Ken Penders was not the person to give Sonic's middle name "Maurice." It is actually Michael Gallagher; as he was the writer for Sonic the Hedgehog Miniseries #0. (the issue where this image came from.)
Ken Penders was not the person to give Sonic's middle name "Maurice." It is actually Michael Gallagher; as he was the writer for Sonic the Hedgehog Miniseries #0. (the issue where this image came from.)
Yes, I redrew THAT scene. I'm not too good at drawing Sally, but I will get better at drawing the other characters; that's a promise.
Tracy Yardley wrote for Archie Sonic Universe. He wrote Babylon Rising (#33-#36) and Pirate Plunder Panic (#55-#58).
It's a fun bit of trivia, mostly because most people remember Yardley for his work as pencilist. Found it out today; so I wanted to bring it up.
(EDIT) Forgot the no-all-uppercase-characters-on-titles-rule existed lol
Cream and Vanilla's appearances?
Just for fun, you know?
Monkey Khan
Real Creator: Frank Strom, for Sonic the Hedgehog #55
Rosemary Prower (Tails's Mother)
Real Creator: Michael Gallagher, for Sonic Super Special #9
Yes, Penders does own Tails's father (Amadeus Prower) however he does not own his mother.
Mina Mongoose
Real Creators: Justin Freddy Gabrie as request, written by Karl Bollers, character designs by James Fry and Patrick Spaziante
Mammoth Mogul
Real Creator: Scott Fulop
And more. Yeah I was confused aswell when I found out Penders didn't create Mina
(edit: replaced the tag)
13 Votes in Poll
Here's what's confirmed after Archie Sonic was cancelled:
#291 - Genesis of a Hero: Part 4
#292 - Branching Paths (Part 1 of an unnamed saga)
#293 - ??? (Part 2 of an unnamed saga)
#294 - Memories (Part 3 of an unnamed saga. SegaSonic the Hedgehog Adaptation)
#295 - ??? (Part 4 of an unnamed saga or Night of the Werehog Adaptation)
#296 - ???
#297 - ???
#298 - ???
#299 - ???
#300 - Introduction to the Metal Virus saga (yes, the Metal Virus was originally in Archie Sonic. Flynn confirmed this.)
We literally have no idea on how issues 296-299 would've gone. So, how do you think it would've ran down? Is it hype up to issue 300's events, or is it... gonna do what IDW did and be just a bunch of filler.
All up to you.
I know that I was gonna post stuff related to this in the Comics Discussions channel, but I just couldn't help it.
Anyway, here's a very early work-in-progress cover for Issue #291 of the Archie Sonic Restoration project I'm doing (that I teased on Comics Discussions) It's based off of an unused variant cover made by Matt Herms, I believe. I think it's way cooler than the other 2 covers we got for it.
So far, I'm on colouring with the cover, and Sonic's only gotten his colouring finished. When I finish remaking all 24-or so pages (the last 4 pages will be custom entirely, due to there only be 20 of them leaked.) I'll either post it here or in comics discussions because I don't know where I should put it to be honest XD technically it's both!
Anyway, here's the WIP cover, and feel free to give opinions.
Bold claim, but I think I am up to it. I know ASO is currently doing it, however I want to do it myself aswell.
Just the main series; however, I'll try to post frequent updates as I can. I'm pretty good at writing Sonic; I've written multiple (all private) Sonic fanfictions, and you've seen that I1P1 remake I did a couple of days back.
I'm posting these in Comics Discussions because it's what I think fits the most; however, I'm new to this page, so I don't really know too much about the way things go here yet 😅
So, enough yapping, should I do it? I'll post issues whenever I finish, not monthly. Hopefully, I'll get to finish what Flynn intended for Archie.
(If anyone has pages where it documents Flynn's plans for Archie Sonic post-issue 290, please link them. It will be useful in the making)
Damn I just realized it's been almost a good year since I've used ms paint and paint 3D wow-
Anyway, finally an art piece here that I did not make using I also added colour. Yippee.
Anyway, feel free to take it in and share any opinions in the comments.
ASO are going to continue the Post-Reboot Archie Sonic.
Pls bring whoever did the pencil work in this one comic from Worlds Unite
So, have any of you guys seen Total Drama before? If not, it's basically an animated parody of Survivor, where a bunch of contestants form teams and compete for a grand prize (in TD's case, it's $100,000, which would later become $1,000,000). Why do I bring this up on a Sonic wiki? Well, there's this website where you can take a competition show and insert other characters in there. This ranges from The Hunger Games to Survivor, and for today, Total Drama.
So, last night, I decided to have some fun and put 22 Sonic characters in the world of Total Drama. These players consist of 11 IDW characters and 11 Archie characters. Here are the players:
Apologies for Shard and Gala not loading, by the way. So, who do you think won the 100,000 big ones?
27 Votes in Poll
16 Votes in Poll
83 Votes in Poll
Some dude messaging me on my message wall and he says my arts is ai-made...😬
Army of Metal Sonics? Been done before. Even better: an army of NEO METAL SONICS
Looking back this arc is kind of absurd, and boy, all the jokes I can make about Archie Sonic and Shadow being so strong they can individually take out dozens of Neo Metal Sonics at a time....
Anyways, I won't be surprised if the next movie steals some lines or mirrors panels from this mini-arc, I re-read it recently and found Sonic 4 actually is perfectly set up for taking a few cues from here.
Regardless, Sonic Heroes and a little bit of CD is what Sonic 4 is most likely going to be firmly rooted in, but I do think there's gonna be some Archie references in there, the other films did a few when they could.
Main antagonist for Sonic 4 could easily be Neo Metal Sonic himself.