Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah! BATMAN!?!?!?
*Hype intensifies*
I don't know what that is, but looking to ^ that user, maybe I shouldn't know it?..
...Eh, I can live without knowing it.
If you think Sonic X is the worst 4Kids made, look at One Piece. That's 4Kids peak!
Now, in their defense because I have a sweet spot to 4Kids: they never wanted to censored that much, but their parents (I believe FOX?) where the one that forced them to censor so much, according to Pokémon's voice actor Brook (I forgor his name 💀).
" *IDW Spoiler* She finally admits it "
I didn't read the spoiler, yet you made it too obvious what the spoiler is. I recommend you changing those words.
@INTEGILLENT GUY Ok, I'm not saying I'm against A.I. since it depends on the impact and usage of the user (I'm semi-disable in my tongue, so A.I. will help me on speeching, for example), and to be honest this post... Oh man, I miss when A.I. was perfectly unperfectly perfectly funny!
But even you're INTELLIGENT enough to know when enough is enough. Amy Rose obsession (you're damaging her again and the reason I ignored you much...), A.I. art...
Even I stop 💩talking Black Ops 3 in the Call of Duty FANDOM because I know I do it constantly even I know I gotta stop!
Do nothing. If Sonic sees I'm doing nothing (and I mean NOTHING), then it means there's something wrong, increasing the chances to be forgiven. Or ignored.
(I know I could beg for mercy, but it sounded like a desperation forgiveness, which is less likely what I would do, I would say "Sorry, but what did I did again?", so doing nothing sounded exactly like that)
Why he looks so... sad? :'(
@BurgerGuyForever Can't handle the cuteness? (Joke)
That's cute. (Pun Joke)
But are Dogs disgusting? (Joke Question)
I always say: I don't like how Movie Sonic is less "Sonic" and more "Color Sonic" but more, but its is own separate universe, so I can definitely live with that.
Same here.
I was busy.
Very busy in life.
Living. 🗿
2000s game Shadow.
@DaveMan1000 Agree. Color shifts even exists in real life, just not 'magical' (looking at Hot Wheels cars that changes color depending on water temperatures).
Has anyone forgotten (car)Toons can survive from being:
-Squashed (Amy will have a nightmare!)
-Falling from Space to ground
-Getting shot at
-Getting cut in half
Plus the ability to:
-Turn pies into a "lethal" weapon (like the commercials shown back then)
-Point their finger to the gun to explode its users
-Can break the laws of physics
-Regenerate (apparently)
Sonic characters may be "cartoons", but they're not cartoons.
@Mr.Joker420 You have no idea how "Sonic Movie" the Mario movie was gonna be. Illuminations wanted to make Peach the protagonist 💀💀💀
Luckily, Miyamoto was there since the very beginning, unlike SEGA (seriously, SEGA didn't care until THAT trailer...).
@Flowerpuns Woke has gotten out of control once Sweet Baby Inc. and Alyssa Merc was discovered, alongside how Kathleen Kennedy treated Star Wars as a hole.
But it got worse when Alyssa attacked us, and how companies like Ubisoft has treated their employees and games, being the opposite of that KKK clan (even Japan is accusing them).
I'll stop there because it's a controversial rabbit hole that may get worse here and Jesus Christ...
The only woke criticism I agree is Rouge. Everything else not if you're a Sonic fan.
I heard the original Spanish Sonic Dub is Luisitocomunica, and from my knowledge he's hated.
I can't post a poll... And I'm using the FANDOM App.
Blue Eyes Yellow Fox Dragon
Metal Sonic + EMP = EZ