Art by me.
Oh thank you I missed you too! @EmbertheMegaWildfire
I'm taking a long break on Twitter so I'll be coming here more. And posting more art of course!
I agree.
I guess it would play out as. Wade finds Shadow and tells Knuckles about it. And shenanigan's ensue. Or Both going on their own adventures but both stories are intertwined somehow.
Theatre food prices are a total ripoff, and I cant risk going to the bathroom and missing any of the action.
However I hold out hope for her in Movie 4.
For experimental reasons I pick, Kimberly Hart from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. It's a conversation Im curious about.
She's being friendly.
Getting that dang emerald. Saliva and all.
Oh and for those (and Sega) worried about Tails its okay. Jet is no longer with us.
If Shadow is getting one again, then anyone can have one..again.
Im growing to like Keanu as Shadow (even though Tony Goldwyn and David Humphrey are there and ALIVE!!! but im not bitter) Also, Amy should be hold over for Movie 4. Movie 3 is packed enough.
Hes a 15 year old man, with the mentality of a 20 year old man. Thats my story and i'm sticking to it.
Okay I made a bonus, a lady Shadow!
Okay, a pretty human Sonic.
Art by Me
Yes, yes he was.
I think theres a hidden meaning behind it so I'll leave it to you guys. And don't ask me the answer, art is subjective.
Art by Me.
Ah! Very cute