One of the doubts that I had after watching Sonic 2 was what had happened to the Egg Mobile after the compass chase. Now, after watching the movie again, I noticed a detail that I had overlooked.
When Robotnik and Knuckles arrive at the place where the entrance to the Labyrinth is located, in the background on the other side of the ring you can see the Egg Mobile... Lying in the snow. I mean, Robotnik literally left his personal high-tech vehicle in Siberia.
It's not even like it's hidden, it's just lying there in the snow. I imagine that it must have an autopilot and thus return to Robotnik and Stone, because I doubt that Robotnik won't want it back, but I also doubt he'll want to retrieve it with his own hands unless he sends Agent Stone.
Or does the Egg Mobile in this scene prove to be faster than Classic Sonic? At the end of the video if you're wondering.
Or maybe Classic Sonic wasn't running at full speed. Although it wouldn't surprise me anyway, after all the Egg Mobile has proven to be able to keep up with a Modern Sonic.
If you're wondering, it's from idw sonic comic 23
The simple but the feeling it transmits. Both Eggman and Sonic are angry with each other and want to kill each other, and through their dialogues and expressions they show it not like any other fight.
And how simple it is, this time there are no gigantic machines with a bunch of weapons, just Eggman using his Egg Mobile like in the old days. Also, I like the type of weapons he uses on this occasion.
Idk, even though it was short I liked it xd
P.D.: I wonder if the buzzsaw and the wrecking ball, the main weapons that Eggman uses in this fight, i wonder if they were a reference to the Egg Wrecker and its variant from Sonic Forces xd
I mean Badniks who fight on land xd
22 Votes in Poll
The common thing about the appearance of a time traveler in a fictional story is that the time traveler comes to the past to stop an event that will make the future worse, now the question here is what happens if there is a good future? Well, that's Silver's problem, why do you continue in the past instead of enjoying your present?
I understand, Silver is a very good character, and it has already been mentioned that he enjoys this bygone era, but bro, literally what you have been avoiding you finally avoided and yet you stay in the past? What nonsense :/
Apart from that it is contradictory with the Sonics Rivals but meh...
Anyway, we know that the future can be easily changed, so that good future we saw could turn into a bad one due to a random event like, Idk, another evil plan from Eggman.
Sorry, fixed xd
"However, there is one object that surpasses the Master Emerald’s power: the Phantom Ruby." Said verbatim in the power part of the Master Emerald page, I mean, bro. Is this even an official statement?
We are talking about the object that controls, amplifies and enhances the power of gems like the Chaos Emeralds, the object that restored a planet Earth divided by Chaos Control and the object that could teleport Onyx Island, the future version of Angel Island, through time. In itself, the first mentioned feat is enough.
Under this logic, the power of modern Sonic, the Avatar and Classic Sonic together should be more powerful than the Master Emerald.
The Death Egg Robot was Robotnik's first demonstration of technological genius, as well as serving as the first giant machine to serve as the final boss in the franchise.
One of the most characteristic details of the mecha is how it is another representation of the doctor's egomania, captured in image and colors. As if Eggman himself wanted to feel how he crushed his enemies with his own hands.
Now seeing this robot again but this time as a mass-produced machine seems interesting to me, seeing how these gigantic and imposing robots crush everything and everyone as if it were nothing. I have to say that I don't really like its design since it loses what the original Death Egg Robot means, I suppose it is like this to contrast with the Classic Eggman and his goffy designs and because of the supposed "Mature" tone of the game.
Bad image I know xd
There is a lot of talk about how bad a villain Infinite was in Forces, a total waste of potential in my opinion. But no one talks about his relationship with Eggman?
Along with Fang, one of his lackeys with whom he had the best relationship. Although they sometimes had contrary thoughts, Infinite followed Eggman's orders and was grateful for the power he granted him, while Eggman, even though their first meeting was not good, liked him for his way of thinking and his tenacity. He even named him his commander with the little he knew him, apart from giving him the phantom ruby and he even seemed proud of how he could handle it because of the comic Looming Shadow xd
Apart from the comic, there are several Forces scenes in which they seem like good companions, such as the one after the destruction of the Death Egg
It's funny how good their relationship was compared to Eggman's other lackeys. And it's curious that the community has made stories in which Eggman betrays or throws away Infinite, xd
Or well, at least that's what I think...
@Mr.Joker420 Ironic that your nickname is "Mr.Joker"
In most classic Sonic games, if the player didn't collect the chaos emeralds they would get a bad ending, bad endings that didn't feel like "Bad Endings" in and of themselves.
Some games like Sonic 2 for the master system or S&K had bad endings that feel like that, but Sonic CD is a case in which the bad ending is very bad
To get the bad ending of this game, you must have all the bad futures in the areas. Futures in which it is implied that Robotnik won, conquered and mechanized the areas, destroying the environment and making them look dystopian, which is quite scary... But hey, they have a good soundtrack at least
After Metallic Madness, the final scene jumps, which, unlike its version of the good ending, has a small addition here. Robotnik escapes from Never Lake but with one of the time stones, curious that Robotnik in the entire adventure, despite having been able to dominate the entire Little Planet, only managed to get a single time stone xd
In any case, Sonic, unable to catch him, throws a rock at him, which hits the vehicle, causing it to explode. Sonic happily leaves the place and everything progresses as it should... Until the end. Obviously Robotnik did not die and decided to use the time stone for a new beginning, he used it to bring back Little Planet, undoing all of Sonic's efforts.
Apart from giving us dystopian zones showing what Robotnik is capable of doing to the beauty of nature (But giving us good soundtracks) they give us an ending where Sonic's efforts were worthless, with just a time stone Robotnik returned everything to as it was before. For God's sake, even the sky changes, ending the bad ending scene with Ivo laughing maniacally and with the phrase "Try Again" as if he were mocking Sonic or the player.
Probably one of the scariest bad endings, I'm curious to know what happened next. I repeat, with a single time stone he made Little Planet return and also left it imprisoned again, imagine with all the time stones?
By the way, one thing I wanted to add is that the soundtrack of the bosses in the USA version looks very good with the bosses in the bad future areas xd
In the first movie Sonic felt great admiration and affection for Tom and Maddie, at the end of the movie the two would also admire and become attached to Sonic, accepting him as one of their family, or well, as their son.
Later in the sequel and Knuckles series, Tails and Knuckles, no longer having a "Mission", would stay to live on Earth, Tom and Maddie would become attached to the two and let them stay and live in their house
A pattern is forming... Can you imagine Tom and Maddie ending up adopting Shadow xd? Or let's go further, can you imagine that Tom and Maddie end up adopting... All of Sonic's friends?! It would be a funny idea :v
How ironic that Green Hills is a town with such a bad police force... And at the same time, the most powerful beings in the universe are living there lmao
It is assumed that at the end of Generations both sonic's destroyed it, undoing everything it had done and also sending both Eggman's to white space
But now with the latest trailer of Sonic x Shadow Generations, we know that the Time Eater is going to be involved in the plot, and from the episodes of Dark Beginnings we know that these events occur in the present day. Finally, in the last episode of the mini series, for some reason Rouge gave information about the Time Eater to GUN... Why?
I love the EggRobos, they are another example of the doctor's ego by capturing his robots in similarity and colors, now the concept of a group of these being improved by a magic stone, becoming the most powerful soldiers in his army fascinates me.
It was a refreshing concept compared to the typical new lackeys, in fact on my first stay they reminded me of the Egg Bosses from the Archie Comics xd
It is obvious that Robotnik cannot take care of all the affairs of his army, so he would need a squad of powerful intelligent soldiers and a commander... Commander who betrayed him several times but after his last scolding it seems that he has already learned to be more obedient xd
Besides, their designs were good, and each one has their own personality
The truth is that it's a shame that they don't appear in titles from the current continuity... Or well, it's a shame that the EggRobos also don't appear in the current continuity :v
What do you think?
Even though he only appeared in two comics, this became my favorite transformation of the character
Neo Metal design is already fascinating, but the yellow makes it look fabulous. And the power he gains, how imposing it makes him look, and how easily he humiliated Sonic & Knuckles.
It's a shame that it didn't last long, and even worse is that we will most likely never see it again due to the complicated nature of the procedure. You know, upgrade Metal again, get the master emerald again, blah blah blah.
21 Votes in Poll
Personally I like to call him by the name of the Lego Dimensions game, that is, Robo Sonic, I feel that it suits him and apart from that it is to differentiate him from his brothers since literally all of them are called "Mecha Sonic"
The same with his 8-Bits brother, I like the name "Silver Sonic" and also to differentiate him xd