"It's time to go fishing with Froggy, but I don't know where Froggy is"
It's extremely short as it can be beaten in 20 minutes.
When I first saw the opening to Mario & Sonic London 2012 on the Wii, I never payed much attention to the detail where Sonic & Mario are participating in events that feature something each of them is famous for doing.
Sonic is participating in 400m Hurdles, which is an event that features a lot of running & jumping.
Mario is participating in Trampoline, which is an event that features lots & losts of jumping.
@Mr.Joker420 It doesn't.
It has the same amount of unlockable games as the GameCube version.
Sonic games have never done platform exclusive content until recently & no, extra languages doesn't count.
It was released in Europe, Asia & Australia, but not America or Canada for some reason.
Shame too because it's the best version as it doesn't have the weird blur filter the GameCube version has & the dualshock 2 controller works better for Sonic CD, Sonic The Fighters & Sonic R because its button layout is better designed for 2D platformers, fighting games & racing games
You might recognise them for their song "When Worlds Collide" if you're a fan of the Tony Hawk or WWE games.
Another fun fact is that their lead singer is Rob Zombie's brother.
@Ironspider2357 Yes, why?
I literally made posts praising the Sonic Generations remaster as well as the 3rd movie.
Are you stalking me or something?
I was watching a random video about Tomb Raider & the fella who created it had Sonic Adventure 2's Dry Lagoon music playing at the start.
@EmbertheMegaWildfire Didn't like the movie?
As a Sonic movie - nearly perfect
As a movie in general - really, really good
I count Persona & Metaphor as SEGA games aams SEGA owns Atlus.
The games below are in chronological order BTW.
All of the car models in it are recycled from Yakuza 6.
Not sure if this is true, but that street looks it's using recycled assets from Yakuza 5's Nagasugai map.
"Besides, GameCube versions of Sonic games are debatably worse because they remove content"
Oh, I sure miss those extra languages that I don't know & that Shadow The Hedgehog "co-op" mode that nobody likes.
Having bad extra content makes a game worse than if it had no extra content.
Grow up.