28 Votes in Poll
(sorry for the weird gaussian blurring effect on the right, i tried to edit Sonic out of the Green Hill photo)
Since Sonic loves chili dogs, does that mean he's a fan of spicy foods?
I made this drawing from my previous post
38 Votes in Poll
and if you say theyre fake then youre a HATER >:(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
(joke [sonic isnt actually in mean bean machine for some reason {as many of you may know}])
Hey guys, I just wanted to share with you this redrawn Adventures of Sonic TV series screenshot, of Sonic, himself, which I made, on August 8th.
Oh, and since I’m not a fan of those “Wrong Answers Only” posts, Can you please tell me which AoSTH episode did the original screenshot come from, with only the correct answers? Anyways, please leave a positive comment down below, and let me know of both what you think of the redraw, and the right answer of where the original screenshot originates. Thank you, very much!
Oh, hey guys, this is a character render I made, yesterday afternoon, of Sonic the Hedgehog, as depicted in the 1990's DiC cartoons!
So, what do you think? "Way past cool"? Please comment down, below, and let me know. Thank you!
My personal favorite Sonic show ever aired for the first time on 6th September, 1993, and today 30 years has passed since then.
For all AoStH fans here, what favorite memory/memories do you have of this show?
One of my favorites are from one of the Sonic Says/Sez segments: 911 service (emergency calls).
Because appearently being surrounded by a bunch of robots trying to kill you is not a emergency according to Sonic, but he is also perfectly fine just standing around giving lectures while a house is on fire.😅
52 Votes in Poll
52 Votes in Poll
45 Votes in Poll
Sonic has been wearing his shoes without ever removing them for so long that his feet have become the same shape
30 Votes in Poll