Just play the games and form your opinion that way.
I'll take Knuckles over anything from Disney+.
Judging by recent years, yes. But D+ originals have always had questionable quality.
That's a resistance leader right there.
Expect nothing less from Disney+.
High end emulators also cost a pretty penny, on top of the PC requirements. Plus the feel of authentic hardware just can't be beat.
Not that much:
The expensive ones come with all the boxes and manuals, but the cartridges alone go much cheaper.
I'm just gonna say, actually start trying to invest yourself and form your own opinion.
You can find the Advance games and plenty GBAs online to buy.
^^ Tip, when it starts shooting projectiles from it's mouth, you can move to the invisible barrier near it's head and not get touched.
^ Prince Edward from Disney's Enchanted.
As someone who poured hours into both games when they released and finished every mission, you'd have a better experience just watching the gameplay and listening to the music.
Now if they gave them a revamp with traditional controls...
Stay on topic.
Still at least give it a try. It may help you get through it.
Heads up; around issue #45 is when it falls off a cliff, and stays like that until around issue #73, where it starts to pick up again.
Firstly, movie Sonic is a completely different character. Secondly, as the lead in a narrative, he needed to have flaws and relatable issues in order for the audience to empathise with him.
Your points would better fit Prime Sonic, who is declared to be the same character as game Sonic.
The Gag Era, is what this run is referred to as.
I really think you need to talk to somebody.
^ Don't FD.
^ Have you been upgrading your vehicle?
Recently aced Rush myself. At least in that game getting into Special Stage is as simple as finding a portal.