When I found Omega saying this I pictured Shadow growing a giant cannon but him just growing a realistic man-made gun is even funnier
Lol not a chance that happened. Amy was made in Japan and Sally in the US. No way their respective creators even knew of the other's existence, specially when there's barely a resemblance between the two
I know Sally is mentioned in the English manual, but there's no evidence that she may have been inspired by Amy or viceversa
No Japanese material has ever ever made allusion to Sally wdym
How was Amy made in the US?? How was Amy inspired by Sally??????????
Also this is false Amy was made in 1992
Only superficial similarities between the two
Sally may arguably be more similar to someone like Rouge, and even that kinda stretches it
You think G.U.N. wouldn't have killed her on the spot to take Shadow anyway
"Shhhh nothing personel keed"
You really believe the year the games are set in align with when they were released when the characters have barely changed over the course of almost 35 years and no game has ever mentioned a specific year
He's left this behind already - twice
Sonic '06 seems to be a master at hitting the uncanny valley in its models
Shadow is the only one that looks good. Rouge, Omega and Blaze arguably too. Everyone else looks weird at the absolute best
This seems to change between English and the made-up language from Sonic Forces
Either way please do yourself a favor and actually draw something
Omg this is so perfect
After the Deadly Six siphoned the life out of the world everyone was still minding their business but had this dead look you get in AI-generated images
I love how Sonic X has tricked people into thinking "gotta go fast" is Sonic's catchphrase even though he never uttered the phrase before the 2010s
Sonic has gotten angry like a handful of times. He has grown increasingly frustrated in a few games, like how in Lost World he got to the point he took the Deadly Six as an actual threat after seemingly losing all of his friends. He looked devastated in Sonic '06 after the death of Elise. He was surprisingly serious in Adventure all things considered too; he barely cracked a joke there after the "giant talking egg" line and towards the end of the game made hunting Eggman down a priority
Good luck if you somehow manage to anger any of the three
All three look like they had the soul sucked out of their body lol
Why is Cream already having dessert lmao
Multiplayer and ranked aren't spoilers. They're basic racing game features
A spoiler would reveal story details. Not gameplay mechanics anyone would expect
Shopping with with Amy Rose Simulator winning The Game Awards this year