Probably just a Dreams of Absolution remix.
Although maybe it's something more, given he previously stated he'll return to making themes for Sonic games.
I should mention, the Sea3on team have talked with several people at Sega to make sure they're okay with the project from a legal standpoint. So Sega's certainly aware of it.
A decade ago, I'd say there's no possibility of it ever becoming official, but Sonic Mania's changed that landscape somewhat. If SOJ ever decides to loosen up a bit on early western material, it's possible that Sega could work something out with the Sea3on team.
I have to say, the plot twist that Maria Robotnik was actually shot by a time-traveling Wade Whipple who mistook her head for a bowling ball was masterful storytelling. Kudos to Jeff Fowler.
Interesting. That's news to me. I know Sega planned for Knuckles and Shadow to have roles in the game, but I wasn't aware that that some aspects of Knuckles' gameplay survived through the Werehog.
I suppose it does make sense when you think about it. If the game was going to be named "Sonic Adventure 3", it stands to reason that Sega might have originally planned adding multiple characters to keep in-line with the Adventure gameplay.
I assume what happened is that after the negative reception to 06, Sega decided to scale things back a bit, and try to figure out Sonic's gameplay first.
I assume the reason so many people on Youtube play the GCN version is because of the popularity of the Dolphin emulator, which makes it very easy to set up and emulate the game.
My main gripe with 06's story is how poorly it fits in with the timeline.
06 was originally intended to be a bit of a soft-reboot, so the writers didn't care too much about how it meshed with the other titles. But since then, Sega's just accepted that it's not a soft-reboot, and took place within the same timeline as all the other games. The end result is the two of the Chaos Emeralds in 06 end up in states where they cannot have been used by Sonic or Eggman in between the Solaris Project and present. (Silver takes the white Emerald with him from the past to the present, and Elise just keeps the blue emerald for herself the entire 10 years).
I think maybe if they cleaned up a bit of the time travel stuff, 06's story could reach its full potential.
I've wanted a Silver the Hedgehog game for a while now. And I do think there's a possibility. But not for a couple years, at least.
As it stands, Sega doesn't care a whole lot about Silver. He has his fans, myself included, but he just doesn't have the same level of popularity as Shadow. Plus, Sega rarely makes any games for their side-characters these days. Tails and Knuckles haven't had any proper games to themselves since the 90s, and pretty much every 2000s character (Shadow excluded) never even got the chance.
But there's also an extent to which the movies dictate what the games do. Since the movies got Shadow, we got Shadow Gens to promote that. And if the movies ever do get Silver, then I certainly think Sega will produce something in an effort to capitalize on the attention that'll be brought to him.
Tickets to Sonic 3, probably. I already have Shadow Gens, and to be honest, I can't think of any other Sonic thing (that I don't currently have) that I really want. I guess I'm just not a big spender.
Support, of course.
Make Sonic Chronicles canon again, dangit.
I mean, Ian Flynn allows pretty much anyone to ask questions on his podcast (it takes a while to get an answer, though).
But excluding that....well, there's nobody I can think of.
If you want to get really technical, Maria never had an established age in the games. She was 12 in Sonic X, and everyone just assumes that also applies to the games.
Granted, it's a fair assumption, given how much involvement that show had from Sonic Team.
Because it is.
I'll say Sonic Chronicles. The worldbuilding that game adds is incredible. I'd love to see the Zoah again.
It's fine if you do that, yeah.
It's called "Sonic Dream Team" for a reason.
....because most of us can only dream of playing it.
Tyson Hesse is involved with the Paramount stuff, and is a huge Sonic fan, so he probably convinced them to do it. Seems likely that he'd want to integrate game content wherever possible, given he mentioned once that he gave a 30-minute lecture to Paramount executives about linking the Owl tribe with the Babylonians.
Plus, they needed some new game content in the show to get fans interested. They weren't going to add any major new characters, because that would be considered "wasting" them.
Pat Casey mentioned something similar in an interview for Sonic 2. There was going to be another game character (he didn't say who) who appeared in the bar scene, but they removed them because they considered it to be "wasting" their introduction.
Regardless of whether it would make sense or not, I think a Sonic movie (not necessarily the 4th one) starring Silver is inevitable.
I've mentioned this before, but Paramount only owns content licensing to a small handful of Sonic games, meaning that they can't use content from any of the others unless they pay to add those. What surprised me is that they paid for Sonic 06 content, but not for content from stuff like Sonic Unleashed or Sonic Rush.
Seems a bit odd that Paramount would willingly license 06 content over stuff like Rush. Given how corporate Paramount is, you'd think they wouldn't want to touch 06 with a ten-foot-pole. But then I thought about it, and realized they probably bought 06 rights solely for Silver the Hedgehog, and nothing else.
Point is, I don't think Paramount will want that to go to waste. They can legally use a character with a large fanbase, and they know they can leverage that.