Last year, Fandom added a new feature to select wikis called "Quick Answers". What this feature does is it creates five questions users may have in an article and creates an answer based on what is in the article. Fandom did this so more of their articles would show up in search results when someone looks up a question related to a wiki they have. Sounds like a great idea, done with the best of intentions, right?
The problem is the questions are generated with an AI program. While half of them are coherent and accurate, the other half don't make sense, are inaccurate, or misrepresent the facts. Anyone with user rights can edit Quick Answers by going to Special:QuickAnswers, however, Fandom keep automatically generating new Quick Answers. They give a 30 day warning before they become published, but we have fallen behind since this has been low on our editing priorities (Movie info, comics info, SXSG info...).
"But Silver, I haven't seen any of these Quick Answers! Where are they?" Quick Answers can not be seen by users who are logged in. This feature is made for visitors, which is likely another reason we have fallen behind on editing them.
Currently, there are 20 reported Quick Answers and about 600 Quick Answers in total, about 200 which are yet to be published. There is a user right called "Quick Answers Editor", which can allow a user to edit Quick Answers. If you want to help clean up Quick Answers, let me or @Luma.dash know and we will give you editing access. No user rights nomination needed. Just let us know and you can start immediately.
Note about Quick Answers: individual Quick Answers can be deleted, but articles that have them are required to have 3 at least. In my experience, however, creating new Quick Answers after deleting them does not work. Rewriting an old Quick Answers as a new one works better.
If this issue is taking too long to resolve, I can request Fandom to stop generating new Quick Answers.