Wiki Sonic The Hedgehog
Wiki Sonic The Hedgehog

Sonic Generations Official Soundtrack est un album musical dédié au jeu vidéo Sonic Generations, qui est paru en 2011. C'est un album de musiques digital dont certains morceaux sont repris d'autres albums, tels que Sonic Adventure 2 Official Soundtrack et Sonic Heroes Official Soundtrack, mais qui comportent essentiellement les meilleurs morceaux de l'album original.


Vol. 1[]

  1. Title
  2. Green Hill: Act1
  3. Green Hill: Act2 - Normal
  4. Green Hill: Act2 - Fast
  5. Chemical Plant: Act1
  6. Chemical Plant: Act2
  7. Sky Sanctuary: Act1
  8. Sky Sanctuary: Act2 - Normal
  9. Sky Sanctuary: Act2 - Fast
  10. Boss Battle: Death Egg Robot
  11. Run Through The Speed Highway - Cash Cash RMX / Speed Highway: Act1
  12. Run Through The Speed Highway / Speed Highway: Act2
  13. Going Down!? - Cash Cash vs. Jun Senoue RMX / Speed Highway: Act2 - Skyscraper Downhill
  14. Escape From The City - Cash Cash RMX / City Escape: Act1
  15. Escape From The City - Blue Blur RMX / City Escape: Act2
  16. Mad Convoy Race / City Escape: Act2 - Gun Convoy Battle
  17. Seaside Hill: Act1
  18. Seaside Hill: Act2
  19. Open Your Heart - Crush 40 vs. Circuit Freq RMX / Boss Battle: Perfect Chaos Pt-I
  20. Perfect Chaos Revival! / Boss Battle: Perfect Chaos Pt-II
  21. City Escape: Act1
  22. City Escape: Act2
  23. Rooftop Run: Act1
  24. Rooftop Run: Act2
  25. Planet Wisp: Act1
  26. Planet Wisp: Act2
  27. Boss Battle: Egg Dragoon
  28. Boss Battle: Time Eater - Final Attack[note 1]
  29. Boss Battle: Time Eater ver.1
  30. Boss Battle: Time Eater ver.2

Vol. 2[]

  1. Title (Short ver.)
  2. Casino Night: Act1
  3. Casino Night: Act2
  4. Mushroom Hill: Act1
  5. Mushroom Hill: Act2
  6. Rival Battle: Metal Sonic
  7. Rival Battle: Metal Sonic (US ver.)
  8. Boss Battle: Big Arm
  9. Azure Blue World / Emerald Coast: Act1
  10. Windy and Ripply / Emerald Coast: Act2
  11. Vengeance Is Mine - Cash Cash RMX / Radical Highway: Act1
  12. Vengeance Is Mine - Circuit Freq RMX / Radical Highway: Act2
  13. For True Story - Circuit Freq RMX / Rival Battle: Shadow The Hedgehog
  14. Supporting Me... / Boss Battle: Biolizard
  15. Back 2 Back - Digital Remakin' Track / Water Palace: Act1
  16. Back 2 Back - Cash Cash RMX / Water Palace: Act2
  17. Tropical Resort: Act1
  18. Tropical Resort: Act2
  19. Rival Battle: Silver The Hedgehog
  20. Boss Battle: Egg Emperor
  21. Special Stage - Cash Cash RMX
  22. Super Sonic Racing - Cash Cash RMX / Challenge / Mission 1
  23. Challenge / Mission 2
  24. Challenge / Mission 3
  25. Challenge / Mission 4
  26. Challenge / Mission 5
  27. Menu
  28. Skill Shop
  29. Collection Room
  30. Gallery

Erreur de référence : Des balises <ref> existent pour un groupe nommé « note », mais aucune balise <references group="note"/> correspondante n’a été trouvée
