@ILikeSonic80904FDNew That won't go as well as you think.
@Mystic Monkey Yeah, why bother if you can't last as long as the longest running licensed comic book in history? Pfft, LOSERS!
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@KillRoy231 How dare you disrespect the masterpiece that is Dead Man's Chest!
I agree that Robotnik shouldn't come back, but I also think they should've stopped the movies after 3. Now that we know that's not the case, stopping at 4 is kind of weird story wise. Though money wise, it wouldn't surprise me. These movies have been making more money with each new installment, but not a lot more. And Amy and Metal Sonic can't sell a sequel as well as Shadow, so I can only see the profits going backwards from here.
Apparently those cases make a huge difference.
@DiegoUreta68 That was before it was really set in stone. Why haven't we gotten a story with those kind of stakes since? That arc ended five years ago. (Crap, I'm getting old)
Jokes aside, this is nothing new. Inconsistency with handwavey explanations have been a part of the series for decades. Why does the moon look perfectly fine despite being blown up two games ago? "Oh, it turned around." Sure. Why are there no humans in the previously human populated and run city? "Oh, it's a different city with the same name. Islanders have their own Central City y'know." That's basically their way of saying, "We didn't think about that because it's not important. Y'all can relax."
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Shadow was like, the only character in Prime that WASN'T flanderized.
I'd appreciate the support. Sonic Drive English cover with Viester9music.
@Flowerpuns I laughed out loud at this! It just gets progressively more insane.
@EddieGisSonictheHedgehog Sonic gets sad because his friends turn into humans. Proceeds to make friends with Eggman, a human.
"Have you tried their never ending pasta bowl? IT NEVER ENDS!"
Opinion piece. Discuss civilly.
There is no such thing as a "one true Sonic." Sonic is going to act differently depending on the storyteller's interpretation of the character, even in supposedly "canon' material. All of y'all saying that there was ever some hard-coded vision for how this character will react to everything are delusional and tunnel-visioned. Don't tell me that 2010 was some apocalyptic year where "the vision was lost" when there was literally a franchise reboot in 1998 that heavily overhauled him from his initial conception. To all the 90s kids unhappy with Sonic in the 2000s, THAT was when the vision was lost.
Well guess what Little Jimmy, there never was a vision! Sonic isn't some author's sacred creation, he's the mascot of a corporation like Mickey Mouse. He is a BRAND made to appeal to the widest possible audience, which is going to differ by storyteller and by region. SatAM Sonic would not do everything Adventure Sonic would. Or Movie Sonic or Archie Sonic or Riders Sonic or Unleashed Sonic, etc. There is a general ball park that all interpretations KINDA aim for, and even then won't always fall into, that being the spirit of what this character is supposed to mean to people (freedom, justice, other buzzwords, blah blah blah) And I'm not saying you need to like every interpretation of Sonic. I certainly have my problems with Sonic from Sonic Prime. But I don't dislike that interpretation because he's "not Sonic," I dislike him because he's annoying! Hate the ones you hate, but come with better reasons other than "that's not Sonic" because no one can flippin decide who Sonic is.
Eeeeeeh, maybe in design they're pretty similar, but I can't see Zavok achieving the same levels of pettiness and goofiness as Bowser. It's not like Zavok wants to marry Amy Rose in an extravagant wedding or something.
I respectfully disagree with snuffing out a crush entirely. Yes, it's important to prevent that from defining her character, but it's an important part of the character that shouldn't be ignored either. Just don't play it up to 11.