This post original name was supposed to be "Does this sound good to you?" But I saw another link so I just changed it to the one above.
Anyways do you like the sound of what's below? I mean, I knew that there would be a SonicxMario movie eventually (even, a YouTuber made his own teaser trailer of the movie [which was just clips of movie sonic and Mario mashed up to make sense]), but I didn't expect them to start talking about it so soon, their relationship is good so this was expected, but u have to ask, if they were to make this movie, would they have to put their own sonic movie series(hope you don't mind me calling it SMS?)on hold? Like if hey were to release STH 5 in like 2033(😭, just guessing the year) but they decide to release the collaboration movie instead, and have the release of STH 5 the next year? If so, then I hope it's only a one-time movie and they carry on with their SMS continuations
This is like a 2-in-1 post about SMS, so Yh, let's get into it. Anyways I'm gonna talk about these five movie predictions and what I think of them:
5. Eggman Nega: We all assume that eggman isn't dead(and he probably isn't) but if they make it so that way, they would bring in eggman Nega as tr next antagonist of the SMS. And make it so that, those metal sonics are sent from the future to kill sonic. And that metal sonic would be a secondary antagonist in the SMS. Tbh, if Nega is coming into this, then surely silver and blaze will definitely appear as well. Speaking of which...
4. Silver: Since it's guaranteed that hey are basing this movie off of Sonic CD, that definitely has to do with the Time stones, and with time stones, comes time travel, and silver is the best(and probly only) time travel character to act as a teaser in the post-credits scene of STH 4. There was always thoughts of when silver will come into the SMS and this is one prediction that could possibly happen. Also:
3. Blaze: They could put blaze right beside silver in the post-credits scene since they've teased two characters in STH 3, they could do the same for STH 4, which would probably play out the same way '06 did, but maybe without Solaris or mephiles(but I doubt that bc of I've seen another screenrant post, already giving mephiles a voice actor😒)
2. Black Doom: I think this one came to be a thought, bc of the explosion scene in STH 3. It is believed that shadow isn't dead, but just on another planet, and probably before or when he gets back to earth will be tracked down by the black arms, and black Doom ultimately being he main antagonist for one of the SMS. And finally:
1. Chaoticlx: I'm not really gonna say much here, but they say it would be a nice change in pace for the chaotic to be a neutral agency that was given an assignment to destroy sonic, and eventually becoming friends with him. Also, would it make sense if knuckles would say, be the chaotix new leader?
That's all(damn that was so much typing😩). But I have a question: Hypothetically speaking, if say, all these characters actually did make it to the SMS, in which year do you guess all these characters have fully made an appearance, and played a role in the SMS?