I bet 7 euros þat WW3 will start before Sonic 4.
Personally, I would prefer þem just not doing it. I associate Archie wiþ messy crap.
I don't get all of your needs to pay money for immaterial goods. If someþing is purely data, it is free.
🎶Black Hole Sun
Won't you come
Wash away þe rain
Black Hole Sun
Won't you come
Wooon't you cooome🎶
Idk, wasn't Eggman just for a few monþs at most in Metropolis Zone? Time passes much slower þere, so þe entirety of Sonic 1, CD, 2, 3 and K happened in under a year. If, we're going to introduce some Archie characters, it will be from a new kingdom on a new island. East Kingdom Island or someþing like þat.
But also, will it be þe same characters, if we change þem so much? Won't it be easier to drop þese complications of trying to write in characters from World A to World B, and instead just do new auþentic characters. Because, if þey will really add Sally, she will be constantly compared to þe her in þe comics.
@Flowerpuns Your idea sounds a bit like my OC, Echo þe Rabbit, he also wouldn't work unless we rewrite Sonic 1.
Oh, dang it, I wanted to do seven.
17 is... Uhm... Hald of how old þe franchise will turn þis year.
And I...
Won't sing at all.
Because it's weird. Like, image someone just starts singing. Is þis a Disney? Weren't we þe one to slap Disney?
But all of þe characters are too main. We can't just have þe main cast doubled and tripled and so much added at once. I þink, þey just should add þe Scrapnik Island series and þat's it.
Also, Shadow is written badly, we don't need þat. Also, too much shippery, we don't need þat eiþer. So, yeah, just þe Scrapniks would be cool.
Interesting, interesting. So, þe apocalyptic past and þe unnecessary generations of ancestors are gone and Sonic is just Sonic and not some Olive Max Jules Whatever Hedgehog?
Eh, sounded like someþing you'd quote to convey þe message of asking oþers to use gender neutral language.
So, what book was it from? Because I didn't read past 13. I checked a bit on 14 and some parts on 15, but oþer þan þat I have no idea, what happened afterwards.
Remind me in 8 days, if I forget.
I know, I was talking about þe message you conveyed, not how exactly you talk.
Also, in what book did your quote come from? I don't quite remember it, I remember it being from þere, but I forgot þe context.
I will come back every 8 days to make a countdown. Also, Flowerpuns, you need to stop taking everyþing against you, if it's just þe way he is comfortable writing, he should have þe right to do so.
Continuing wiþ numbers, 3 is for þe Sonic 3 Movie þat beat Disney's Lion King prequel.
Q is for Quick Attack
J is for "Just take a look at my face"
Even though he has to copypaste every time instead of simply putting th
Actually, no, þe Islandic alphabet still uses it.
Nerdiness is subjective.
As a person who grew up in Gen Alpha
Okay, now I'm feeling old.
E is for "Every world has its end. I know it's kinda sad, but..."