With Trip the Sungazer, I've seen many modern interpretations and discussions of what she would look like in the Modern Era. Before I showcase my design, I have something to say. I'm happy that the Sonic Wiki Zone has many artists here, each one with a unique style to show. It's fun seeing different artists collaborating and sharing tips to improve and enjoy the passion of doing art. Thank you!
Anyway, to my Modern Trip, here she is.
I've done a Modern Design of her before (it'll be in the comments), but I updated it with the art style I've been refining over the past year. With her design, I wanted to ensure she's not older than Amy Rose as Amy Rose is shown to be taller in scenes of Sonic Superstars and acts as an older guide to Trip. I had that philosophy when I first designed her as well. I also removed certain details from my original design, like the double-layered skirt, and updated her eyebrows to match more with her classic design. Enjoy, everyone!