My beloved dog of almost 13 years died on December 18th, 2024—EXACTLY the same date the 75th IDW Sonic issue came out, thus concluding both the Phantom Riders arc and the Clean Sweep saga. Granted, the 24th IDW Sonic issue (thus far the darkest of the comic's run) had the equally dubious distinction of releasing on Xmas Day 2019, but in this case I felt the pain of loss as Whisper did when Tangle got zombified (temporary though it was).
Even more coincidentally, my dog was a husky/shepard mix, giving her a wolf-like appearance (although Whisper is an ACTUAL wolf by contrast), and as she was driven to the vet's office to be put down, I ran after the car to keep her in my sights for as long as possible, just as Whisper tried to run after Tangle. My parents later told me our baby girl accepted her fate like Tangle did (though she went out peacefully, whereas Tangle went down in a blaze of glory).
To be fair, the IDW Sonic staff are NOT at fault for these unfortunate coincidences, as both the aforementioned issues were delayed. It hurts all the same, though. 😔