Perfect mission."
    • A: "Good performance."
    • B: "That was adequate."
    • C: "Expected time frame: not met."
    • D: "Has one of my systems broken down?"
  • Silver the Hedgehog
    • S: "Perfect!!!"
    • A: "Looks like I'm on a roll!"
    • B: "That was easy!"
    • C: "That took too long."
    • D: "I need to pull it together."
  • Blaze the Cat
    • S: "Can't complain."
    • A: "All it takes is a little effort."
    • B: "That was so-so."
    • C: "I should have done better."
    • D: "That was weak."
  • Amy Rose
    • S: "Just perfect!"
    • A: "Aren't I just incredible?"
    • B: "Yay! I rock!"
    • C: "Phew. That was close."
    • D: "I gotta do better than this."

Sonic and the Secret Rings[]

  • Sonic the Hedgehog
    • Srebrny medal: "Too easy!"
    • Brązowy medal: "Phew, just made it!"
    • Brak medalu: "Huh, no Problem.

Sonic Unleashed[]

  • PlayStation 3/Xbox 360:
    • Sonic the Hedgehog
      • S: "Piece of cake!"/"Beautiful!"/"Sweet!"
      • A: "Yes!"/"Cool!"
      • B: "How's that?"/"Not bad."/"Ha ha !"
      • C: "Eh, can't win 'em all."/"Yeah, I'm good."
      • D: "Hmph! Well that was lame."/"Oh, I've gotta try that again."/"Not my best run."
      • E: "No!"/"Oh no."
    • Sonic the Werehog
      • S: "Oh yeah! That's right baby!"
      • A: (Howls)
      • B: "Wow! I rule!"
      • C: "Hmm, not so bad."
      • D: "Hmph! Can I start over?"
      • E: "Darn!"
  • PlayStation 2/Wii:
    • Sonic the Hedgehog
      • S: "No problem!"
      • A: "Yeah, I'm good."
      • B: "Yes!"
      • C: "No!"
    • Sonic the Werehog
      • S: "How do you like that, huh?!"
      • A: "Wow! I rule!"
      • B: "Argh! Can I start over?"
      • C: "Hm, not so hot."

Sonic and the Black Knight[]

  • Sonic the Hedgehog
    • 5 gwiazdek: "(Whistles) That was tight!"
    • 4 gwiazdki:
    • 3 gwiazdki:
    • 2 gwiazdki:"Hm, no problem"
    • 1 gwiazdka: "Shoot! Not my day"
  • Sir Lancelot
    • 5 gwiazdek:
    • 4 gwiazdki:
    • 3 gwiazdki: "All's well that ends well"
    • 2 gwiazdki: "Not taking this seriously"
    • 1 gwiazdka:
  • Sir Gawain
    • 5 gwiazdek:
    • 4 gwiazdki:: "Hm, not bad!"
    • 3 gwiazdki: "Not bad"
    • 2 gwiazdki:
    • 1 gwiazdka:
  • Sir Percival
    • 5 gwiazdek:
    • 4 gwiazdki:
    • 3 gwiazdki: "A performance fitting a knight"
    • 2 gwiazdki:
    • 1 gwiazdka:

Sonic Colors (DS)[]

  • Sonic the Hedgehog
    • S: "Amazing!"
    • A: "Great!"
    • B: "Very good!"
    • C: "Good!"
    • D: "Don't give up!"


  • W plikach Sonic Adventure znajdują się niewykorzystane litery, które prawdopodobnie miały być rangami.
  • Po zdobyciu rangi E w Sonic Unleashed muzyka grana po wynikach będzie zniekształcona.