Wiki Sonic The Hedgehog
Wiki Sonic The Hedgehog

Sonic the Hedgehog Non-Stop Music Selection Vol. 4 est un album musical dédié à la série de jeux vidéo Sonic the Hedgehog, qui est paru le 4 septembre 2020. C'est la suite du troisième volume, qui est paru le 22juillet 2020, et précède le cinquième et dernier volume.


  1. "Green Light Ride - Main Theme of TSR (Team Sonic Racing)"
  2. "System - Select Game Mode (Team Sonic Racing)"
  3. "Sunset Heights (Sonic Forces)"
  4. "Hydro City Zone Act 1 (Sonic Mania)"
  5. "Super Sonic Racing (Sonic R)"
  6. "Fading World - Imperial Tower (feat. Madeleine Wood & B-BANDJ) (Sonic Forces)"
  7. "Metallic Madness Zone Act 2 (Sonic Mania)"
  8. "Sky Road: Lap Music (Team Sonic Racing)"
  9. "Fighting Onward - Space Port (feat. Jon Underdown) (Sonic Forces)"
  10. "Moonlight Battlefield - Aqua Road (feat. nana hatori) (Sonic Forces)"
  11. "Vs. Metal Sonic (Sonic Mania)"
  12. "Sonic Speed Riders (Sonic Riders)"
  13. "Race to Win (Sonic Rivals 2)"
  14. "Escape From the City -Blue Blur RMX- (Sonic Generations)"
  15. "Sand Road: Lap Music (Team Sonic Racing)"
  16. "Angel Island Zone (Sonic Mania Plus)"
  17. "Blue Spheres (Sonic Mania)"
  18. "Sonic Boom (Sonic CD)"
  19. "Mother's Canyon: Lap Music (Team Sonic Racing)"