@Stone Mars 4 YouTube works much slower in my country because of our government and Idk any good VPNs for a laptop, so I can't watch it normally...
Well done!
Hi, I'm Alice (not my real name)! Welcome to the wiki!
*Message from Doctor Eggman himself: To anyone who comments about my ex wife, you will be roboticized*
How's your wife doing right now, Eggman?
Tails and Cosmo are so cute here! 😍
Good luck with your exams btw.
Looks good!
Have you drawn Tailsmo?
Idk even if I should choose Tails, Knuckles, Amy or Gamma.
Looks so cute!
I love Big's voice in the Japanese version of this game (I've played only English and Russian versions, I've heard his Japanese voice on YouTube).
Oh, I see you're new here and you're a FNaF fan, welcome!
I think I played SSS on my 14th birthday. I remember seeing Big in this game.
Cosmo meeting Zooey, and both X and Boom Tails looking at them.
Cool design!
Looks so cute!
Your art is cool!
Looks cool!
They all look cute, I especially like Omega! Can your brother draw Team Rose? (It's ok if not.)
It's one of your best drawings! 💦
F for Fang the Hunter.